designed by Miyavi.C

Sunday, July 24, 2005

*grumbles* One thing I don't like about notepad.. It doesn't get you to the next line whenever it reaches the side of the box(or whatever you call it. Mind went blank for a moment. Many moments.). But that is not the issue here! Anyways, I've decided to drop my habit of sounding like a whiny thing when I'm blogging:P Its just... wrong. *nodnods*

Anyways! I'm so SO weird! Really. I keep getting okay, then suffer relapses. I think I'm mentally unstable. *blinks* No wait, I'm pretty sure, now. Whateeeeever. *beams* That way, I'm special. *cheers for me*

See? Don't I seem so so so much happier now!? What with me moping around and complaining and bitching and begging about, I seem like such a weakling - which I am, but I am strong. Really depends on how you look at it. And what situation I'm in.

Anyways! Emceeing was fun! My teacher bought my chicken rice from the hawker centre nearby(I am assuming), for recess cause the other emcee, Michelle, and I were sorting out who says what because we just received the results for the competitions and such... For the prize giving ceremony.

A hawker centre, mind you! Hawker centre. I avoid going to hawker centres as best as I can(Well, not really.. I don't.). I usually just wail and complain for a few seconds.. Like.. "I can't believe you're actually making me eat in a hawker centre/food court.", or "Eee... They're making me eat in a hawker centre/food court." I just prefer eating in a fast food restaurant. Like McDonald's. Hawker centres... I don't know. I like some of the food there, yes, but I don't really like the hygiene level there. No matter how clean it is, being the me that I am, I love associating "hawker centre/food court" with "dirty".

Anyways, the chicken rice was really spicy... It was in a styrofoam box, and it had chicken rice chilli splashed all over the rice and chicken. No, it wasn't soaked in the chilli, but there really was a lot of it.

Plus plus, I kinda had a slight throat irritation, and I can't take spicy stuff much. Not long after, my nose started going runny, and alas, my voice was affected. A teensy bit. Sounded as though I got a blocked nose. Not that it mattered anyways. I didn't really care.

A new programme popped up, all of a sudden.. a malay singing competition.. And I used that time to drown myself in bottles and bottles of water(Yes, I'm just exaggerating.. I drank 3/4 of a bottle of mineral water.. Yech!) to recover from the spiciness that still lingered in my mouth.

Well, the next day, during Physics(the first two periods), Miss Tan(the same teacher who bought us chicken rice), called me out of the class, together with another emcee of another day, Ruth, and give us nice, scented candles with a little matching envelope.

When I opened the envelope(which was pretty thick.. I expected a card.), boy, was I surprised to find a letter! Ain't it sweet? I mean, the teachers I know don't usually do this. Its so... individualized. And cool. I like her so much! *cheers for her*
I don't know what else to blog about, so. *waves*

darkness falls at 12:14 PM

Eyes which don't know impurity look at me,

Reflecting the forever endlessly continuing earth,

Tracing the remains of my forgotten tears with a little finger.

about me.

Don't you WISH I would describe myself here so that you can find out more about me, or find something disgusting to gossip about?

I am a Scorpio. (Also known as "Scorpion") My Horroscope starts like this:
" Scorpios are highly dangerous, even at a distance. They cheat and lie, live for intrigue, and take pleasure in destroying. " (Read more | Find yours)


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My other blog of literary works.
Beverly (soya sauce)
Charlotte Chua
Chu Xian
EMDD '06
Evangeline (..She's okay..)
Hsuan Te
Kathleen (Darling-ah)
Kim Wakerman
Rachael Goh
Xiaxue a.k.a. Wendy
Ying (cinammon)

Just click and register please! Even if its just for fun. :D


Britney Spears - Toxic
Christina Aguilera - Beautiful (Parody)
Evanescence - Even in Death
Evanescence - Going Under
Evanescence - Zero
Jessica Simpson - These Boots Are Made For Walking
Lonestar - I'm Already There
Shakira - Objection
Superchick - Beauty from Pain

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