Wednesday, July 19, 2006
I've got a new religion. I mean, its like a sub-religion, cause you can have ANOTHER religion (the MAIN, official one) at the same time.
No, pal, don't shoot me yet.
Its called Muggerism.
Whose footsteps do we follow, then?
Phua Hsuan Te.
But speak not His name!
Speak do "THE Mugger". DISPLACE His name with that title.
In ascending order.. The ranks of the church:
Mugglings (n00bs), Mugglord/Muggmistress (They're like the priests and priestesses of the church.), High Mugglord/High Muggmistress (Only, one of EACH can exist at a time. They're high priests and priestesses.) THE Muggress, THE Mugger.
I... Am High Muggmistress. MAY be THE Muggress, but I'll have to work harder. I'll promote myself when I want to.
P.S. THANKS SOOOOO MUCH, THE MUGGER! Oh happy days! I'll update this post with more stuff.. Have to go now!
Dogma: Mugging is a way of life. Make mugging your LIFE. Mug every day, whenever, wherever, for as long as you CAN, not as long as you like. The faithful of Muggerism are favoured (don't ask me by WHO.. I don't know. :D) if they mug every day, and mug with much optimism and good will. Preach to all you can, and you will NEVER go wrong. These are the ways of Muggerism.
darkness falls at 9:17 PM
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Wow! I don't know WHY, but it seems that I'm the ONLY one enjoying Book & Music Week (BMW) LOADS!
And I'm been in an uber uber good mood nowadays!
Everything seems to be going right! *excited! For what? ..I don't know..*
Things that're going right: 1. I'm actually MUGGING (I'll dedicate a post to the person who inspired me. :D) and I get a sense of ENORMOUS satisfaction! I'm not AWESOME, but I'm actually STUDYING and enjoying it! Is this the Gisella you all know? *gasps* I don't think so! Marriage has done me much good, or so it seems.
2. I'm ENJOYING BMW! I'm SOOOO weird! OMG! I'm just in SUCH a good mood! Which explains all the exclamation marks and capital letters!
3. My form teacher saw me with my Physics book in front of me during morning assembly in class, and RIGHT before he/she left, she came up to my table and peered at my book.
Form a.k.a. chemistry teacher: What are you studying?
Me: *huge beam, since I'm in a good mood and I'm getting into my teacher's good books* Physics, .
Form a.k.a. chemistry teacher: *grin* Not chemistry? Me: *grins back innocently* Not yet.. Later. I'll get my friends to help me. *beam again* Form a.k.a. chemistry teacher: *smiles at me in approval and walks out of the class* OMG!!! I'm SO DAMNED HAPPY! 4. My blog's DYING! I mean, not exactly DYING.. People STILL do visit it (or so I think.. :P), but my popularity level's going DOWN! Yes, I do still get stares and whispers when I walk past KCians (*gasp* I just told you all which school I'm from! But then again, I'm in a good mood, so WHO CARES!? Besides, most of you know which school I'm from. Pfft.), but its DIFFERENT! Now I can blog about ANYTHING and EVERYTHING the same way as BEFORE EMDD! Its awesome, this freedom! 5. Its not the let's-spam-Gisella's-cbox season anymore! Its NO LONGER IN FASHION! HA! See, I toldja I'm a trendsetter. I SAID spamming and insulting me with common CLICHE terms/phrases without giving a reason for the sudden outburst/remark/comment/observation doesn't work! So, try spamming my cbox if you must, but you'll be considered OLD-FASHIONED. *cackles* Either way, I win. Cause I truly believe in gissy-fashion. 6. My memory's getting BETTER AND BETTER! Thanks to mugging. Or so I think. I can FOCUS with friends around! Today, THAT girl was talking to me about Physics and was asking me loads of questions, and I found that I actually COULD and CAN study with friends! She was there to help me, and here's a shoutout: THAT girl, you ROCK! Stone and pebble.. Maybe sand. But it depends. 7. I realised this morning when I was at the lift (before school..duh.) that there're quite a few things that have the word "contact" in its name. For example.. Contact Process? Contact glue? Contact LENSES? 8. I was in the hall today when the fans started spitting water.. and I looked at the water droplet thinggies flying about in the air, and the phrase "Brownian Motion" popped into my head. I'm SO SO PROUD OF MYSELF! Symptoms of a mugger who's proud of herself. :D 9. I sacrificed 1 and a half hours of recess PORING OVER MY PHYSICS BOOK! I didn't go down to eat (cause I was broke.. but! Read on and see HOW I did well!) and I didn't follow Rachelle and Clair down to the canteen just to accompany them because I figured I wouldn't have ANYTHING to do and I wanted to put my time to GOOD use.. Like putting it to mugging. :D Plus, I stayed in class ALONE (come to think of it.. The lights were off too.) and MUGGED my time away! It was AWESOME! Even the chairperson left the key with me (I know that's NOT allowed, but who CARES!? Besides the school.. I'm in a GOOD MOOD! Don't pop my happy bubble, please.) so she could go down and eat! 10. I'm making people panic by mugging! I mean, its not very good, but now people actually LOOK UP TO ME. I'm no longer that stupid, bimbotic girl who's real good at Drama (*ego ego ego* but.. that's just what they SAY. I honestly think otherwise when it comes to really emotional productions..) whom everyone laughs AT. But then again, I really hope to be the inspiration of the class to START MUGGING! Hello, 407's PANICKING ALREADY! BUCK UP, FOUR-SIX! I'm going to tell the class to start studying tomorrow. That's if I REMEMBER to stop mugging long enough to tell them. :D I know my memory's better, so I should remember.. but WHO CARES!? *screams and yanks hair out* I'm SO SO SO HAPPY! I realised.. that out of ten reasons why everything's going right.. SEVEN reasons are the result of mugging! Oh gosh, I'm so damned happy! All of you should start too!!! Trust me, mugging should be classified as a HOBBY now! OH GOSH!!! *shameless plug* Mugging's good for you. Start mugging.. TODAY. Oh.. and a few random things.. I. Today is the day that I experienced the most dislike for sitting down. BMW requires a whole load of sitting down. And I HAVE to sit down and mug. And it sucks. At this rate, my butt's gonna be flattened like the seaweed you see in those packets of.. duh, seaweed. Time to work it back nice and round and UNflat! II. Cham told me that I had very very limited dance moves when I asked her "How can I NOT dirty-dance when the song is "My Humps"!? Besides, how do you dance withOUT moving your hips?". :( Oh well, I'm going to FIND OUT. And I'm going to PROVE HER WRONG. I'm going to put up a dance item for BMW. I don't care. I'll crash Hemal's performance if I must. *cackles* (By the way, I'm joking. The day I seriously dance for KC will be the day.. uhh.. I can't think of anything un-cheesy. Symptoms of a mugger. *gasps. Not in the bad way*) III. I read SO slowly. I hope mugging practise helps me read FASTER. Plus, I'm getting better and focusing and settling down quickly to mug. I usually take AGES. IV. Recently, I've grown closer to a friend who really really likes me! I mean, not LIKES me in THAT way... But she's just.. really really nice, and I can tell that her feelings and attitude is genuine. And I really enjoy her company and her mummy-like treatment of me. :D Makes me feel so LURVED. And I'm truly truly touched. Thanks SO much, Gwen. *huggies* And thanks to all the people who've treated me really mummy-like-ly. Off the top of my head.. Eunice, Berlyn, Naddy, Gwen, Daphne, Ghislaine. I'm starting to feel how much my friends love me. I think mugging has made me really really emotional. *grumbles* BUT! Nevertheless.. *shameless plug again* Start mugging TODAY.
darkness falls at 8:36 PM
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Thursday, July 13, 2006
I didn't wanna blog stuff that're too personal or anything else for a long period of time.. Until the whole Taming Game thing died down. But I couldn't resist.
I don't think I care very much if everyone ends up thinking I'm a huge bimbo. Those who truly know me are those who do matter. And they know that I'm -capable- of being bimbotic, but am really not an original. :D
ITALY WON! Okay, I know I'm late on this.. I wanted to talk about Italy winning the previous post.. but! Number one, I forgot. Number two, people'll probably say I'm a bimbo again. Why?
I supported Italy and I just KNEW they would win cause they made pasta. And I've been in a very very pasta-ey mood nowadays. I miss going Pastamania with Sherrie. I'm gonna go soon! Next week, perhaps. The week after, maybe?
Oh, and do any of you know what the Norwegian flag looks like?
I didn't. I was like.. "..What DOES it look like?". I had to have a flag printed/made on A4 sized paper, see? Well, I believe most of you don't know, and I think its better to learn now. Besides, I'm saving most of you the trouble.
 Every time I hear "Norwegian", I think of the Norwegian Ridgeback in Harry Potter GOF.
You know, you know! I lost my appetite for THREE days.. No, five. Around there. Beginning from the 6th of July. I hardly ate anything, and I didn't feel hungry.
When I got back from Cham's place, I did my morning pee, AND. My stomach was SUNKEN IN. Do you know how FREAKY that is? Don't tell me that I'm rubbing it in cause you're feeling fat and you would LOVE to have a figure like mine. I'm NOT okay with my stomach being SUNKEN IN. Well, I still didn't have my appetite till.. yesterday? July twelfth. Yup, five days. And eating didn't help, you know. I FORCED myself to eat, but my stomach wouldn't bloat convex-ly. Damn, I was so upset. Well, I'm fine now. Gorging myself with food. As usual. :D I want pastamania. I be real hungry. Heard I look hot onstage. That's awesome. :D And for that alone, I have DECIDED to get into the theatre business. :D When I join Singapore Idol, don't forget to vote for me! Hey, I look hot onstage after all.
darkness falls at 6:14 PM
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Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Firstly, I would like to commend myself on my strength and willpower. :D
Thursday was the last day we called a rehearsal day. And and and! I fell sick with a FEVER!
Don't ask me what temperature I was at, I just knew.. And I was too lazy to check. Quite an interesting journey home.
Cham and I took 36 from school, and then stopped at Changi Airport's interchange before we waited for 53. How suay were we? Very. We just missed the bus.
Oh well. We stood there for the LONGEST time. There was another schoolmate beside us(no idea who she was) and we were the first three in the row.
Well, about five minutes before the bus came, we decided to sit down despite the fact that we were in school uniform. My head was pounding and my body was sore all over.
Then, when the bus came (Cham and I couldn't see cause everyone else was standing up and blocking most of our view of the road), the schoolgirl told us that the bus was here! How sweet! I mean, I would consider doing so if I were her, but she had a CHOICE to not tell us, but she did. :D I think she's from choir. If you're reading this, lady, thanks a lot! We wanted to say bye to you when we left the bus.. But.. (read the next paragraph to understand why we didn't).
Along the journey home, Cham and I had to go up and down an overhead bridge. Looooong staircase, no? Berlyn rolled down the stairs and got hurt because she was tired from Drama rehearsals. Cham and I decided to be really really safe.
Thus, we took much care whenever we were on staircases. We HELD THE RAILINGS.
And we strolled up cause our bodies were aching themselves shitless and my head was getting heavier by the moment. I held on with two hands. Don't really remember if Cham did, though. I was concentrating loads on where I was placing my feet.
So. Yeah. We got home.
And I was too lazy to eat, but I did eat a little after a bathed. Bathing was a TORTURE, I tell you. I used really warm water. The moment I turned the thing off. COLD... *mutters* Oh well. Took awesome medicine.
Next day, I was CURED! :D
That day, I went over to Sherrie's place after the performance for a sleepover. Stayed up till 3am writing notes for the guys (I left the girls' ones at home and didn't wanna write extra.). My voice was going.. weird.
Dinner that day was fun, though. Jia Jia and Han Han were having a joke-off. And I was laughing myself poopless because Han Han bought a crow from his friend who sells crows (Who buys crows? Who sells crows?). And we were going high because people were saying that his friend was crazy. In case you all haven't gotten it yet, it was the story of the joke.
Then An An had this gift giving ceremony. Thanks, An An!
Mmm.. The last day. My voice was screwed up. *lol* Oh well. So people who hate me have something to gossip about me about.. I cried right before the gala show because my voice was screwed up.. And I was wallowing in self-pity cause it was my LAST performance and my deep, sexy, but unable-to-go-higher-than-high-C voice hindered my performance.
I was just staring at Berlyn, who was sitting opposite me, backstage, and I just told her what I felt, and then I started crying on her lap. I decided to stop about 3 or 4 seconds after a started cause I figured my makeup would smudge (yes, I'm giving you a chance to call me a vain pot). So I just strode past everyone, ignoring whoever came in my way or spoke to me, straight into the dressing room. Whoo. How cool of me. :D So dramatic.
Mmm.. Let's see. SO SWEET. I got my first black rose! Well, its not really black.. its a really really deep purple. But it looks black. Its from my lao gong. Thanks so so SO much!
Stayed over at Cham's place that night. I'll tell you all a secret. Shh, okay? When Cham and I got home, we removed our makeup, and we talked to Han Han on the phone for a while.. and then he had to go.. and then we talked for a while.. and then. We decided not to bathe that night. So we slept on the floor with the filth. Right where we belonged, since we hadn't bathed.
The next morning, I didn't even bother washing up.. Too much of a bother. I grabbed my stuff and walked all the way home.. My hair was flying all over my face (Oh, I had fixed the hair already, by then.) . *lol* And I was carrying so so so many things. I think I looked crazy. Then when I got home, I did what I had to do.
..Okay. Secondly, I want to thank loads of people from EMDD '06. But I won't do the shoutouts here. The EMDD blog exists for a reason.
Mmm.. More more more.. Oh yes. There's all this publicity and its doing my blog great! My sitemeter ratings are going up. *lol*
Uhh.. And by the way, words don't hurt me. My skin's too thick for that. And its best not to * your words if they're swear words. If they're inappropriate, they're inappropriate. If you wanna say something, don't censor it. Kinda defeats the purpose of my understanding what you're saying and getting me pissed off. But if you were trying to get me pissed off cause I can't figure out what the word is.. It doesn't work, people. :P Have fun! Just don't spam unless its your point to get me annoyed. I don't get annoyed easily, though. Spamming doesn't work on me. Telling me there's something you think I'd want to know and then deciding not to tell me doesn't work either. :D Keep trying.
darkness falls at 3:41 PM
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