Saturday, April 29, 2006
*grumbles* LAST NIGHT.. I was typing a blog entry.. And my computer suddenly went down on me. Then it started beeping.
Oh well. Let me try and retype what I did.. Pissing off, you know.
My English exams went a little poopy. The last few paragraphs went a little messy.
I've got two ending-sounding paragraphs. I had wanted to end at the first ending-sounding paragraph, then I realised that I forgot to write a very important part.. So I've got TWO ending-sounding paragraphs now.
Oh well.. Hopefully they won't notice.. And if they do, I hope they manage to create some beautiful bullshit about it.. Like.. its my STYLE or something. Or hopefully they'll be biased. :P
I'm so gonna screw up my results.. And hence, my DSA to some unknown school that I haven't even chosen yet.
OMG!!! Yesterday, Charmaine and I went to Tampines Mall for lunch at Pastamania (Spinach Tortellini for me and Creamy Chicken, Fusilli for Charmaine. Yum!). Then we walked about aimlessly, and we saw this pair of green heels!!!
Especially on me. :D
I MUST get it.
But gissy's heavily in debt.
$3 to my dear. $3 to Sherrie. (I JUST remembered these two.) $32 to pal. $40 to church.
A whooping grand total of: $78
$39.90 for the heels that I'm going to buy.
$117.90 to be raised.
I know! Who's gonna buy me a birthday present? You all can just hand me the money. *cackles*
..I was joking.
darkness falls at 3:26 PM
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Sunday, April 23, 2006
Oh gosh... I foresee a VERY panicked Gisella by sleeptime tonight.
Its the English exams tomorrow! And the essay I planned isn't one of the best. I think I shall go seek Kyle's help.
He's always been there when I told him about my essays.. But guess what!?
I've always had a good idea in mind, and it was always fully formed. Now, its.. crap. Really.
And I'm starting to get scared.. Because I'm not sure I can "anyhow link" the one word to the essay anymore.
And if I can't, I think I'll most likely cry. On the spot. Or maybe after the paper.
I think I'll cry before the paper too.. Mid-year papers are the MOST important papers for me, really.
I'm applying DSA through Drama, and they'll be peering at my dumb mid-year results. Its the ONLY chance I've got to score well!
The teachers're telling us the parts that're "VERY important", at which I will perk up and listen to what they say.
I know I'll be minced for the Prelims.. Every school minces their students for the Prelims.
The O-levels.. OUR teachers aren't setting them. Pfft.
If my DSA's accepted, then I just have to get BELOW 20 for my O-levels! Right!? Purrfect.
But, of course, I'll try and get a score that's more decent.. 19 just doesn't seem.. pretty enough for me.
Shit.. My English essay's so gonna suck. Hopefully the teachers'll be biased. Hopefully.
darkness falls at 7:56 PM
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Saturday, April 22, 2006
This is a very sincere, public, apology to a friend who loves me to bits, sending me messages that tells me she misses me at random, to which I usually don't reply.
On the 12th of April (which, I am assuming, was her birthday), I didn't contribute to her happiness by wishing her a happy sweet sixteenth.
I'm SO sorry, Yings. Its just that I don't remember birthdays that aren't close to mine.. The only birthdays I remember are the ones I knew when I was in primary school.
For example.. I remember that Pearlin's birthday's on the 24th of July.. Kim's birthday's on the 1st of November.. Actually.. I think that's it. Zi Xuan and Renee's birthdays are.. on the 7th and 9th of July. Respectively? I don't remember. Rina's birthday is somewhere around National day.
But NOW I remember that Ying's birthday is on the 12th of April, because I didn't know it, and didn't give her cause to thank me, and I don't know why.. I felt SUPERLY bad.
Because she's told me she loved me a million times (not really.. that was a hyperbole), but I never said I loved her too, because I don't love (My sayang told me I live a sad life) anyone except for my family and some friends.
Because she's told me she missed me a hundred times (hyperbole), but I never told her I missed her too. Not entirely, at least.
So.. I'm sorry Ying. Especially since your 16th birthday must've meant a lot to you.. As much as it would mean a lot to everyone else (except for me).
And I know this won't mean much anymore (nah.. just joking. You might just cry or something.), but.. Happy belated birthday.
darkness falls at 6:14 PM
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Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Alrighties.. Its been ages, and people're missing me *cough* Ying *cough* and bugging me for an update *cough* En-en *cough*.
So. I can HARDLY remember what happened at all last week, except from Friday.
Alright.. Friday. Uhh.. Exercise period. *nods* Hilarious, I tell you!
There was this song.. It went "Whatcha waiting (x5) for~". And the teacher leading us went "What're you waiting for!?" That teacher SURE knows how to get the girls high. -Some- girls high. Me in particular. *wolf calls* Its just really amusing and really gets me high.
Saturday! Oh man, I think that Saturdays are starting to turn into shopping days for me. *blinks* I just can't seem to go straight home after Drama.
Went for lunch with my dear at Pizza Hut. Invited Sherrie along!
Had a wonderful time. Superly fun.
For the first time in YEARS, I took neoprints.
And I'd never taken neoprints in the past. Only ONE. And I didn't keep it.
Hang on, I took one more when I was superly young. Like 5. Or was it 4?
Okay.. We were at Tampines Mall, so we took neoprints. There're pictures!!! I might just post all of them up one day. One day. OR~ You can always keep checking Sherrie's blog. I think she's gonna post them soon. *innocent* (Leave the dirty work to her. *backspaces*)
So.. Forgot to talk about Drama. *lol* It was a photoshoot day, mostly. Rushed to steal Naddy from a prefects' meeting so she could help me with the sarong kebaya. The brooch (I still don't know how to pronounce it. :P).
Uhh.. Found the make-up box for our Drama.. Naddy happily started donning make-up on me. Pfft. Her lip gloss.. Made my lips.. So... heavy... *grumbles*
It started smudging. Looked as though I got kissed and I didn't touch my make-up up.
Eunice starting complaining whilst drawing my eyebrows that they were ugly and one was thicker than the other (not the drawn ones, the original ones.). Naddy took over.
Sunday.. Stayed home. Studied Physics.. Multitasked. Computer and Physics at the same time.
Monday!! School was supposed to end at 1.45pm. My Chemistry teacher gave us a worksheet and insisted that we complete it before we could go home.
Alrighties.. Rushed out of school. It was 2pm.
I was supposed to get to Toni and Guy's Academy!! Appointment at 4pm.
Had to meet Maria at 3.15pm at Kembangan MRT.
I was walking at lightning speed. Perhaps the speed of sound.
Got home by.. 2.50pm. Changed, rushed out. That took less than 5 minutes.
Rushed to Kembangan. Maria was supposed to get onto the train. She didn't.
Stopped at Eunos and got onto the next train.
Had my haircut. I told them they could do ANYTHING they wanted to, as long as I could tie my hair up entirely.
Afetr the haircut (which took AGES, by the way, cause my hair's so SO thick), Maria said she didn't see any difference. *pouts* I did!
Well, -I- like it, and that's all that matters.
I felt like a manecquin, then a watermelon, then a papaya. Then I had to keep switching chairs. Then I had to keep standing and sitting. Oh well.
But I'm SOOO happy. Made me feel so new. *cackles* I'll go back. I don't know when.
(Happy I've FINALLY updated!?)
darkness falls at 7:12 PM
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Saturday, April 01, 2006
Yesterday.. Don't exactly remembered WHAT happened, but exercise was FUN! As usual. This time, I was standing behind with Rachelle and Maria. For once, Maria did the exercise a lot. *cackles* Thanks to Rachelle and I. We were going hyper.. A little.
Drama was pretty fun. Ended 15 minutes early.
Went to Far East with Naddy and my dear. We had lunch together at Long John's Silver (I really prefer the one at Paya Lebar loads more. The staff there're more enthusiastic and hyper.) before Naddy left cause she had tuition at 2pm at Pasir Ris.. So she left at one.
My dear and I stayed on, and we walked into this shop that sold earrings. Honestly, I have NO idea what its name was.. But it was awesome!!
3 pairs of earrings --> $10 4 pairs of earrings --> $12
*cackles* My dear and I decided to buy 2 pairs each. We spent an hour or so there!
Yay, I bought really really big ones so that my $3 for each pair'll be really worth the money. (*cough* Cheapskate! *cough*)
YAY!!! I'm so pretty! More so than ever!
And I don't know whether to pierce my other ear. I can do that.. And then wear a proper stud on my left ear and an ear stick on my right.. Or just leave it as one. I think I'll leave it as one. :D
Yay, wore the pink one all the way home. SO PRETTY, my goodness! Me, that is.

*gasps* No earrings? Just one stud? Boo-oooring.
 Okay, this picture taken so you can compare it to all the other ones that're smiling.
Gosh, is that gissy with the AWESOME earrings!? Is that, is that!? Boy, does she look pretty (in her opinion, and opinions are never wrong.)

I tell you all, I have a dimple, but its VERY slight.
I'm not exactly sure if its my vein, though. I'm so sure I saw a dent. *pouts*
darkness falls at 4:56 PM
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