Friday, May 12, 2006
I took three photographs with my beloved $3.90 pencilbox. :D
I'm so annoyed. I don't know whether my eyelashes are long.
It seems that they are, but they seem like they're not.
Maybe they are, but they're not AS long as others. And therefore, are NOT long. *wails*
Why do I think this way?
Because all my close friends have nice eyes. *lol* Funny, but true.
Charmaine's eyelashes are.. incredibly long. But her eyes make her look.. like.. a blur-queen. Which she is, by the way.
Rachelle's eyelashes are straight and long. Makes her look very awake and bright.
Maria's eyelashes may not be very long, but they're thick. And she can dress up too, and she's quite pretty.
Mmm.. Marianne.. Her eyelashes aren't long and/or thick. But her niceness and her bullyability more than makes up for it.
Me? I think my eyelashes are fairly long, but I can't be sure.
Oh YESSS!!!!
I forgot to mention this yesterday.
I was SUCH a pretty colour yesterday!
I was like.. PALE. Not the yellowish kind, which is my norm.. But I was.. white. Like.. powder white (okay, not THAT white).. I looked like I put powder.
And I had a faint pink tint over my cheeks and a little of my nose.
And my skin looked perfect a metre away from the mirror!
And I was.. GORGEOUS.
No lah.. Just.. prettier than usual. :P Really! I wish I looked like that every day.
I looked so.. innocent and angelic and.. untouchable.
And my smile just made me look so.. Like.. anyone would want to hug me. I was adorable and pretty all at once. More than usual. *nods*
Okay.. Pictures.

Okay.. Very blur, but my hair looked kinda cool there.

My eye looks interesting here... Its like.. there's SOMETHING about it. I can see my pupil so clearly against the white of my eye. So odd.. Kinda spooky, really.

Don't know.. this picture looked kinda nice, somehow. I tried the looking-down-and-raising-a-brow thing several times, but it didn't work.. Ended up frowning at the pencilbox.
P.S. Sorry bout the messy hair.. I -did- comb my hair this morning, surprisingly. I don't know when exactly, though..
But ain't my pencilbox nice!?
P.S.S. And yes, Herbal Essences -did- dry my hair up.. But I can still smell it!
darkness falls at 3:05 PM