Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Today we had an achingly long assembly, but it ended pretty well with a presentation from Cheryl and Gabrina. Anyways, the discipline mistress made it clear to us that all vulgarities are going bye-bye from our blogs now... Especially if we mentioned which school we were from. Well! Time to clear up... I think I used it only once.. I shall change it to "beep". Change all of them to "beep".
Technical rehearsal tomorrow! 9.30am to 9.30pm. Sad? Sad! *whimpers*
I'm so glad the mister has sorted out his thoughts! So so so happy! Now, I'll be able to place all my efforts on being normal as best as I can, despite what I may feel(which I really shouldn't, and musn't.). Agree agree agree? Agree. *beams*
Me be bored. I shall find something else to do. I think I shan't blog for quite some time, now. Running out of ideas. *grins* Till then!
darkness falls at 7:50 PM
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Monday, June 27, 2005
Gee, I really don't know what to do now. Saw what he blogged, and I can now... really really tell that he's not over it as much as he seems to be. I know he's gonna read this, and I think it would be good to make it clear that I am at a loss of what to do.
I can safely tell anyone that I'm not feeling perfectly fine yet, and I thought that it was good to make it so damned clear down here.. No one here can interrupt my speech(typed out, of course).
I can't seem to help him, because I don't know how. He is so so -so- definitely more wounded than I. I, can also safely say, and confidently say, that I am one strong person. I feel that I am able to help, but I don't know how(*blinks* How many times have I said this..?).
Maybe... a listening ear? I am in.. -no- position at all to help, or even to hand out suggestions.
I feel pretty lost now. *blinks*
Lotsa homework to complete! Ta!
darkness falls at 8:20 PM
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Sunday, June 26, 2005
Yay! The barbecue last night at Pasir Ris Park went real good! I actually barbequed the chicken wings. And I'm not the kind who cooks, so. I gave my first to SECDC. I've never barbequed seriously before.
Anyways, I haven't completed my homework, and I feel so.. tired of school. I don't know why.
So much has happened this week. And last week too. Tried someone out, didn't work. I ended it all on Tuesday. I've finally learnt.. That this is really not the time for relationships, and that I was too selfish to be in one. Ever.
Had Drama to keep myself occupied both physically and emotionally. Now.. We see each other, and pretend everything is alright. He's still feeling a little sore from the wound I inflicted(No, he isn't a sore loser. "sore" is a metaphor.).. Caught him by surprise totally. I seem as though I'm over it, but honestly, I'm not sure everything is really alright.
We still must see each other occasionally, that is inevitable. The first time.. was yesterday. It started off weird. Really weird. It was really clear that we were trying to make everything seem alright. And because we were trying too much to make everything seem normal, it turned out too... quiet. I noticed we were ignoring each other too much. I couldn't take it anymore, I just walked away as quickly as I could. To where, it didn't matter. I just needed to leave.
But after that, we saw each other at the barbeque again, and all was well. I realised that I was the one doing all the avoiding.. Occupying myself with things to do so I would have to interact with him and little as possible. But thanks to him, it all went well, and things were getting less and less weird as time ticked by.
I occupied myself with cooking the chicken wings! I gave my first time barbequeing(spelling?) to SECDC! And they don't even realise it. Humph. So unflattering.
I had a taste of my own cooking! Eh.. the chicken wing I shared with Berlyn was a teensy bit uncooked, but it was nice. I didn't eat much, so I came home and had to eat dinner leftovers, heated up in the microwave for a minute. I tell you, that wait was excruciatingly painful(No, just joking.. I kinda forgot I was hungry.).
Anyways! It was a great day and I learnt lots! Ta!
darkness falls at 6:51 PM
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Saturday, June 25, 2005
Hey there! Again, I must say, so so so much has happened. Some.. too personal. Shan't say it. But we had Drama rehearsal yesterday!
I can't believe I cried so bad.. My drama SYF piece, in case you didn't know, was:
After the war(No, this isn't part of the script), the victorious country apologises for the war, and offers compensation to the losing one. The whole play's set in the courtroom(something like that, but smaller), and there is one judge. The judge makes it clear that compensation will be given to those who lost their family members during the war, those who suffered debilitating injuries, and those who were forced to engage in certain activities in the service of enemy troops.
So! There is one judge, and 6 other characters there to claim compensation. Around 5 million lives were lost in the war, and they(victorious country) have built a war memorial made of stone, top-grade granite from their country's own quarries to honour the dead. No names on the large tombstone; even a humble tombstone has a name on it. It is symbolic, the judge says.
In addition, everybody will receive a certificate "personally" signed by the Prime Minister. The six characters ask if the certificates are signed in his own blood. The judge tells them that it is a photocopy, and, when the information is met with with angry outbursts- It is symbolic, the judge says.
Character one(Kamani) seeks compensation: She wants a new body. After her husband died in the war as a soldier, she felt as though she was using an artificial body. There is no way the judge can help her.. he can only give her a new, artificial body. -DENIED-
Character two(Dazzlyn) seeks compensation: She was here the previous day, but for a different woman. She was a comfort woman during the war, and to keep herself from going crazy because she had to serve twenty men in one night, she created a different girl for every soldier who visited her. She creates different characters for them, and she can really see them. She can hear them. She wants to get rid of them because they fight so much, but she can't.. She is indebted to them. She wouldn't have been able to live on. She plans to come back again, to claim compensation for another woman. -DENIED-
Character three(Me) seeks compensation: She lost her fiance during the war, and she sewed a wedding dress for herself because she was so poor. Her fiance had proposed to her, and had given her a ring with his name engraved on the inside. She comes to claim the compensation she so desperately needs and deserves, anxiously(because the previous two weren't approved), but finds that another woman, in a wedding dress and with the exact same ring came to claim the compensation for the same man. The judge tells her that the settlement can be divided equally between the two women. She is torn apart mentally, and feelings of betrayal, rage, confusion and grief causes her to go into a mild state of hysteria. Just before she leaves, she asks if the other woman was pretty. The judge says "She wore a wedding dress, just like you." and she nods "I suppose she still managed to retain her figure.", then laughs a little when the judge says "No, it didn't fit too well on her either." -DENIED-
Character four(Bhavna) seeks compensation: She lost her child during the war, not because he was killed by the bombings, but because it was unsafe to go out to the hospital. The baby was running a fever and he couldn't stop crying. When he died, they had no choice but to bury him in their garden. Now, their garden is filled with fruits and vegetables. She gives the judge tomatoes from her garden and the judge begins to eat it. The vegetables that grow in her garden never grow beyond a certain size. See the symbolism of the tomatoes and her kid? She even invites the soldiers and the judge to her house for a feast. A grand but delicate feast of fruits and vegetables from her garden. A little spooky... It is as good as forcing them to eat her baby. -DENIED-
Character five(Nadia) seeks compensation: Her daughter stepped on a land mine two years after the war and lost a leg. Now, she needs a new prosthetic leg for her daughter because her daughter painted her toenails and they melted. She's a little cuckoo, and she speaks to the leg as though it really is her daughter. -APPROVED-
Character six(Nikita) doesn't seek any compensation: She is here to judge the judge and see what the judge has to say. She feels the pain of the other people though she is blind, and questions the judge on his/her feelings during the war. The judge is intimidated by her, and... This marks the end of our play. -NO TIME TO APPROVE OR DENY-
darkness falls at 10:10 AM
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Sunday, June 19, 2005
Hey there(That's my new greeting, by the way. Trying to adapt to it.)! Been really long, no? Yeah, I think that there really might be nearly no time for myself now...
I was at an entrepreneurship camp held by Southeast CDC from Saturday to Monday, and I really had lotsa fun! I can safely say that it was nearly as good as a trip overseas!
The accomodation was good, the place was fairly clean, and we were fed well. Too much, though, I thought. We had breakfast, many many tea-breaks, lunch and dinner. I wouldn't be surprised if we had supper too, but I'm not sure. I can't really remember.
Made many friends, became quite popular(much to my joy).
My group was named Egnaro("Orange" spelt backwards.), pronounced as "egg-nah-roe".
We were to create a business plan per team(just for "the fun of it"), and my team decided to create a company for tuitioning services in Mathematics and Science for students from primary 1 to 5! The instructor fell in love with our idea, and he thinks he might be able to help us really implement our idea IRL!
Then on the last day, we merged with another team, Rogue, to form EgnaRogue! And please, "rogue" isn't pronounced as Rouge. Its Rogue. There is a difference. Check with www.m-w.com if you wanna know how to pronounce them.
Rogue was this team that wanted to give leadership courses and such.. And now, EgnaRogue's gonna implement the idea IRL! I really wanted Speech and Drama lessons, because I -know- I can do it. And I'm pretty sure it'll work well. But! As a group, we decided to do that only in the future, when everything stabilizes(wonder if I made sense).
Been really really busy all this while, and I highly doubt I'll be able to get on the computer as often anymore.
I have nearly a whole week packed with EMDD(Evening of Music, Dance and Drama) practices from Tuesday to Friday... Next week. And on the twenty fifth, on Saturday, I think... I've a barbeque to get to at East Coast Park, I think.
Gee, I really wonder if I'm stressed or tired. I haven't even started on homework yet.
darkness falls at 1:39 PM
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Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Yes, the lonely me posing for photographs again.

I look possessed in that one. Check out the eyes.. Yeah, its a little blurred... Maid's photo-taking skills aren't perfect yet. :P
 Only thing nice about this one was my hair *points above* Shiny! *giggles* Not really.
 That's it. Another white-eyed photograph. And I'm too lazy to rotate it, cause its not working on photobucket. So! You'll just have to turn your head. *beams* I'm gonna buy white-coloured contact lenses.
 And once again, another blurred photograph. Not that it really matters anyways. I needed a "sofa picture". Its my custom.
 Not very nice from the hands onwards, but not bad, by my standards. If it annoys you, just look at the top then. *grins*
Well! I took two more pictures, but I looked like a slut, so I decided not to have it here. *beams*
darkness falls at 2:59 PM
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Tuesday, June 07, 2005
I was at some talk on how to debate today, and there was a photographer snapping pictures away(To the annoyance of many, I'm sure, including me.). His flashbulbs.. flashed SO brightly, and incessantly, I heard the loud sighings of the people around me(once again, including me too) and the noisy fidgeting by most(Yes, me too.).
After a few hours.. We got used to it, but nevertheless, it was still rather annoying. Then, the miraculous happened!
He literally "popped his flashbulbs snapping photos of us"! *ROFL* My God! Everyone gave a comforting "Oh...", though the sarcasm didn't seem to be lost on the photgrapher.
I think the flashes were coming from the top of the camera he was holding, cause there was this big plastic bulb-shaped thinggie that was covering the proper bulb inside, which, according to my friend, was to filter some of the light so it wouldn't be too bright.
Poor us, he resorted to using the camera's original flash. Smaller, but still as deadly. *cringes*
Anyways! Umm... Oh yeah, just remembered what I wanted to say. A few weeks back, was my friend's birthday. And! I have found a way to save money, AND at the same time, hand my friend a present which I... "made" myself! *grins*
A story. Ingenious, eh? *giggles* Anyways! I wrote a story(which took a week, for your very kind information.), dedicated to her. The story's got nothing to do with her birthday, but yeah. Its the thought that counts, and in this case, the effort, ya?:P
Actually, the story was supposed to be a secret between the both of us, so it would last forever and there will always be something that links us both! But alas, gissy is unable to keep secrets of her own. *beams*
And anyways, as I read the story I wrote again, and again, and again, and more agains, I find that it wasn't such a good story after all, and its pretty cheesy. *blinks* But it -is- the longest story I've ever written in my entire life! So I should be proud of that, at least.
So! Nicole Tan(the friend I wrote the story for)! I doubt you'll mind me displaying the story yeah? :P Umm.. its on my other blog, but don't click the link at the side yet, its not right. Blogger's taking really long to carry out the modifications I made to my blog template. So... Click on this link instead. www.hearmycries.blogspot.com
Comments please please PLEASE! *beams*
darkness falls at 9:49 PM
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Sunday, June 05, 2005
*sighs* I just returned from lunch at Hong Xin Restaurant(Near to the Chinatown MRT station) and I had to take the MRT all the way home. Not that I'm complaining. :D
A few issues I would like to address.
In case I haven't mentioned.. I cannot cannot cannot stand kids. Those little ones from around 3 to 6. I don't know why, but it seems that I have found very few nice little kids in my whole lifetime.
AND... also, in case I haven't mentioned.. I really don't like babies. Especially when they're able to walk and talk. *shudders* Or when they cry. Or drool(That's inevitable, I agree. But I have a right to like or not like them, don't I?).
Now. Heelys... They totally irritate the hell outta me. Why why WHY, must kids wear Heelys? (No offense intended to the Heelys people. Only to the kids I do not like who wear Heelys.) Why why WHY, must parents/whoever buy Heelys for their kids/whoevers?
Number one, I do not see a need to have them unless you just wanna have fun(which I don't see the point of either).
Number two, kids should NOT have Heelys at all, unless they're really hyperactive. Only then do I see a reason for them to have Heelys. Higher chance of falling down, see? *flutters her eyelashes*
Don't you get irritated too when kids zoom about in the MRT trains, even when its really crowded? Moreover, the needless sounds they emit.. Intolerable. To me, at least. And I can also safely say, to my sister too.
Next thing.
To: People in the bus. When it is REALLY crowded. And you've just gotten up.
Why must you squeeze? You may not be very concerned about your own personal hygiene, but others may be!
I really hate it when I see things like this:
Scene. A terribly crowded bus. enters the bus when the doors open, and catches sight of a seat somewhere in the middle of the bus, or maybe even at the back of it, that was just left. squeezes all the way in, with rather amazing and not to mention, inconsiderate, speed, considering the bus is very crowded. has a 'why-aren't-you-all-making-way-for-me' look on her face, and is rushing through the sea of bodies as though someone is going to take the seat before you.
For your very kind information, you JUST GOT UP. What happens to those who have been wishing to sit down for a really long time, and still have a LONG ride ahead? Its not as if your bones are going to crumble beneath you at any moment(If so, ignore this.). *snorts*
Another thing, though not very major.
Some people(male, female, neither, or both) wear shirts or tops or dresses or skirts that are rather.. billowy, or light-materialed. And.. sometimes, when that some people gets on the bus or MRT and finds a seat on the inside(close to the window, that is), their clothing might go over the seat separator thinggy(the thing that indicates the end/start of a seat). Then, person B comes along and settles beside that 'some people', sitting ON that 'some people' 's clothing. B doesn't notice. B doesn't care to check. B is therefore inconsiderate. Peessing off.
Note: Sometimes, that 'some people' sit on the outside, even though there is an empty space beside them.
Your preference, I understand, but still.. wrong. Especially(adressing next minor issue here) when the bus is freaking crowded. If you still sit on the outside, you are making it difficult for others to want to sit inside.
"Ask me lah! I will let what." you say.
But ohoho, I am afraid you are too dense to understand that some people are just too shy to ask. And then, some of the worse ones reply:
"Then too bad for them lah! Shy for what? Ask only what."
Ignorance is bliss? Perhaps. The fact that they are dense might just kill them, when they realise it.
I shall stop being mean for today. Oh, how I love myself when I'm like that. *smirks and struts*
darkness falls at 4:03 AM
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