designed by Miyavi.C

Saturday, February 05, 2005

I am SO bored! Anyways, the reason for the long interval between my post last year and the previous post was because my computer screwed up and the really long post I typed on Christmas didn't come out. Then I stopped cause I was pissed:P Anyways, school's started and all of a sudden, the CAs are coming. How terrorizing. *shudder* I've a whole pile of homework and lunch waiting for me to finish but I just don't feel like leaving the computer yet. Even though fk's down. What's worse, MSN isn't working! Me sad:( If only MSN was working, I would be able to chat even if I couldn't play fk! *sighs*

I am now debating on whether to stop and finish up my homework and lunch while waiting for the MUD to uncrash itself or to simply continue here on the computer. Logic tells me to decide on the former. I think I'll stay for a little while more to finish up this post.:D

I'm supposed to go to a beach today! Get myself all tanned and firm so I wouldn't be flabby all over! But no one's going with me.. So I didn't go. Oh well! Look on the bright side, yes? At least when I strip there wouldn't be an obvious different shades of skin colours (pray correct my english if there's something wrong. I think there's something wrong too, but I can't place my finger on it.).

I think I'll hop over to xiaxue's blog and read it.. And then AFTER that, I'll do my work. *beams innocently*

darkness falls at 2:15 PM

Eyes which don't know impurity look at me,

Reflecting the forever endlessly continuing earth,

Tracing the remains of my forgotten tears with a little finger.

about me.

Don't you WISH I would describe myself here so that you can find out more about me, or find something disgusting to gossip about?

I am a Scorpio. (Also known as "Scorpion") My Horroscope starts like this:
" Scorpios are highly dangerous, even at a distance. They cheat and lie, live for intrigue, and take pleasure in destroying. " (Read more | Find yours)


adopt your own virtual pet!


My other blog of literary works.
Beverly (soya sauce)
Charlotte Chua
Chu Xian
EMDD '06
Evangeline (..She's okay..)
Hsuan Te
Kathleen (Darling-ah)
Kim Wakerman
Rachael Goh
Xiaxue a.k.a. Wendy
Ying (cinammon)

Just click and register please! Even if its just for fun. :D


Britney Spears - Toxic
Christina Aguilera - Beautiful (Parody)
Evanescence - Even in Death
Evanescence - Going Under
Evanescence - Zero
Jessica Simpson - These Boots Are Made For Walking
Lonestar - I'm Already There
Shakira - Objection
Superchick - Beauty from Pain

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