Friday, June 09, 2006
Since Sherrie and Eunice are gonna link my blog for the neoprints.. *grumbles*
Here they are! The neoprints were taken yesterday, after watching "She's the Man" with Jing Han, Sherrie, Eunice and Berlyn.
Jing Han had to rush off for a last-minute performance, and yeah.. So the other three girls decided to take neoprints, and I tagged along.
Here they are..

Yay to me cause I figured out how to change the TIF file to JPEG. *lol* So SIMPLE.. And it was staring at me in the face.
Why do I have my mouth wide open in so many pictures? No idea. I find myself cuter with my mouth open. Or maybe I was trying to get myself hyper.
Okay.. Uhh.. during the movie, there were these four people giggling and throwing popcorn at each other.. And Jing Han kinda got the full blast of it.. Poor soul.
Lucky thing it didn't hit Sherrie or I. We'd probably have blasted them. Annoying toots.
EDITTED cause Sherrie asked me to take it off. Wanna know what she did during the movie? Go bug her for it. :D
Since she got embarrassed..
I'm gonna start embarrassing myself (okay.. I won't really be embarrassed.. But if it gives her a cheap thrill.. Hell, why not?).
I wore an extremely short skirt yesterday.
Honestly all the skirts I used to wear were around that length.
Then suddenly, I stopped wearing skirts. I started wearing my jeans.
And yesterday, when I wore my skirt, I honestly wondered HOW I survived with the skirts last time.
Oh well. My school pinafore used to be uber short.. And now I confess.. Whenever the wind blew my skirt up, I would tell myself that I had gorgeous, to-die-for legs and that its alright.
"I don't know, and I don't care."
That attitude is a super ego-boost. You all should try it sometime.
Its funny how I can convince myself of such stuff..
Oh.. Two lines I found uber funny yesterday.
We were up on the escalator to cini's theatre halls.. And there was this huge spiderman on the wall..
Sherrie was standing somewhere on my right and Jing Han was right behind me.
Then.. I heard something like:
"I want to be Spiderman!" from these two boys behind us.
Or something to that extent.
And Jing Han said something absolutely hilarious.. In a deadpan tone, which made it funnier.
Jing Han: *sigh* Boys... *a short pause* And their big dreams.
He sounded SO deadpan. Hilarious, I say.
Oh, and on our way back.. Eunice, Berlyn and I got a lift from Sherrie's mum to Bedok MRT station (of course Sherrie was in the car too).
I didn't really notice, but I felt soooo relaxed in the car that Sherrie started asking why I was speaking so gently.
Honestly.. I felt a little.. floaty, and so relaxed in the car, that my brain wasn't really working.
So I said.
"Oh.. my brain isn't really working, I think." Or something to that extent.
There was a short pause, and I expected someone to say:
"It never worked." Ah, I was right. Sherrie said that, and everyone burst out laughing.
See, I'm a good sport, okay. :D
darkness falls at 3:05 PM