designed by Miyavi.C

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Anyways, continuing the previous post so late cause of my curfew. :P Don't ask me, I don't wanna talk about it. *sighs dejectedly*

ANYWAYS! The second story that Charmaine and I made up was..

We personified a tree, and made it feel very lonely and upset cause it was lonely. And there'd be this girl who would be at the tree.

So.. she sat under the tree or summat like that (can't really remember).. And the sky was darkening and it seemed like it was gonna rain. The tree was very happy cause it had a companion (yes, its still an "it").

Then as the music reached a crescendo (damn, the sentence sounds funny now), the girl stands and walks away from the tree.

It starts to rain, and the leaves start falling from the tree. So cool, yeah? Leaves represent tears. Literature!!!

Then after a little dallying, the girl runs back, flings her arms around the tree's trunk and starts sobbing her heart out as she sinks to the ground.

*lol* Don't ask me why, it just seemed fitting.

Anyways! I went back to the hawker yesterday to return his money. *lol*

He's SO SWEET! When I handed him the money, he said "Mei guan xi lah." (In case ANYONE can't tell what that is, its in Chinese and it means "Never mind."

I gave him the money anyway and walked away. :D (OMG, I see assonance here! AnyWAY and walked aWAY?)

Stayed back in school for a while cause I had a scribes' meeting.

Then I found that my friend lost her purse. (Found and lost! There's a word for this! Dang.. forgot. Should go check my Literature file. And I swear, I really didn't type that on purpose.)

So I stayed back a while longer to help my friend look for her purse.

Then we (that's Preeti, Matilda, Elizabeth, who lost her wallet, and me.) went to the foyer and sat down. Lizzie (that's Elizabeth) went to call her handphone(cause it was in her purse). After a while, her handphone was turned off. *plays dangerous music*

Then she called her mum. So.. We sat there till her mum came to pick her up.

I seriously had NO idea what I was doing, sitting there.

Then my dear joined us for a teensy while.

Teacher called Matilda, Preeti and I to do something I'm afraid I cannot reveal. My dear was talking to another teacher.

So.. we went to the canteen and stayed there till 6.30pm or so doing what the teacher asked us to do.

Damn, I thought I would be home superly late.

I got out of school and received a message that we were going for dinner at Kembangan cause it was my sister's birthday (kept remembering and forgetting).

So I was at Kembangan MRT's platform doing my work (did SS and studied Twelfth Night) whilst I waited for everyone else to come. *sad* I couldn't go home cause it would've taken an hour or so, and I was supposed to be at Kembangan by 7.30pm.

I LOVE night walks! We had to walk from Kembangan MRT this particular place.. But anyways! I walked past a canal (I know it sounds disgusting, but when its dark, its pretty). Really pretty place. Not the canal, that is.

Oh, and I LOVE morning walks too!

Well, I guess its just when the sky's dark. *grins*

Okay, I must've bored you all if you managed to read up till here.

I really can't think of anything to blog about. I keep forgetting.

So... Yeah. I WANNA GO CYCLING AT ECP!!! *sad* *craves for cycling*

And this hasn't got anything to do with you all, but I'm gonna post it anyways for my own convenience.

Okay, shh. :D

darkness falls at 10:34 AM

Eyes which don't know impurity look at me,

Reflecting the forever endlessly continuing earth,

Tracing the remains of my forgotten tears with a little finger.

about me.

Don't you WISH I would describe myself here so that you can find out more about me, or find something disgusting to gossip about?

I am a Scorpio. (Also known as "Scorpion") My Horroscope starts like this:
" Scorpios are highly dangerous, even at a distance. They cheat and lie, live for intrigue, and take pleasure in destroying. " (Read more | Find yours)


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My other blog of literary works.
Beverly (soya sauce)
Charlotte Chua
Chu Xian
EMDD '06
Evangeline (..She's okay..)
Hsuan Te
Kathleen (Darling-ah)
Kim Wakerman
Rachael Goh
Xiaxue a.k.a. Wendy
Ying (cinammon)

Just click and register please! Even if its just for fun. :D


Britney Spears - Toxic
Christina Aguilera - Beautiful (Parody)
Evanescence - Even in Death
Evanescence - Going Under
Evanescence - Zero
Jessica Simpson - These Boots Are Made For Walking
Lonestar - I'm Already There
Shakira - Objection
Superchick - Beauty from Pain

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