Sunday, September 18, 2005
My work ain't up to standard, and its really beginning to worry me. I keep telling myself "I'm gonna study, I'm gonna study" but I don't, and its rather silly, cause I know that if I start now, I might just do really well. But then again, I've done this before, and it never worked. How now? Away with that. I think I've mentioned this before, but I'm gonna say it again. I'm becoming more caring.. so much more caring than before, but so much meaner than before. Elaboration: "So much more caring": Before, I never asked "Are you okay?" and really meant it from the bottom of my heart.. Now, I'm actually meaning it, and I really feel rather uncomfortable being so nice... I have no idea why. I mean, its a good thing, but I feel that I'm straying further away from who and what I want to be. Another thing I've realised.. Everyone, take note: If I ever ask you if you're okay or whatever and look sincerely concerned, its because I really care. Still, the fake "Are you okay?"s still come once in a while, but that doesn't mean I don't care about you. It just means that I'm not very interested. One reason why I don't like myself asking "Are you okay?". Its silly, because even if the answer is a 'yes', I might not be able to do anything about it, and asking that question will be subjecting myself to trouble. Not trouble in that way, but trouble as in.. Troublesome, kind of trouble. If I'm confusing you, don't panic. I didn't organise this well. "So much meaner than before": I worship this phrase "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you." I used to try my best to never "suan" people. Now, however, I seem to be doing that more than ever, with hardly a care as to what others will feel. I feel terrible, and I feel like a violater(spelling?) of that golden rule. :( Shush! Switching topics.. I was on the bus that day, and I suddenly thought of something that really cracked me up then, and I nearly laughed aloud on the bus. crap = poop(the spiralled one) Therefore, I can safely say that: Cut the crap = cut the poop(the spiralled one) Imagine it! I'm sure its a teensy bit funny, if not very. Oh, oh oh! I've got a terrible breakout of pimples... There's a huge one on my nose. :( And so! I've decided to try oxy out. In desperation. Being the vain pot that I am. The cream... really works! Its really... visible results, not in hours, but in an hour! It doesn't vanish completely, of course. I thought I saw the lumps go down, so I just couldn't help but wash the stuff off my face to get a better view of what was happening on my face. I was right! The lumps did go down, and it all happened in nearly less than an hour! Amazing results. I'm gonna apply it again tonight. :D I need black tops that hug my body nicely! I know I sound like a big fat show-off when I say that, but trust me, I look horrendous in things that are tight at some parts and loose in the others. I need them sleeveless, or even with sleeves, but they must be long... no razorbacks. If you ever see them, TELL ME! Make sure they're as plain as possible. And cheap. Or reasonably priced. Thanks in advance. :) I'm bored. I might just take a night stroll later.. Its mooncake festival. OH MY! Beautiful! My dream comes true! I've always wanted a night when the streetlights aren't on, and everything's dark.. And it has come true! I feel like crying now. I have no idea why. Tired. And warm. The moon's beautiful. Happy mooncake festival, everyone.
darkness falls at 9:35 PM