Saturday, November 18, 2006
Okay! My pal(charmaine) and I used to meet every saturday sometimes before the o's and during the o's.. And the FIRST time we did so, it was SO fun!
Here are the pictures.. FINALLY (she took AGES to send it to me. But then again, she NEVER sent it to me. I'm using her comp to blog now. :D). These two things.. we ate at Loyang point. The first one was some cream chicken thing.. Fusilli. I thought it would taste something like the one at Pastamania, but it ended up.. a little icky. Oh well.
Now the SECOND thing.. Its fish on top with butter sauce.. And below the fish, its mashed potato. A WHOLE lot of mashed potato. You can't really tell, but its really nice. :D And one pathetic baby tomato.
Which we later dropped. FUNNY... We were debating on who should eat it, then it rolled off the table onto the floor. And then we picked it up again with the tissue paper. And we took a picture. Looks quite arty, if you ask me. Check out the whitish trail it left behind!
Oh, then we took a picture together. *lol* Black and white, just for the arty look. ICKY.. I was without fringe. Now I'm just toodley adorable!
 Oh, and while sitting there and studying, there was this little girl and her brother and her mum and her maid! SCARY.. The little girl was carrying this scary looking doll! *blinks* She was stroking it.. *shudders* And ogling at Charmaine and I as though we were going to steal her baby away from her.
But anyways, Charmaine and I found it spooky.. But the hilarious part was that.. we wanted to take a picture, but didn't wanna make it too obvious.. So I ended up posing for the camera while Charmaine pretended to take a photo of me. *lol*  And then.. Later that day.. I was coerced into watching Pirates of the Carribean.. And I watched it, and I received a small bouquet of flowers! SUPER COOL OKAY. Thanks Hung! But they died anyways, so it was kinda pointless.. But I kept the petals! No worries. It was a big red rose sprayed with a little black paint.  Fun. Class, right, this picture? THE END.
darkness falls at 1:13 PM
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Sunday, November 12, 2006
SALE for secondary threes who are uber kiasu when it comes to the big O's!
1. small, single lined exercise books - FREE
2. Pure chemistry notes from SJI (*lol!* may be incomplete, but most of the stuff's there. Nicely bound together.. trust me on this.) - Usual price: more than ten dollars.. when I photocopied it. Now: $5!!!
3. Pure Physics notes from SJI (may be incomplete, but most of the stuff's there. Nicely bound together.) - U.P.: More than ten dollars when I photocopied it. Now: $5!!!
Note: I hope the SJI people won't compete with me and give stuff for free. But if they are, tell me, and specify who. Then I'll give it to you free. Honestly, I just wanna get rid of them. They're in PERFECTLY UNUSED CONDITIONS. Even the notes. *lol*
darkness falls at 1:45 PM
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Tuesday, November 07, 2006
I think I'm getting a little emo about graduating from KC.. This year has passed SO quickly! Whilst I am excited to have my PROPER holidays, I cannot help but realise that after the graduation ceremony, I am no longer a part of the school.
For people who are interested, and willing to sit through an article about how beautiful KC is and was..
I present to you:
THE ARTICLE THAT WAS NEVER PUBLISHED (..It really wasn't, actually.. It was supposed to be, but my teacher said that it wasn't done right. *lol* I wrote this about a year ago. Credits are after the article.)
Disclaimer: As KC girls are known to be fiercely protective of their school, the following text may consist of highly biased opinions (depending on whether the reader is a KC girl herself or perhaps a certain current or ex-white uniformed boy). Also, as KCians are ever so charming, be prepared to be taken in. This is the end of the warning.
KC through the years from the viewpoints of two generations.
The KC spirit seemed to still be present in Sandhya Doshi and Vivian Lim’s hearts as the interviews were carried out. It was only then that I realised how easy it is to get along with students of KC, regardless of age and generation.
And now, I present to you: KC through the years from the viewpoints of two generations. There was once, I told a friend of mine from overseas that I was from a Convent school. Her immediate reply was "What? You’re training to be a nun?". I could almost feel the three lines running down the side of my forehead.Where are the nuns in KC? Just because we are a Convent school, that most definitely does not mean we are nuns.
Speaking of nuns, where are the nuns in school? I’ve never seen them walking about in their black and white attire, neither have I seen them sitting in a room meditating on the bible. Time changes everything, it seems.
Back in the early 1970s, when Ms. Doshi and Ms. Lim first become secondary school students, there were nuns about. Some of these names might be familiar to the former students of CHIJ Katong Convent Primary School. Sister Josephine, Sister Dolores and Sister Deirdre (Did I spell it right, Mdm Gammar?) were some of the nuns who did walk about (not in their black and white attire, though).
When asked about the discipline level then, Ms. Lim, whose sisters were all from KC too, thought for a moment before replying slowly, seemingly choosing her words carefully: "When it comes to discipline, I find that the discipline style varies greatly from today. In the past, they were gentler, more understanding. They would at least listen to our explanations."
And as for Ms. Doshi, she chuckled, then admitted with a wide grin "I was a Prefect." The moment I heard that, I cringed, announced the end of the interview, and ran away. I jest. (And no, I don’t have anything against Prefects.)
My next question was: What did the naughty students do?
Ms. Doshi grinned even more widely, and her grin started to look a little creepy - This must be the pleasure Prefects get of catching students for breaking school rules, I thought to myself - "Break rules, of course. Wearing short pinafores and wearing shorts under their pinafores."
Ms. Lim confirmed the cases of short pinafores, and went on to say that "KC girls then were almost the same as now. There were loose belts, and students who walked around without belts." The mention of the last case shocked me. Hardly anyone in school walks around without belts. Sometimes students do remove belts in class, but not walk around without them.
In defense for the teachers now, however, she continued with a "But then again, I suppose nowadays the girls do different things wrong.".
During Ms. Lim’s time, the most popular activities during the recess of twenty minutes, she exclaimed, were "Fivestones! Kuti-kuti, saga seeds, and gossiping! The KC girl just never changes, does she?
And now, I assume that in Ms. Lim’s third year at KC, the most popular activity changed to eating, according to Ms. Doshi. Also, the girls played netball. The gossiping was still there. Ms. Doshi graduated in 1976, and Ms. Lim graduated in 1974. Two years’ difference.
"Last time, KCians didn’t really know exactly what we wanted out of life. We took each day as it was and lived in those moments. Whichever stream we were placed in, that was it, no questions asked." Ms. Lim compared those times to the ones now and added, "Nowadays, you girls are better equipped with the understanding of the education system."
Recalling the large bronze bell that used to be near the grand piano in the foyer, I asked if it was used back then. "Yes, it was used, and was painted silver. When the bell rang, we went to the assembling area. We used to gelek-gelek (swaying of hips, or something like that), strolling towards the assembling area." (No wonder we have so many Miss Singapores. The canteen was the catwalk runway and the bell was the announcer.)
Based on what the two ladies said, KC was a very popular school back then, as was all Convent schools. The KC and St. Patrick’s "scandal", the lovebridge and all, was always present even then, and KC was rather notorious for it. KC was also renowned for speech and drama, music and dance.
"I was from the guitar group. We performed in the church during mass and even appeared on television once." Ms. Lim recalled with a smile.
What interested me most was the usual traits of the KC girl then. They were extroverts, and very friendly. "They had a wild side – boys.", Ms. Doshi laughed. Ms. Lim too, laughed and said "We were… Very popular with the boys. I suppose it was our eloquence and our standard of English was pretty high."
Ms. Doshi had her fondest memories in KC, and growing up there was fun, especially since her principal then was the late Mrs. Marie Bong, who was highly appreciative of Shakespearean works.
"As KC is a Catholic school, it definitely taught me moral values and beliefs. It was in KC that I learnt right from wrong and to always keep my faith in God no matter how tough times may be." Gratitude was evident in Ms. Lim’s tone as her words were spoken. "I would have absolutely no qualms about recommending KC as a school to my friend’s daughters."
Right after the interview with Ms. Lim, I had another with her daughter, Nadia Samdin, a current student in her last year at KC.
"Why choose KC?" I asked. "Even though many of my other classmates went to those conventional good schools and attempted persuading me to follow their footsteps, I wouldn’t go to any other school. Really. I love the way KC is there for you."
She frowned a little, then spoke again. "The outsiders immediately form opinions of us, but kc girls are really amazingly outgoing, charming and intelligent, and IJ girls always have that sisterly thing going on."
Being a Prefect and Peer Support Leader, Nadia believes that KC has truly helped her become a leader. "The teachers were always there to guide me, even when I did something wrong."
When asked about how she felt about leaving KC this year, she said "I wouldn’t want to lose the wonderful connections we have as a school. Yesterday, I just met someone who was six years my senior and once we found the KC connection it was like BAM! Chatter chatter, non-stop. Amazing!" Amazing indeed.
"And why do you love KC?" I wiggled my brows. "Every school has its own strength. I love KC for its patience, love and security. The teachers are mostly funny and caring, and as for the girls, well, there’s too much to say about us." was her reply.
"You can take the girl out of KC, but you can never take the KC girl out of the girl." A beautiful saying by Nadia, I must say. Let’s hope its not just a sweeping statement.
Credits to Nadia for giving me ideas here and there for the disclaimer, and for interviewing her mum, Ms. Lim, and to Hemal, for interviewing Thrishna's mum, Ms. Doshi, for me.
darkness falls at 9:11 AM
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