Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Don't you just hate it when people just HAVE to squeeze with you on public transport when there's so much space around? I forgot to mention this two posts ago (I think).
One: Stupid boy from some school (shan't mention its name) just HAD to walk in front of me in the MRT, putting on his bag at the same time.
Its alright if he scratched my arm with his bag, and its alright if he didn't say sorry, cause he didn't notice. But the thing is.. Why couldn't he watch where he was going!?
Two: Annoying auntie got up the bus.. Didn't look like she would take up very little space. A little plump. Really, not fat. Just plump. The usual kind.
Well, there were so many two-seaters and empty seats, where you could have your own, nice privacy. But NoOOo... She just HAD to sit next to ME.
Of all people, me. Perhaps she found me pleasant-looking or something, so it would be nice to sit next to me.
I can't solve this problem, unfortunately, because there's no way of her finding out how I felt about her sitting next to me without making things awkward. But she could have simply sat at one of the two-seaters. Its not like she would die (would she..?).
And, for your very kind information, my seat wasn't close to the exit doors.
Okay. I'm in a PISSY mood.
Lemme blog about yesterday first. Valentine's day.
I didn't feel the love in the air. It felt like any other day, just with a few extra chocolate pieces, and little notes from friends. I thought I wouldn't get a flower. I did.
Not a rose, I'm afraid. I have NO idea what it is, but its a cute little(medium-sized, actually) flower with six petals. Its from Fiona, my Literature partner. So sweet right!?

Look how happy I was.
THAT. Made my day. The flower says "u are special". And my heart just melted. No guy's ever given me a flower. So sad right? *sighs*
No, don't give me a flower for no romantic reason. Spoils my first time getting a flower seriously.
I brought Jackie home yesterday, cause it was Valentine's day. So sweet, yeah? I dumped him in the study room till the next morning. He's in school now.
I hope he's not cold.. He's draped over my chair. All alone.
I didn't do my maths homework last night. I had to memorise my lines for the script. I memorised lines till 11.30pm last night, from 8pm. Sucky? Yes.
Find out later.
Now, today started VERY suckily.
Woke up late.. my maid woke me up late, see? At six in the morning. Usually, by then, I would've been out of the house already. Never mind. I took a taxi to school.
I said "Opposite St. Patrick's". He took me to the other side. And he kinda scolded me for not telling him. He was like,"Why you never say!? The one at Marine Parade is it? Aiyo...".
And he sounded superly annoyed. Which pissed me off entirely. "Uhh.. Marine Terrace." NOT Marine Parade. Beepy thing. *snorts* And he didn't charge me even a cent less. Disgusting thing. And he didn't even apologise.
Now.. Drama. Kinda sucky. School usually ends at 1.15pm for me. My class ends the earliest on Wednesdays (for the whole level, that is). I usually grumble cause Drama starts at 3pm, and I've 1 hour and 45 minutes to waste before I go for Drama.
Today, cause it's Total Defence Day, we didn't get to buy food from the canteen. ALL the stalls were closed. That's alright, cause we got biscuits and water anyways. But it was kinda sucky. Cause we had PE. And PE today superly sucked.
It was freaking humid, and sunny. And I was starving. I don't have breakfast.. Just have a cup of milo, then to school. I usually don't starve. I guess depriving us of buying food from the canteen just made me crave for something to eat. But.. I seriously was starving. Seriously.
And I stank. *grumbles*
School ended at 2.30pm instead today cause of some Total Defence Day concert thinggie. It was supposed to be 2.15pm. Whatever. I rushed upstairs, grabbed my shorts and put them on.
My friend pointed out that I wore them the wrong way. *curses* Okay, changed it, then put on my drama shirt. Ran to look for Eunice. Went over to the gate to look for the SJI boys.
Decided not to stand there anymore, so we went to the canteen.
Later, I spent half an hour running round the school looking for boys and standing outside the school gate in the BLAZING SUN, waiting for boys. *rolls eyes*
I was pretty much pissed already cause no one came. So I strolled to the staircase, calming myself down by counting to 10 over and over (just exaggerating, but I was pissed). Saw Sherrie and Michelle on the way. Michelle was having gastric pains (I hope you're alright now!).
Anyways, my POINT is..
I stayed up till 11.30pm to learn my lines.
I stayed till 5pm for Drama for ONE scene. If I had more than five lines, it would be alright.
Guess what? I had to only speak 2 lines. Pissed pissed pissed. (Sorry, limited vocabulary when I'm pissed.)
I hate hate hate forgetting my lines. Just two lines, and I couldn't remember them well. What is my stupid stupid dumb problem!?
*rolls eyes*
I'm so.. exhausted. Mentally and physically now.
I really like to bitch, don't I? Somehow, its not making me feel better today. Somehow.
And no, its not "that time of the month".
darkness falls at 7:58 PM