Wednesday, January 25, 2006
You know, sometimes in TV dramas, you see these girls getting caught in the rain, and then all of a sudden, a guy comes up to her and holds an umbrella over her, or maybe even gives his umbrella to her whilst he runs in the rain pathetically (just to create the drama :P).
Well! How many of you can say that a guy has ever held an umbrella over your head for you? (Uhh.. this is for girls, mind you. If a guy held an umbrella over another guy.. That'll just be weird.)
WAHAHA! I can!!!
I was walking home from this bus-stop just 100-200 metres from my block, and it was raining. Not very heavily.. It was showering. And I usually walk in the rain.. Gives me nice hair the next day if I get the right amount of rain on it. Weird, I know.. It's true! I have yet to figure out why. My mum once told me to get my maid to collect the water in a pail and wash my hair with rainwater every day. *blinks* Quite funny, really.
ANYWAYS! I was walking in the rain, and all of a sudden, this man (middle-aged or forty and above.. Don't really remember now) walked past me and glanced back at me. I looked up, our gazes met-
Uhh.. sounds like a love story.
Okay, enough of that. :P He offered his umbrella, but I declined. SO SWEET YEAH!?
But that was not the first time.. The first man, though.
The first was a lady (middle-aged). I was going to meet Hemal at Bugis Junction, and I was just one road apart from her. *lol* It suddenly started pouring, and I was desperately praying for the traffic light to turn green (for the pedestrians). Droplets of water were beating down me.. *sigh* Well, the nice lady beside me just popped her umbrella over me. SWEET YEAH!?
Yeah.. The former happened on.. 4th of January. I remember I had Drama that day. Wednesday.
The latter, on the other hand.. It was the last week of the school holidays, in 2004. I think. Was buying a new bag for Secondary three. I figured that since I was gonna be an upper Secondary student, I had to have a cool bag. I think I blogged about it.. I DID! Yeah. December 2004, I think. *lol*
Wadawada. :D
darkness falls at 8:11 PM
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Friday, January 20, 2006
I've sad news to break. Because Ying threatens me with her violence, I shall not see her ever again. That way, she cannot find me. I shall hide in the bushes when I sense her approach towards me. I shall set the mynahs on her if she annoys me without even communicating with me (cause I'll be in the bushse, remember?). I love you too, Ying. :D
Uhh.. I'm too lazy to post about anything.
Five random facts about me currently:
1. I'm sitting in a rather unseemly position on the computer chair even though I'm wearing a skirt. Don't you DARE imagine.
2. I squat on the computer chair sometimes. Weird, huh? My butt hurts, sometimes. :P
3. I've got a breakout of pimples.
4. I've got dark eye rings. Very bad case of it.
5. I'm going to cut my hair after Chinese New Year. (Weird, huh? But I can only do so cause I'll have money then. :P)
I've been feeling rather un-beautiful these few days. So shocking, huh? :P Don't LAUGH. At least I've got a nice figure. And I'm NOT flat! And no, I'm not in self-denial.
darkness falls at 4:53 PM
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Tuesday, January 17, 2006
In response to Ying's request to "BLOG BLOG BLOG" because she needs "reading materials", I shall blog. (I really think she's just using me and reads my blog just cause she doesn't have anything else to read. Poor girl, I shall lend her a book.)
Fisrt day of school! One whole slackey day. There weren't any lessons at all. As a PSL, we had to have a sec one orientation. Hemal and I ran over to help the sec threes. So we were showing them around the school. Kinda got lazy, so we stood in the middle of nowhere and started pointing the place out.
The sec ones, as usual were being annoying. Lack of respect. Very rude. (Usually, when they're secondary ones, they're annoying. The mature as they get older. Kinda.)
So. Hemal and I gave them the option of heading off to recess early right after the "tour" of different parts of school, and of course, they took it. Hello-o, we're being nice, and they choose to be rude.
I was pointing to some place and describing it briefly. These two girls burst out laughing. One said "She said shut up la.. Can we go eat now?"
I raised my brows and asked "Oh really? What's your name?" She gave me her name. I have her name now. I have her class.
If you happen to be that girl. PLEASE. I nearly lectured you. And I'll remind myself to lecture the next girl who ever is rude to me. I guess I was a little too lenient then. Number one, it was NOT funny. It only shows how immature you are. Remember that we are doing this FOR FREE, and trying to make you all feel comfortable. Even if it was a lame and vain attempt to you, just know that we are actually making the effort. So don't be such a prat and think you are SO funny, cause you won't survive out there with that odd sense of humour. Only the hyenas will laugh with you. I think.
Second day of school! Oooh.. Sense of accomplishment. I actually studied after school. Physics! Duh. First day, and we had to learn Physics. The teacher saw no need to know us better cause she taught us the previous year.:P I AGREE!
First Drama rehearsal that day. Cool stuff. Read the script as a group for the first time. Superly fun!
On Friday, 6th of January, I stayed back for Maths, and then went to help Nadia with the CCA orientation. Done by the secondary 2 mime girls. It was TERRIBLE. Trust me. But guess what? The last rehearsal for the day was awesome! The girls really gave their all (most) and it turned out.. spectacular. Yes girls, spectacular. Good job.
We did the Drama banners and before it dried, we hung them up in places where NO ONE could miss it. We kinda smeared the railings of a staircase with orange paint. No worries, they'll come off with water. :D Don't know if the paint's still there.
Kelly and Matilda helped with the drama banner. And Matilda isn't even from Drama! Thanks girls! So much!
Saturday, 7th January: Drama at SJI. The school is BEAUTIFUL. Its all blue and white. I know, really convent-ish colours, but its really beautiful. But of course, I feel more comfortable in my school. Another thing.. This boy! So funny! We were walking up the staircase, and this boy went "Intruders alert!" And ran off. *blinks*
Monday, 9th January: I had an A Maths retest. I calculated my score, and found that I would score 7/40. :P That night, I dreamt that only Rachelle and Melanie passed the test (from our class, that is). Oh, the results were out yesterday.. Only one girl in the whole level passed the test.:P And that was the triple science class. And around 40 took the retest. Cool huh!?
10th January, Tuesday. Hari Raya Haji. HOLIDAY! Parent's friends came over. Learnt to play Bridge! Before that, a childhood friend of mine, my sis, and her boyfriend played "dai di" and Mahjong!
11th January, Wednesday: Back to school. Tell me, does this make sense? "Chocolate flavoured pandan cake." Marianne's so crappy.:P It doesn't make sense on the first thought, but it actually does!
We figured that pandan cake will be the "base", and there'll just be different flavours. Makes sense now? *wiggles her brows*
12th January, Thursday: Rainy day. Everyone was entering through the side gate. Kept walking past me. I was so tired, but couldn't sleep cause of the noise. Especially since I'm so popular, and I know so many people, I have to check and see if I know the person walking past. If I do, I'll have to say hi, no? Yes. :D Not easy, while you're falling asleep (One girl in particular went squishing past me. So noisy.)
On the same day, a girl puked right outside my class. Hemal and I, from then on, started naming places of the school. That whole corridor where the girl puked is now called "Puke Alley". So far, we have the Padang, The "Love at First Sight Memorial" erected for the people who died because of love at first sight. etc, etc. :D
Nothing entirely bad happened on Friday the Thirteenth. I wanna watch Memoirs of a Geisha!!!
darkness falls at 5:56 PM
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Monday, January 09, 2006
 | You scored as Gunshot. Your death will be by gunshot, probably because you are some important person or whatever. Possibly a sniper, nice, quick, clean shot to the head. Just beautiful.
Suffocated | | 67% | Gunshot | | 67% | Cut Throat | | 67% | Eaten | | 60% | Posion | | 60% | Suicide | | 53% | Bomb | | 53% | Disappear | | 53% | Natural Causes | | 47% | Disease | | 47% | Stabbed | | 40% | Accident | | 40% | Drowning | | 27% |
How Will You Die?? created with |
All this is HILARIOUS! Well, I knew I would be murdered.:P If I got important enough.
Anyways, short, brief update on my life before I do more quizzes: I'm actually bucking up and studying. Eh.. kinda. :D Was really tired last week. I never had any afternoon naps. Somehow, just one afternoon nap can replenish my energy for the whole week (including the sleep I get at night). Last week, I never got more than a 6 hour sleep ever since school started. I actually had black eye rings.
Well, today I was in the MRT, and a funny thing happened. There was that lady's voice making the announcement:
"Eating and drinking is not allowed on the stations and trains. Please keep the stations and trains clean for the comfort of all passengers."
A boy looks around guiltily, licking his fingers and wiping them on his shorts.
Anyways, I was taking a "What goddess are you?" quiz.. Turns out I had two. There was a tie breaker, and I was to choose one of the two choices. Tried both, and got different answers.
AND... Another quiz on my maturity.. | You scored as mature. don't worry, you're maturemake sure to rate me a 5 if you score as mature
mature | | 42% | you act like a kid | | 17% |
are you mature?! created with |
To those who say I'm childish.. Shoo off! You just can't understand me. :D I'm too.. mature.  | You scored as Mermaid. Mermaid: Mermaids are also known as Sirens. These creatures were beautiful women who tricked sailors into becoming completely entranced by their haunting voices and found death soon after. Not all stories of Mermaids are about gentle loving sea people. They are mystical, magical, and extremely dangerous. They have a way about them that brings anyone they are around to seem enchanted. They are very mysterious creatures and to meet one... Would mean certain Death. Let the song of the Sea fill your soul, for you are a Mermaid.
Mermaid | | 67% | Dragon | | 50% | Faerie | | 50% | Demon | | 50% | Angel | | 33% | WereWolf | | 25% |
What Mythological Creature are you? (Cool Pics!) created with |
I never really liked mermaids, really..They aren't all that pretty, and they walk around(or swim around) bare chested. Weird!  | You scored as You're naturally evil.... You have a natural evil nature and you dream of one day ruling the world. Your evil dog's name should be Fluffy.
You're naturally evil... | | 70% | You're wannabe evil | | 30% | You are not evil at all | | 30% |
Are you evil? (Girls only) created with |
This is insane. I'm as sweet as sweet can be!  | You scored as Lord Voldemort. Evil and power hungry, you strike fear into the hearts of all wizard kind.
Lord Voldemort | | 70% | Albus Dumbledore | | 70% | Sirius Black | | 65% | Remus Lupin | | 65% | Ginny Weasley | | 65% | Hermione Granger | | 60% | Severus Snape | | 55% | Draco Malfoy | | 50% | Ron Weasley | | 45% | Harry Potter | | 40% |
Your Harry Potter Alter Ego Is...? created with |
Wait wait wait.. I SWEAR, I promise, I really do! I'm not purposely answering the questions to become what I want to be!  | You scored as Armand. Your the mysterious type only those close to you know the truth about who you really are
Armand | | 92% | Lestat | | 75% | Marius | | 75% | Angel | | 67% | Deacon Frost | | 58% | Akasha | | 58% | Dracula | | 58% | Spike | | 58% | Blade | | 50% | Louis | | 42% |
Whose your Vampire personality? (images) created with |
Whoever this is, I have NO idea, but I'm starting to think this is getting a little weird and creepy. :P  | You scored as Fred and George Weasley. If you went to Hogwarts you would be doing the Weasley Twins. Oooo damn! You are freaky! You are a hell of a women to take on the Weasley twins. Double time!Go head girl, go head get down!
Fred and George Weasley | | 65% | Draco Malfoy | | 60% | Ron Weasley | | 60% | Cedric Diggory | | 55% | Percy Weasley | | 50% | Victor Krum | | 45% | Harry Potter | | 40% | No one, your a prude | | 15% |
Ewwie.. Not them! | You scored as Chaotic Neutral. A Chaotic Neutral person is someone who is self-motivated to the extreme. Thier actions may sometimes confuse others, due to their lack of moral affiliation. They have little respect for laws, and avoid both the temptation of evil and a feeling of duty to do good. These people can go along with either side of an argument- as long as they benifit from the result!
Chaotic Neutral | | 75% | True Neutral | | 65% | Lawful Good | | 65% | Neutral Good | | 60% | Neutral Evil | | 50% | Lawful Neutral | | 40% | Chaotic Good | | 40% | Chaotic Evil | | 40% | Lawful Evil | | 35% |
What is your Alignment? created with |
This is the last one before my dad blows up! Have fun guys (or girls)! Ta!
darkness falls at 6:40 PM
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 | You scored as Goth. You're A Goth!
Goth | | 75% | Rocker, Mosher | | 60% | Emo | | 55% | Prepy | | 45% | Trendy | | 40% | Chav, Townie, Rude Boy, Ned, Kev | | 25% | Skater | | 15% |
What Group Are You? Chav, Rocker, Skater, Emo, Goth, Trendy, Prepy E.c.t
created with |
*cheers* I love this quiz.
But really, I'm not goth. :P You should see the REAL ones.
darkness falls at 6:33 PM
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