Sunday, October 07, 2007
Hmm, some of you do not know that I have 4 cats and one dog. How do they survive together? Please, cats and dogs don't always hate each other.
Three of my cats are siblings, and there's one, a Maine Coon, which does not have any direct blood relation to the other three.
My cats and dog's names all start with 'M'.
Dog: Mambo 3 kitties: Mullet, Mackeral (We call her Mackie for short), Midnight. One Maine Coon kitty: Marlin.
My sister and I decided to name our cats with fish names, though it didn't work for Midnight.
They're all really suitable, though.
Mullet's the name of a stupid fish, and Mullet really is quite stupid. He's the all brawns and no brains kind. Goodness knows how he manage to stuff himself in there, and I'd probably have to pull him out later, the fat cat. But he's my favourite.
 Look at his fat thigh man. I swear, we don't have to stock up on canned food if a war comes.
Mackeral's the name of a sleek fish.. Suited her. No, I don't have a picture of her. No, I don't hate her. She's not the main point of this post.
Midnight.. Is a black cat. D'oh.
 Sneaky little thing. He likes to play victim, but when we're not looking (or so he thinks) we see him attacking other cats.
Mambo, my doggie, is an English toy Cocker Spaniel. Toy just that he's just smaller sized as compared to the others. I'm quite sure he's English.
 He's English but born in America. But then again, he could be American, but born in England. I don't remember. Doesn't he have a dumb look on his face?
I once had a cat, Bacon. But he fell out the window and died. So sad.
 I thought this picture made him look like he was dead. *lol* Well, now he is. Eh, I was TERRIBLE upset, okay.
 This was the picture I had of him as my phone's background, as many of you must have known before I changed my phone this year. I refused to change the background ever since he died, because I felt it wasn't right. I even wanted to change my new phone's background to this picture. But I decided to move on.
A Maine Coon is a cat that can grow up to a metre long, I'm not even sure whether that includes the tail or not. My sister's cat is proving otherwise. I once saw my sister's friend's cat.
His name is Jaffa. UBER cute.
Now THIS, is our home's Maine Coon. They'rea really expensive, and I don't remember how much, but its betetr to order from overseas like Australia because its cheaper and they vaccine them before they arrive in Singapore. Shiok?

 That's him on what is really HIS chair now. He grew to big for it, but he still stuffs himself there anyways. I never thought he was SUPER cute when I first saw him, and that he looks slightly different from other cats because his face is really angular, but I guess you learn to find the good things in him after a long while. He's suepr cute now. And he's really really BIG! And he's not even fully grown yet. He's a KITTEN.
Enlightening post? Maybe.
darkness falls at 12:41 PM