Wednesday, October 26, 2005
"Stop being such a bum, gissy!" And because of this, gissy has finally uploaded all the pictures she had taken with the intention of posting it on her blog ever since May this year.
Okay, updates on KC Family Day! (In case any one of you doesn't know, its an annual thing, where every class in my school, Katong Convent, has to set up a stall to raise funds for KC Needy Fund.. I think. *blinks* Anyways, yeah.. There'll be food stalls, game stalls, all kinds of stuff.)
So! Anyways.. The KC Family Day was in May.. Though I can't remember which day.. Anyways! Pictures!
My class had two game stalls(from what I remember), and we gave away little prizes.. I'm sure some of my classmates stole some of the sweets from the bowl. It looked so nice! *grins* No, I didn't not take any :D

Okay, the other class(the best class in the level) had this really weird game.. I'm not exactly sure how it goes, but I think its played like twister. A little too messy, though, dontcha think?
The mat:
So.. I was just walking around and wasting time cause I got sick of sitting down at another of my class's stalls selling stuff. I saw these signs that looked uber cool! And they still do. Though I can't read one of them.. I can read two, but only one makes sense. That means:
3 altogether. Gissy can read 2. Out of the two, gissy understands one. The last one, gissy can't read.
The one I can read and understand:

The one I can read but can't understand:

The one I can't read, and can't understand:

Any help will be appreciated. *grins*
A passing photo(word used in correct context? Well, people make "passing comments" and "passing remarks"..) of Richenda, one of my funny friends :D

When I first saw this photo(a few seconds ago), I went "Huh? What did I take this photo for?" I think I know now.. The balloons. -_-" Well, I suppose they must have looked beautiful that day.. My photo-taking skills ain't that good. Anyways, many many things looked really beautiful that day! I was so happy. :D

And no, I've been looking at these two photographs for ages, and I still don't know why I took them. To display the crowd that day, maybe? *blinks* I'm so weird. *after staring at it for a few more ages* Oh, these're the dance girls rehearsing for their performance later.
This was the stall I was tending to that day. We were selling bimbotic stuff like bracelets and earrings! We made them ourselves! :D Anyways, some of the earrings were quite nice. I wanted to steal them all! :P
*blinks* I don't remember calling ourselves Allure. Okay, maybe I do.
This was our money tin! *giggles* Doesn't it look divine!? Well, I don't know how I took this photograph, but the tin looks like its glowing. And no, I didn't edit the photo.

I walked around more, and I came across this stall selling candles that they decorated themselves! They were SO pretty, I just HAD to take photos of them! *giggles*
And they were:

Oh, and they sold other stuff too. Superly girly, but superly cute and purty!

*blinks as she notices other photos of that stall.. MANY photos* I think I fell in love with that stall. Here goes:
*grins* So.. Yeah. I just realised how many photos that I took for no reason that I can remember. I think some stall was selling this.. Or was this one of the other prizes at our game stall? Oh yeah! Its one of the prizes. And no, I'm not terribly in love with soft toys.
And then, I came across my friend's stall! She's from the same class as me. I think she was helping a teacher or something. They're selling old, second-hand books, by the way.
Look studious, Michelle! *click*

Hemal! My best friend :D Don't ask me what she's holding. I don't really remember. I think its one of our earrings in the packet. Advertisement:P Oh, and Michelle's photograph was also an advertisement. *cheers for me*

Oh, there was a dance performance. I was recording the whole dance, but there was this guy who kept walking in front of me to get better shots. SO annoying! I think he was a hired photographer or a.. what do you call those things? Videoers? Cameramen, I think. I caught a photo of two of my friends (Debby on the left, Jaclyn on the right. The only two girls in blue who're posing.) from afar. Zoomed in so I could get it.

Hemal and I, sadly, aren't in the same class this year, but we still get along superly well. In my opinion, that is. Anyways, her class had a bouncing thinggy.. Just this thinggy filled up with air, and people pay to bounce about in it. I know it sounds stupid, but it seemed to be one of the most popular games!:P

Anyways, my friend Jessica, and I got sick of walking around, so we ate many many slices of pizza from this stall in the canteen, and then we ran over to the Science Lab to slack. :P We just sat there, and we found a few of our teachers there. Miss Raudah:

Rather amusing. Every time she left her seat, she would ask Jessica and I to make sure no one steals her seat. *lol*
Anyways, this is the end of the updates for KC Family, which was about 5 five months ago.
I went on a trip to Malaysia! Malacca, to be exact. I think I went last week or something.. Well, I bought a new pair of heels (There goes the bimbo in me again..)! Now I've got something to wear with my black and red clothings!

Okay, I know my feet and legs aren't nice.. But anyways, the only reason why the picture didn't turn out nice was cause its not easy to bend and take a photograph of your feet at the exact same level, even when sitting down. *humphs* *wonders if she made any sense in that sentence*
Eww. I'm a little icked by those photos. Horrendous.
Anyways, I took many many photographs of stuff in my home! My stuff, that is.
This is my book! Short Story Arena III. Yeah, they're a little blurred.. Its a school exercise book. And yes, I write my own stories in there. Wrote.
Anyways, there was once, Charmaine(my partner in class, and my pal) and I hopped over to Popular bookstore to buy cards for our own use. So! We bought many many cards, and during the examination periods, I used some of the cards for my notes! Lookie at how hardworking I am!
The ones I used:

The ones left:

Oh, and during the examinations, I wrote on some pieces of paper my drafts and decided to make use of it instead of throwing them away since I didn't need them anymore.
This was the first one:

And the second and last:

Ain't I sweet? *flutters her eyelashes*
Oh, for my birthday this year, my parents bought me a new mp3 player! My results this year haven't been too good, so when he gave me my present, he said "Don't even know whether you deserve this." And I felt so bad! :(
Anyways, here's the box:

And here's the mp3 player:

Sorry the pictures're so orange.. The light in my room's orange(lamp, rather) and it was night-time.
So! Yeah, I'm kinda done. Just a few silly photographs of myself cause I was so bored yesterday.
Thinking of what to do..

Standard pose, courtesy of gissy:

Running out of inspiration for poses.. :(

Huh!? That's it!?

A job well done. Thank you gissy! *struts*
darkness falls at 4:43 PM