Sunday, July 22, 2007
Whee! I feel so unkempt. 1. Dumb period, -> pimples (recovering, though) 2. badly plucked eyebrows 3. badly cut fringe (I swear, I'll fix it tonight! I think.) 4. Okay lah, a bit gross to say it, and I don't think you all really wanna know, so never mind. *lol*
Anyways! Yesterday, I went to this performance at Esplanade's Theatre Studio, and it was called "Gin & Tonic & Passing Trains". Poor nia nia got locked outside because she came late! She rushed down from church in a cab because church ended late. Oh well. There was a tv outside, and she watched a little, but decided not to in the end.
It was SO good, I tell you.
It was by this guy, Ramesh Meyyappan, and unless I'm very much mistaken, he's deaf and mute. And he was REALLY good. It was like one of those silent films.
Quite interesting. There were some movements that we didn't quite understand, but Eleanor suggested that it might've been an angel and a devil/spirit, and that spooked me a bit. *lol* I'm such a wuss.
Anyways, ya! The show was about an hour.. My ass started to hurt a bit, but ya.. It was worth the fifteen dollars. I think he isn't performing anymore, and yesterday was the last day. Poor nia nia. She was the one who introduced us to it, you know! Now you know. :D
Well, we went to this place that nia nia suggested after that called "Glutton's Bay"/"Gluttons' Bay". Not sure where the ' is supposed to be. I think its the second. Anyways, ya.
I liked my outfit! First time I tried it. Its good that my man keeps anime in his comp. Got the idea from there. Didn't turn out too bad, did it? Nope, no pictures. Too bad. I'll wear it again sometimes, though.
Rahh... Played fk again for the first time in ages. Mum made clam chowder today. Fairly okay.
Need to do HOMEWORK!!! Its back to being a good student again! TPJCians, if you're reading this. You'll burst at the seams with such growing pride of your school on National Day! I guarantee that... 50%. My part, at least.
darkness falls at 2:31 PM