Thursday, May 19, 2005
*beams* Jie! You're the best! Didja see what she tagged on my shoutbox!?!? She is THE Sister, man. *grins* So... to express my thanks, I shall dedicate a whole blog entry to HER. (Oh, and I'm sure she was REALLY bored, or she wouldn't have come to my blog. :P Never expected her to, anyways.)
Though with an age difference of six years in age, and attitude problems in both parties at least two years ago (She was a bitch.. and still is. And me, a brainless and childish bimbo. I still am, minus the childish.), and we couldn't get along well, we still managed to have fun and laugh together.
Now, with our new and improved level of maturity, I have found that we get along really well! So, thank you, Jie, for being less of a bitch to me(though you still are mean sometimes..) as compared to before, and you should thank-you me for being less childish. I'm your sister after all. *smiles sweetly*
Well! By the way, Mummy bought Choco Mini! The peppermint ones. My dad came in and poured nearly a quarter of the whole new packet into his palm, and gobbled them up like he always does. *sad* Now my choco mints doesn't look new anymore. And if you're wondering why this has got nothing to do with my sister... Never fear, for gissy's here! I was about to invite her to take it from our secret stash(where we keep all the "forbidden food which will be confiscated and eaten upon sight by Daddy") whenever she liked. Unless I finished it first.
Next topic.. I'm always there for her, and she for me. But because we're not really the very open kind, we don't mention things too personal to each other. But we know, that deep down in our hearts, we'll always be there for each other. Unless we're the ones involved, and on different sides, too.
Something stemmed my inspiration flow. Just wanna announce to the world(Cause its easier than telling you upfront, somehow.)..
Jie, I love you. :D
darkness falls at 9:44 PM