designed by Miyavi.C

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Oh oh oh! If you wanted to make something for me, a card or whatever, it can either be super cute, or superly.. dark. :D Not too gory, can't really take it.

Here are the nice colour combinations that would really make my day:
Black and silver
Black and purple
Black and-

You know what? Anything with black. :D

And other nice combinations you think I'll like.

Here are the icky colour combinations that would really spoil my day:
Red and blue
Pink and purple
Purple and blue
Purple and red
Pink and blue
Red and pink

If you don't know what to do now, just use one colour:D

Nice colours that would make my day:
Silvery purple
Normal purple
Dark red (NOT maroon)
Dark, poisonous green
Dark, stormy blue
Bright happy yellow
Bright fresh orange
Bright lime green
Grayish blue(The pretty one!)

Ooh! I had a sudden "ideal" present. Not very ideal, but pretty good idea. I lurve lurve heart nice eyes! Nice coloured eyes! It would be nice if you got me a picture of nice eyes. Or an eye. It'll be nice if you got just the eye. :D You could always use that as a card. Or you could always search for a picture of my eye and write on the card that mine's the most beautiful one cause I see everything. Yes, I'm joking. :D Now that I've mentioned the idea, people wouldn't know if I'll be surprised or not when I see the present, and thus would most likely not try it. HA! Making your job more difficult, eh?

Okay, about yesterday.


We were at Rachel's house celebrating her birthday, and we were at the playground just downstairs. There were two wooden seesaws (for adults), and there was the kids' one.

I did the most unbelievable thing: Play with a kid. That Caucasian kid was about 3 or 4.. Most likely 3. And he just came up to me when I was playing with that.. thing. That thing that's pretty similar to a "flying fox" activity. And he said that he could do that too.

So! I saw his maid around, and I couldn't purposely make it very clear that I didn't like kids much. I just went "Can you reach it?" with a little smile. And he was like "Yeah!" And he started hopping about, trying to reach for the handle above.

And he kinda followed me around.. And when he left me, I went back to my group of friends and asked if anyone wanted to go on the seesaw with me! And one of my friends, An Yi (I'm superly sorry if I got the spelling wrong or something.), agreed to play with me!

(I was deprived of the seesaw when I was young cause I was too light. Never had the fun cause I always ended up on the top. No fun.)

So, we played for a while, and all of a sudden, that kid joined us and just plopped himself on the seat in front of me. *mutters* I, of course, couldn't do a thing. And, much to my shock, his mum was sitting on a bench just three or four or five metres behind me. I smiled and waved to his mum and turned back around, blinking a few times. *laughs* Oh well.

So yeah. The amazing thing is that.. I played with a kid. And for once.. For once, I actually wondered what would be the thing or event that would make me change my attitude, and make me want to have a kid of my own.

And then, AMAZINGLY (Yes, I keep using this word. Just to emphasize my point. :D), I started wondering what it would be like if I had a kid and was really happy. And ever since yesterday, those stupid thoughts have been bugging me.. And for some odd reason, I felt worried. I still do. I'm very worried. And scared. Don't ask me why, I don't know myself.

Okay, why do I hate seesaws!? I was really having fun then! (Oh, I was on the kids' one then.)

So An Yi and I got off the seesaw, cause our friends called us back to the group. After a while, I got bored, and I asked Charmaine to join me on the adults' seesaw. Or rather, the larger one. That wooden one had a tyre beneath each end so it would bounce back up, like a seesaw should. The smaller one had a spring thing. :P

So.. What the weird thing was, was that I was still very light. *grumbles* And every time my side hit the tyre, I would bounce on my seat. No, it didn't really hurt. Then, there was once, I don't really remember what happened, but I tried to get off, I think, when Charmaine was kinda unaware, and I didn't get off in time, and ended up falling on my seat. Ouch. (And Charmaine was only 42. And I gained 2kg, remember?) Not painful enough to make me say "Ouch" out loud, though.

And then another friend of mine suddenly charged towards Charmaine's side, threatening with his actions to bounce onto her side. I, of course, was freaking scared, and of course, jumped off. The moment I relieved my side of its weight, Charmaine went down, and my side, of course, went up and hit me again. 42 newtons or so worth of force against me was.. Excruciating. I really went "Oww oww oww". I'm kinda suffering the aftereffects now. It was a huge blow to deal with. :P No one really noticed then, though. I couldn't possibly grab myself and hop around in pain in public, in front of many many guys. :P

So.. yeah. I don't like seesaws anymore. Its really a sad story.

darkness falls at 7:55 PM

Eyes which don't know impurity look at me,

Reflecting the forever endlessly continuing earth,

Tracing the remains of my forgotten tears with a little finger.

about me.

Don't you WISH I would describe myself here so that you can find out more about me, or find something disgusting to gossip about?

I am a Scorpio. (Also known as "Scorpion") My Horroscope starts like this:
" Scorpios are highly dangerous, even at a distance. They cheat and lie, live for intrigue, and take pleasure in destroying. " (Read more | Find yours)


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My other blog of literary works.
Beverly (soya sauce)
Charlotte Chua
Chu Xian
EMDD '06
Evangeline (..She's okay..)
Hsuan Te
Kathleen (Darling-ah)
Kim Wakerman
Rachael Goh
Xiaxue a.k.a. Wendy
Ying (cinammon)

Just click and register please! Even if its just for fun. :D


Britney Spears - Toxic
Christina Aguilera - Beautiful (Parody)
Evanescence - Even in Death
Evanescence - Going Under
Evanescence - Zero
Jessica Simpson - These Boots Are Made For Walking
Lonestar - I'm Already There
Shakira - Objection
Superchick - Beauty from Pain

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