Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Ah.. right where I ended. My eyelash. Oh well, I tried rubbing my eye to get an eyelash to fall off again so I can measure it and tape it to my journal. Didn't work.. As in.. no eyelash fell. Well, there was this really short strand of hair on my book (or worksheet, I can't remember.. It was a white surface, though.) but I blew it away. Wasn't sure if it was my eyelash or eyebrow. I mean, if I can't be sure, I might as well pluck one out or wait for one to fall, yeah? Yeah.
Whoops, rambling again.
Anyways, I kept sneezing today! So annoying. Pfft. Many MANY times. And during assembly, the fans kept spitting water. Goodness, I was actually kinda happy that our assembly periods are on tuesdays, cause the lower secondary would then be tortured with the spitting fans (after their assembly, on monday, there'll be no more water and we, the upper secondary, won't have spitting fans.). I think I'm gonna catch a cold. My maid told me to take Panadol for cold relief. I'd better not forget. I hardly ever fall sick, you know!
Note: By the way, when I say "kept sneezing", I REALLY meant kept sneezing. Imagine the second-last-worst-case scenario. *nodnods*
Okay. Why am I a sadist? Perhaps.. because of these reasons..
1. I came across this: "knife twisting in her wound" Something like that.
Isn't it such a cool expression? I mean.. it isn't impaling alone anymore.. Its worse than that. Its a blade impaling AND twisting in the wound. That's where I got the idea when I tagged on my own cbox. *wiggles her brows*
2. All my stories [( www.hearmycries.blogspot.com ) Only one isn't my story, but its BEAUTIFUL. Go read "En garde"! I wrote it last year.] always include someone dying. Weird, huh?
(Speaking of stories.. I wrote two poems recently. One today during lessons, and one over the Chinese New Year holidays.. I'll post them up on the other blog. That's the hearmycries one.)
3. As I've mentioned, I say "cool" at the weirdest stuff. Its not weird, really. Like.. I said that I've been at a Chinese funeral before, and I had to walk around the coffin in some suit and I had new socks. I told my friends I liked the socks. I don't remember what they looked like, but I remember I liked them.
"Eeee! Sadistic!" *lol* I'm not. I think I'm more of a masochist. *nodnods*
I can't really think of any more reasons.. If you can name any, feel free to tell me. You all know how. By msn, email, or whatever..
Okay.. New topic..
Sometime last week, I bought a whole loaf of pandan bread cause I was getting sick of school's food. So! I bought the loaf of Bonjour bread! And I ate quite a bit of it during recess. *cheers for me* But but but! The next day! I forgot to bring it down for recess! *sad* Oh well, I finished it at home. *cheers* And then, I suddenly realised that bread was carbo. Shit. *sighs* So much for trying to go on a "diet" and budget.
Another topic..
Ooooh! Have you all ever seen an earthworm before? Most of you would say yes. I feel a little proud, somehow, by saying that I've never seen one before. See? I'm so unique.
"SUAKU!" you all might say. In case those who don't know what "suaku" is, it's something like country bumpkin.. Its not my dialect, I don't know how to translate it. (Help?) Anyways, its not exactly MY fault that I've never seen an earthworm before. I mean, I just didn't chance upon it, my science teachers never showed an earthworm to me before.
Yes, I've seen pictures of them, but no, I've never seen them before IRL. Not even right after the rain, when they all come out. (That's for earthworms, right?) I look, but I don't see anything. No, I don't go to the field just to look for earthworms. I don't even step on the field after a rain unless I have to, or I forgot.
The only worms I've seen are mealworms, and caterpillars.
Now, how many of you can say that you've seen caterpillars?
For those who can.. How many of can say you've had a caterpillar crawl on you before?
*cackles insanely* I CAN, I CAN!
It was a terrible, horrifying and terrifying experience. It was green, and it really REALLY crawled the way people pretending to be caterpillars do. Like.. you know, the butt(I can't tell on a worm, really) up and down, and the thing moves forward? Yeah, like that. I was crawling on my right wrist.. Pretty small.. About an inch long, and green. It came from my mummy's kumquat plant. It looked a little furry.. And it was the same green as the leaves of the plant. *nodnods* Pretty cool. I mean, it really is the colour of what it eats. I find that highly amusing.
Oh yeah, and Thursday morning, just last week.. Someone messaged me this: :"I love ya.". There were other stuff in the message, of course.
Okay.. I mean, that really made my day and made me go "Aww..". Not aloud.. but in my heart. It would just look spastic if I went "Aww.." to myself when I'm walking along a perfectly quiet running track past St. Patrick's.
My point is.. I don't get many people going "I love you." in messages or IRL(I think). But.. I think that the two words that impact me the greatest are "I love". Not like.. "I love chicken rice." or "I love Physics.", but "I love you/ya."
Somehow, the words "Love you." doesn't mean much to me. I don't know why.. Must be some weird part of me again. I go "Love you." a lot.. And people tell me "Love you." too, and I just feel that that doesn't mean very much.. I mean, it does mean -something-, but it just doesn't mean A LOT. Confused? Don't bother trying to figure out what I'm talking about. My thoughts are too complex for some intellectually challenged people to understand, in my opinion.
And no, my words aren't just nonsense, they DO make sense. (Cool huh! NON-sense and sense. Get it? Its not a joke. I mean.. Non-sense as in "no sense"..? Forget it. I told you I'm too much of a genius. :D)
darkness falls at 4:18 PM