designed by Miyavi.C

Saturday, March 25, 2006

KC Family Day ROCKS!!!

I love (not in order of merit):
1. My class t-shirt.
2. KC (..I can't help revealing which school I'm from. Its a little obvious now. *innocent*)
3. My class
4. Money
5. Chocolate-coated strawberries (The ones that my classmates made. Their strawberries are THE best. First time I really liked strawberries.)
6. Chocolate-coated APPLES!
7. The KC spirit
8. Looking at pretty earrings
9. Jackie
10. My friends
11. Myself. :D

Whoopeedoodoo! I'm in spirits that are flying superly high!

1. Sang
2. Danced
3. Praised myself
4. Promoted lotsa stuff
5. Turned lotsa people down
6. Got people telling me I was pretty and gorgeous (though the girl told me I wasn't a gorgeous babe when I told her I didn't want to buy her food)
7. Nearly got dunked (my friends wanted me to get dunked, but I refused, and I pointed out that they couldn't carry me there cause the DM would stop them and protect me cause they're boys, and they couldn't drag me there, cause I'm pretty loud, and I'll attract LOADS of attention. Oh, and I'm pretty too. A knight'll come saving the beautiful damsel in distress. :D)
8. Found a pair of shades (The really cheap, plastic kind that can cost up to $5.)
9. Talked to a lot of strangers
10. Talked to the principal and ex vice-principal (I miss her! :( )
11. Saw a friend for the second time in my entire life so far(..He looked SO different from what I remembered him to be. *lol* My memory sucks.)
12. Managed to get stinky and sticky.
13. Managed to resist the temptations all around me (Oh.. The Coke, Root Beer and Cream Soda floats~)

I'm ending with 13!? What an unlucky number. (*lol* Sorry, can't help being lame..)

14. Screamed a lot today. My throat kind hurts a little, and water ain't working. It feels.. scratched. Like.. You know those scratches you get when you fall down and get your knee scraped/scratched?


Just recently, I had a VERY odd dream....

I can't really remember it, but it went something like..

I was attached to this guy.. (I seriously don't remember WHO it is, but I think its a particular guy from church. Superly funny.) And we were walking to where the other church members were. I mean, not everyone was there, they were in different parts of this particular place.. Like, different rooms. Different areas.

So.. He put his arm around me, and I was SO shy! *ROFL* It felt so.. awkward. All the church members were BLATANTLY pretending not to know, but giving very faint knowing looks. So.. we were walking around.. Ya, that's about it.

That's all.

That I can remember, at least.

The next day, I told Rachelle about it, and she was like:

"Innermost desire."

And Charmaine just cracked up (She goes to the same church as me, so it was funnier for her because she knew the people I named.).

So.. I was thinking about what Rachelle said, and I felt that she MIGHT actually be right.

I mean, I've ALWAYS wanted a boyfriend. Having a girlfriend is just different.. A girl can never make you feel how a guy can. I mean, she -can-, if she's manly enough.

So.. Yeah. I thought about it sometime.. I think it was yesterday in the bus on the way home.

Innermost desire.. Boyfriend.. What kind of relationship do I want?

I don't go out a lot. I don't -like- going out. Hence, I wouldn't be able to see my boyfriend. I hardly ever go out, so I would see him like.. once in two weeks? Once a month? Twice in a month? Twice in two weeks?

*lol* Which guy would want me?

Then I analysed my thoughts and this is perhaps what I want from a relationship, and what I expect of it:

1. Boy must share the same idea of a relationship as me.
2. Cannot go out with boy often.
3. Boy must be alright with the fact that I don't like going out a lot.
4. Boy must be able to make me feel comfortable with having meals together (Like.. who pays, or "going Dutch". I don't know how he's going to do that, but yeah.).
5. Boy cannot make me feel as though I owe him.
6. Boy must be easy to get along with, and cannot make me jealous.
7. Boy must be rich.
8. Boy must be good-looking, or have a unique quality that makes me notice him. Something attractive. (attractive = mysterious, IMO).
9. Boy must never make me feel as though I'm not good enough for him.
10. Boy must never make me feel as though he's not good enough for me.
11. Boy must not make me do whatever I don't want to, in serious situations (Its easy to tell when I'm serious. When I say that I'm serious, I really am. I highly doubt I use that term loosely. It usually goes like: "No, I'm serious." or "No, really.". I think the "No" makes it very very clear.).
12. Boy must be gentlemanly, in my opinion. Not TOO much.. That's just weird. I'm not exactly a superly lady-like person.
13. Cannot keep indulging in sweet talk with me. That's just weird. Cause I won't praise him back. *lol* Then I'll feel bad. His sweet talk should be occasional and special, and witty. And sweet. :D
14. Uhh.. No improper English. I mean, he -can- speak in Singlish, but.. he must be able to speak English WELL if he wants to. Like.. me. :P Neither here nor there. Good, but don't speak very badly when I'm not required to speak well. Average, but to the "better" side.
15. I figured that.. I want a guy whom I can be really proud of, and not feel jealous of. I can show him off to my friends with pride.
16. Vice versa, where I must be able to be shown off to his friends with pride, but he cannot ever feel jealous of me. (This is very odd.. When I was thinking about this on the bus, I figured that we were just making use of each other. But we both will like each other, no? *sighs* Such a complicated relationship.)
17. This is the BEST thing: If my parents find out, they should accept him, and like him (please!).
18. Cannot stink more than 50% of the time.
19. Must have a sense of humour that's nearly the same as mine.
20. Must make me feel good about myself, and I must be able to do the same for him (...Have I mentioned this?.
21. Make sure I have my freedom.

Can't really think of anymore. *yawns* If you think that you fit the bill.. You know what to do. Search about for my email address. *lol* Just joking. I think I'm gonna be a spinster.

I highly doubt anyone will fit the bill. Its SO not.. relationship-like. I mean, it really looks like.. we're making use of each other, and we like each other, but not enough for a relationship, and that we're boyfriend and girlfriend just by name.

Anyways! Yeah.. I kinda found a "solution" to the MAIN problem (not going out). When I get into a mixed school (that's next year), then I'll be able to spend time IN SCHOOL with my boyfriend (if I ever have one *sniffs*). *lol* gissy's a genius.

Gosh, I'm SO pretty.

darkness falls at 8:17 PM

Eyes which don't know impurity look at me,

Reflecting the forever endlessly continuing earth,

Tracing the remains of my forgotten tears with a little finger.

about me.

Don't you WISH I would describe myself here so that you can find out more about me, or find something disgusting to gossip about?

I am a Scorpio. (Also known as "Scorpion") My Horroscope starts like this:
" Scorpios are highly dangerous, even at a distance. They cheat and lie, live for intrigue, and take pleasure in destroying. " (Read more | Find yours)


adopt your own virtual pet!


My other blog of literary works.
Beverly (soya sauce)
Charlotte Chua
Chu Xian
EMDD '06
Evangeline (..She's okay..)
Hsuan Te
Kathleen (Darling-ah)
Kim Wakerman
Rachael Goh
Xiaxue a.k.a. Wendy
Ying (cinammon)

Just click and register please! Even if its just for fun. :D


Britney Spears - Toxic
Christina Aguilera - Beautiful (Parody)
Evanescence - Even in Death
Evanescence - Going Under
Evanescence - Zero
Jessica Simpson - These Boots Are Made For Walking
Lonestar - I'm Already There
Shakira - Objection
Superchick - Beauty from Pain

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