My pal(charmaine) and I used to meet every saturday sometimes before the o's and during the o's.. And the FIRST time we did so, it was SO fun!
Here are the pictures.. FINALLY (she took AGES to send it to me. But then again, she NEVER sent it to me. I'm using her comp to blog now. :D).
These two things.. we ate at Loyang point. The first one was some cream chicken thing.. Fusilli. I thought it would taste something like the one at Pastamania, but it ended up.. a little icky. Oh well.
Now the SECOND thing.. Its fish on top with butter sauce.. And below the fish, its mashed potato. A WHOLE lot of mashed potato. You can't really tell, but its really nice. :D And one pathetic baby tomato.
Which we later dropped.
FUNNY... We were debating on who should eat it, then it rolled off the table onto the floor.
And then we picked it up again with the tissue paper. And we took a picture. Looks quite arty, if you ask me. Check out the whitish trail it left behind!
Oh, then we took a picture together. *lol* Black and white, just for the arty look. ICKY.. I was without fringe. Now I'm just toodley adorable!

Oh, and while sitting there and studying, there was this little girl and her brother and her mum and her maid! SCARY.. The little girl was carrying this scary looking doll! *blinks* She was stroking it.. *shudders*
And ogling at Charmaine and I as though we were going to steal her baby away from her.
But anyways, Charmaine and I found it spooky.. But the hilarious part was that.. we wanted to take a picture, but didn't wanna make it too obvious.. So I ended up posing for the camera while Charmaine pretended to take a photo of me. *lol*

And then.. Later that day.. I was coerced into watching Pirates of the Carribean..
And I watched it, and I received a small bouquet of flowers! SUPER COOL OKAY. Thanks Hung! But they died anyways, so it was kinda pointless.. But I kept the petals! No worries. It was a big red rose sprayed with a little black paint.

Fun. Class, right, this picture?