Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Althea: Order of the Phoenix - Two cheese fries.
No one seemed to get it within 2 seconds. Order of the Phoenix... The Phoenix is making an order? Of two cheese fries?
So funny. We all cracked up during Chinese today.
Jacq was trying to trick the A2 teacher into believing that we were idiots and really didn't understand Chinese.
(By the way, we, the B4 students got dumped into an A2 class for today.)
darkness falls at 9:17 PM
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Monday, July 23, 2007
OMG I was so HIGH today!
Love is in the air~
OH, and my blog, mysteriously... is SO not dead!
darkness falls at 6:42 PM
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Sunday, July 22, 2007
Whee! I feel so unkempt. 1. Dumb period, -> pimples (recovering, though) 2. badly plucked eyebrows 3. badly cut fringe (I swear, I'll fix it tonight! I think.) 4. Okay lah, a bit gross to say it, and I don't think you all really wanna know, so never mind. *lol*
Anyways! Yesterday, I went to this performance at Esplanade's Theatre Studio, and it was called "Gin & Tonic & Passing Trains". Poor nia nia got locked outside because she came late! She rushed down from church in a cab because church ended late. Oh well. There was a tv outside, and she watched a little, but decided not to in the end.
It was SO good, I tell you.
It was by this guy, Ramesh Meyyappan, and unless I'm very much mistaken, he's deaf and mute. And he was REALLY good. It was like one of those silent films.
Quite interesting. There were some movements that we didn't quite understand, but Eleanor suggested that it might've been an angel and a devil/spirit, and that spooked me a bit. *lol* I'm such a wuss.
Anyways, ya! The show was about an hour.. My ass started to hurt a bit, but ya.. It was worth the fifteen dollars. I think he isn't performing anymore, and yesterday was the last day. Poor nia nia. She was the one who introduced us to it, you know! Now you know. :D
Well, we went to this place that nia nia suggested after that called "Glutton's Bay"/"Gluttons' Bay". Not sure where the ' is supposed to be. I think its the second. Anyways, ya.
I liked my outfit! First time I tried it. Its good that my man keeps anime in his comp. Got the idea from there. Didn't turn out too bad, did it? Nope, no pictures. Too bad. I'll wear it again sometimes, though.
Rahh... Played fk again for the first time in ages. Mum made clam chowder today. Fairly okay.
Need to do HOMEWORK!!! Its back to being a good student again! TPJCians, if you're reading this. You'll burst at the seams with such growing pride of your school on National Day! I guarantee that... 50%. My part, at least.
darkness falls at 2:31 PM
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Saturday, July 21, 2007
At Dancefest yesterday (no I didn't bother taking any pictures), I got a nice bouquet of fifteen roses from my man, and one pink rose from Cai Xiang, and one orange daisy from Poh. Nice. :D
But the roses were ALL pink. *grumbles* So annoying. My man said it was because his mum bought them, and she didn't buy red. But no worries, my man paid for them. (Actually, I'd much rather his mum pay. Then he'll be richer. *cackles*)
Anyways, I was faintly surprised to see my man there.. Don't know why I wasn't more surprised. *lol* I didn't expect him to be there, really. Apparently he ordered a ticket through Cai Xiang and yeah.
Cai Xiang said on Thursday that she had a very "scandalous" message which she accidentally deleted and will tell me about it the next day (friday, dancefest day). And I thought it was a SCANDAL. Cai Xiang, if you're reading this.. Its a SCHEME. *lol* Chee, make me so excited for nothing. I thought I was caught in a scandal again. Oh, the attention!
So. I noticed, that before the show, Wai Wan was standing with his hands on his waist in directly front of a audi seat with someone in it (couldn't see who) which had its table on, facing the stage. And I thought that very very odd, because I didn't think Wai Wan would have wanted to inconvenience someone by sticking his ass in front of that person, especially since I thought it was a classmate I didn't recognise, and the classmate can't be anything but a girl because Cheng Hung and Chin Ho were both backstage with me, and Haziq would sit with Deborah and Umberfield's group.
Anyways. Ya! So during the interval, Chin Ho was desperate to walk out (after feeling very high after taking his panadol; panadol makes him high) and so I did too. And then I saw my man, and just went "Oh, you're here." like is a very common thing. *lol*
Anyways! I woke up this morning and decided to take pictures OF flowers! Not with them.. I was wearing specs and didn't feel very beautiful.
Here goes...
The bouquet my man got me.

The ribbon that tied it up. I intend to remove it and keep it for my hair or something.

What it looked like without the fishnet thinggy around it (it kept hooking onto my bag last night. And it started hooking onto the carpet in the room in which I was taking all these pictures.). I haven't removed the fishnet thinggy, of course. I'll decide what I wanna do with the flowers at a later date. They're still quite pretty at the moment.

A close up shot of one flower, with flash. I was too lazy to walk out of the room where there was more natural light. But it turned out quite.. interesting and fake. When it was real.

Looooooookie! What flower is THIS!? you may ask. Well, hun, its a ROSE. I just opened up the sides cause the petals all the way on the outside were like seriously dying. This was Cai Xiang, wai wan and mel's rose. Masterpiece, I say. A masterpiece.

And last but not least, Poh's daisy. Admittedly, the prettiest of all the flowers I received that night. The colour is simply striking.
Actually, the colour in the centre is different from the colour of the petals, but my camera had flash on(without flash, you wouldn't see ANYTHING), and I suppose it temporarily made the orange reflect onto the centre.
I don't like daisies much. They're too big and a waste of space. Larger surface area = higher chance of being mutilated. Oh, but what I -do- like about them is.. their centres! Its furry. :)
darkness falls at 2:13 PM
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That day, I went for Wyntrice's birthday party, and for the FIRST time in my life, I karaoked. *lol* So spastic, I could hardly hear myself above all the noise.
I didn't take many pictures then, but I've got other pictures!
Hellooo, councillors. From the left to right, its Nicole, Sheeting and Chee Keen, the crasher. Tsk. I'm not sure I got a picture of Wey Jiang, but he was there all right.
Oh, Wyntrice's DOG! *lol* Never remember its name. Its quite pathetic-looking. And quite sad... She locked it up. :P
Wai wan and Conan gaying.. 
Argh. I'm too lazy to upload pictures liao. Ta!
darkness falls at 1:41 PM
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Sunday, July 08, 2007

Oooh, TSD rehearsal at Roslyn's place today, and Jacq, with her new camera, got two pictures that I find really really nice! Puh-lease.. Don't be shallow and start teasing the both of us just for a brainless scandal.
darkness falls at 8:19 PM
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