Saturday, February 18, 2006
Okay.. Finally I'm getting some pictures up. Well, during Chinese New Year, I decided to camera whore all by myself. :D Sorry the pictures are so.. translucent. And sorry if I'm not pretty in them. *sighs* That simply means you don't have the ability to appreciate such intoxicating beauty. *flutters her eyelashes*
My sis at her fingernails on the first day of CNY at my paternal grandma's place:

My aunt wanted her nails to be painted too!

Me camera-whoring there cause I was bored and liked my nails just fine:

Day one, camera-whoring in the car cause my sis just left and I was bored and alone:

What's with the black and white pictures? And the sepia ones? I don't know. They make me look nicer, IMO (in my opinion).
You people haven't seen my dog and 3 kitties! Okay.. My dog's a Cocker Spaniel! British but born in America, or American but born in Britain. One of those. Once you look at the picture, tell me which he is. His name is.. MAMBO!
In the pictures, Mambo looks as though he's getting annoyed cause Mackie (Mackerel, actually. She's the only female and the only one with a nice tail. Wait, actually.. she's a neuter. It's a neuter.)
 Mambo looks rather disgruntled at the prospect of sharing his bed with Mackie. Poor boy!

Sister's boyfriend took this photo, I think. No, I don't see the point of it.

Okay.. Now, me being spastic (have you ever checked up the meaning of spastic? Go check at or Merriam Webster at !)

And no, I don't know what it is with me and the tongue thing.
My kitties!

ME and my kitties!

 (I can't see this picture.. and if it -does- appear, it'll be humungous. And slanted. Oh well, fix it yourself.)
I was quite bored on a particular day. so I put on stilettos and took a few shots. More than ten. Deleted the lousy ones. Still have some lousy ones. They're so blur! Stupid hands kept shaking. Wonder why.. It's superly blur. *sad* I'll get my maid take the pictures for me next time.
No, I won't post them. Too much flesh. :D
darkness falls at 8:14 PM