Thursday, October 06, 2005
Okay! So I haven't been here, seriously, for ages. Haven't been giving loOOooong posts-
*maid comes in with my half-boiled eggs! I miss them. The last time I had them was on Saturday night, and that was after AGES of abstinence from half-boiled eggs. Really. Like a month or so. But I didn't like it that night cause my mum dipped her humungous chinese soup spoon into my bowl of egg. *sad* *
DAMNIT! The kitty lapped at my egg!:( This sucks big time. At least I know her mouth's clean. Anyways! Yes, I have a kitty now. Three kittIES, in fact. We had two initially.. They're tabbies. One male and one female. Mullet and Mackerel respectively. :D
Then, just on Sunday, we found that Midnight(the all black cat except for his mouth.. The skin's white, so he looks like he's smiling all the time) seemed rather.. down and inactive.. So we got pretty worried and took him home. By the evening, he seemed to be loads better, and now he's nearly perfectly fine! Just that his voice's a little hoarse.
I won't go into big details now, cause I'm too lazy to type about them. Long story.
"What happened to Bacon?" You all may ask. (By the way, Bacon's our first cat who died around mid-year cause he fell outta the window. Chasing birds and got unlucky this one time?:P)
Well, we've kinda gotten over him, but still we miss him(and no, this isn't crap to make ourselves seem nice) and of course, if we were to choose, I'd rather we not have these three cats, and had Bacon alive and well instead.
So! Enough with tragedies! Eh... Its the exam period! End of years! And I've an E math paper tomorrow, and I haven't started! Is gissy dead meat? Yep:P
One issue I'd like to address, now..
Yesterday, I was on the bus seventeen home, and I sat.. (damn, I don't know how to describe this.) *draws a picture*

So basically, the second cross, the one below the first, is the little 3 or four year old boy. *gets irritated just recounting the tale* So, this little boy is without his daddy or mummy, and he begins to hammer the back of my seat. No problemo. He stops, and blows raspberries close to my right ear, and I could feel the wind against my neck. Lucky thing I didn't feel his salivary amylase. What if it digests my hair!? Anyways, he puts his mouth really close to me and whispers in a not-too-soft volume "Hello? Hello? Hello?" Followed by hammering against the back of my seat again.
I had nearly a full mind to turn round and point a threatening finger at him. "Boy boy, you would like to stop that now." Well, all that happened in my mind.
Boy-boy: *"whispers" close to my ear* Hello? Hello? Hello-o?
Me: *whips around and points a threatening finger at him* Boy-boy, stop that now.
Boy-boy: *cringes and begins to wail* Muuuummyyyy.... *runs over to mummy*
Me: *cheers in my mind* Please, take care of your soon-to-be angsty, emotionally unstable and challenged son.
Boy-boy: *"whispers" close to my ear* Hello? Hello? Hello-o?
Me: *whips around and points a threatening finger at him* Boy-boy, where's your mummy?
Boy-boy: *cringes and begins to wail* Muuuummyyyy.... *runs over to mummy*
Me: *cheers in my mind* Please, take care of your soon-to-be angsty, emotionally unstable and challenged son.
Or I could have simply gone directly to the adult taking care of him then.
Anyways, I was really annoyed, and one stop before mine, he ran all the way in front going "Muuummyyyyy..." And plopped himself on the the three seater. Nearly sat beside me on his way there. He was swinging about for a while before he went, see. *shudders* I peered around in search of his mummy. No mummy.
He got off, and a few adults left the bus too. I saw this lady walking really quickly without waiting for the little boy, and I was like "HA! Ha ha ha! I've never seen a mum ignore her son so much and just walk off QUICKLY without him!" Then the boy stopped at the staircase down, and the lady walked off and was outta sight. This old man came walking slowly, and stopped to readjust his grip on the many plastic bags he was holding. The boy didn't even look at him, just swung about on the stairs as he held onto the railings. Bastard. Poor old man.
Bet you that boy's called Bryan. Don't ask me why, most annoying boys are called Bryan. Little boys, for that matter.
And if you were wondering, yes, I hate kids. Most of them anyways.
Oh, and from now on, I've decided to blog more often.. And if I've nothing to blog about, I'll just go to and check out the word of the day(I think they have that..), and blog on that word, or whatever it reminds me of.
Till I feel like it again, tata! :D
darkness falls at 1:50 PM