Sunday, May 21, 2006
Go see the latest post on my other blog! Comments, criticism, whatever! Help!
Thanks so much!
EDIT: *lol* Was too lazy to post the.. post.. up in the other blog. Its up now!
darkness falls at 7:06 PM
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Saturday, May 20, 2006
Whoo, merlioned in school yesterday.
Was having a Chinese test.. and I felt like merlioning real bad. I had the feeling since I woke up.
But because I burped in the morning, I felt slightly better..
So. I was doing the test.. Then at the third section, I didn't know how to do some questions and decided not to fill them up cause I felt really ill. The sooner I finished the paper, the sooner I got to sleep, to make myself feel better, see?
Yiiiip. So I couldn't take it anymore, so I stood up, then asked my teacher if I could go to the toilet.
Then I walked out, then I felt the puke coming. I clapped my hand over my mouth and walked real fast to the toilet.
The cleaner was there, and I just walked into a cubicle, and I was about to turn to close and lock the door when the puke really came out. I turned, and puked into the toilet bowl. :D
Good aiming.
I think I saw.. spring onion.
Rectagular.. The dark green one. But then again, I can't be sure if it was spring onion.
I felt loads better after puking.. But during recess, the feeling started to come back and my tummy started hurting on and off. So. I decided to not eat anything, just in case.
So.. yeah.
Felt loads better by the time I got home. Didn't eat anything till dinner.
darkness falls at 5:18 PM
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Thursday, May 18, 2006
Whee! I've got arm muscles! Like.. really. I think they're too big, though.. Or maybe I'm just not used to it.
I NEVER had arm muscles. I mean, I did.. But they weren't visible AT ALL no matter how I flexed. Now, they're.. big. Looks a little icky, really.
But coolness! NOW I can open my pokka green tea bottles FOR SURE! *cackles* (Do NOT laugh. Its not easy to open it. :P)
Got loads of papers back. Considering the fact that I didn't study... Like REALLY didn't study. Like.. didn't read the book, a.k.a. didn't study... I did quite well.
Failed only two subjects so far. Out of five. Or was it six?
I failed subjects.
"That's not good." you say.
"Shh." I say.
Anyways.. I was SUPERLY surprised that I scored full marks for a 15 marks essay for geography.
Considering that I didn't complete my study of those two chapters..
*lol* Oh well. The teacher wrote "very good! :)" at the end of my essay.
And yeah, I scored pretty well considering that I didn't study for section B, which was 25 marks.
Won't tell you how much, cause the SJI guy(s) reading my blog will probably laugh their poop out.
In awe, mind you. *nods*
Nah, it was 36.5/50.
Looks pretty.. pathetic. But the highest was 39!
And, moreover.. I've been failing the whole year. When I say fail, I REALLY mean fail.
I've got a terrible feeling about English, but Ruth from the triple science class scored 86, so I'm hoping that the markers were lenient. But I still have a terrible feeling. I didn't do my best for my essay, and neither did I do my best for my oral.
I PASSED CHINESE! Power man. I'm chionging for my O levels.
I know, I know.. You're starting to see me use English that isn't very good now.. I can't HELP IT.
My Chinese improves, my English deproves. Summat like that.
Anyways.. EMDD 2006: The Taming Game.
Anyone wants tickets? *lol* Buy under my name.
Nah, jk. The performers were supposed to buy the tickets TODAY, and we were informed TODAY.
So nonsensical.
Uhh.. Oh yeah. Free seating!?
I foresee chaos.
darkness falls at 8:21 PM
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Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Oh, no wonder I felt so odd talking about so little in my previous post.
YESTERDAY.. I brought Mambo (my dog) down for a walk. He decided to poop in this particular area that was crawling with HUGE red ants.
Okay.. Red ants. So? I'm not afraid of red ants, but I'm afraid of black ants. Which is very weird, since red ants bite and black is my favourite colour.
Okay. So the ants crawled onto Mambo. They kinda got caught in his fur.. Couldn't really move. Bless him. And me. Cause I had to get rid of all the ants.
Mambo was pooping, so DUH I put newspaper there. Some ants crawled onto the newspaper. Mambo was done. I picked the newspaper up.
"Why not wait for the ants to crawl off it before picking it up?" you ask.
"SIAO," I say. "Sekali got more crawl onto the newspaper then how?" Don't answer. :P
So.. one ant crawled onto me. And it felt uber prickly.. So I decided to stop it.
It crawled all the way up to my left sleeve, and was trying to get in, but its leg got caught on my sleeve. Bless my sleeve.
I decided to try and take it off me gently and calmly. The moment I felt it hook onto my finger, I FREAKED.
I flicked it off mucus-style. Scaaaary!
I pulled Mambo away and went home. When I was supposed to wipe Mambo.. I was SUPERLY freaked.
I had a piece of cloth, and one basin of water (with stuff inside.. Like.. shampoo-kind).
Ants were crawling (attempting to, rather) all over Mambo.. Mostly around his legs.
Taking the ants off him was traumatising. They wouldn't come off the piece of cloth even though I put them in the water.. Their legs kept getting caught. (I don't think they can walk on cloth very well.. Legs too big and feet too sticky, I think..)
Well, basically. It was very traumatising, and I was so shaken, I kept feeling ants crawling all over me when there weren't any.
darkness falls at 6:58 PM
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Do you know how sad it is when your friends don't seem to like your boyfriend? *sighs*
No, this isn't the part where you start giving excuses.. Because it'll just break my heart.
Anyways! LAST NIGHT... My mum. Was clearing some stuff (repacking, rather).. And she gave me TWO leather belts.
OMG!!! One's from Esprit and the other's Burberry. But that's besides the point.
I know most of you are you going scream "pathetic~" or "lame..." when I say this, but yeah..
Those were my first two leather belts.
I'm not entirely sure SURE that they're my first two.. But I don't remember wearing leather belts at all. Or owning, even.
And I'm superly happy cause they're both classy.
And its the closest I can get to whips. For now.
Uhh.. OH MAN. I'm so upset..
I watched "So you think you can dance?" last night, and Snow (..that's how you spell it, right?) got kicked out.
I thought the dance was AWESOME, really.. Maybe its cause of the tricks.. But they were good, you know.. Considering what the tricks were supposed to be, it wouldn't be easy. And they pulled it off.
Well, I know Snow isn't all that versatile.. But I love her so much!
She's so.. elegant. And her movements are so.. calculated and confident. And her performing standard is.. WHOA. She sure has stage presence, people.
I'm done. :P I'm too lazy to update more.
darkness falls at 8:58 AM
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Monday, May 15, 2006
You know, my boyfriend rocks.
The human one, of course.. Jackie was like SO yesterday. A month ago, I mean.
Oh, did I mention? I mean, no I didn't mention..
A few months back.. Or maybe just a few weeks.. There were these boys in school uniform in the bus.
They were.. lower secondary? I think.
One the boys said something about "Engwish".
*faints* EngLish, EngLish.
darkness falls at 4:18 PM
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Sunday, May 14, 2006
Oh man. Okay, you people better start touching my hands more often. And observing my arm.
Cause for my hands.. They'll turn from smooth to rough.
And cause for my arm.. From no muscle, got muscle.
All in one month!
Why? Because gissy has to do housework now.
Why? Because her maid's gone home.
For how long? One month.
Who's gonna cook? Don't know.
Mati? Yah, mati.
darkness falls at 8:15 PM
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Saturday, May 13, 2006
After the tirade yesterday.. I felt ubers better. :D
Funny how a person can piss herself off.
Anyways, I got my hair cut today. Again. No difference except in length.
The lady's such an expert. She took less than an hour to cut my hair.
The boy at Toni & Guys academy took AGES. He took 2 to 3 hours.
The lady who cut my hair didn't make me sit on a super high stool. She didn't make me stand and sit down repeatedly.
The boy who cut my hair made me sit on a super high stool. He made me stand and sit down repeatedly.
Experienced and the inexperienced. Tsk.
Updates on my voice.. Its been better the past three days. I can sing now, slightly better, but every time I do so, my throat itches fierce.
I've been looking at youtube videos this past week, and I came across "These boots are made for walking" by Jessica Simpson. If you wanna watch the videos I picked out that were nice, you can find the links.. there. *points to the area right below her human links and the neopets link*
I'm looking for someone who has the Jessica Simpson mp3 music file, or the music video! If you have it, mind sending it to me? Its best if I get the music video. Thanks! :D
darkness falls at 3:04 PM
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Friday, May 12, 2006
The Da Vinci Code is the biggest public insult I've ever seen to my religion, and probably would remain the greatest I've seen for as long as I am able to think, see, and understand.
I'm freaking pissed off. (I know it sounds silly, cause I pissed myself off.)
Actually, I've been pissed off at this for quite a while, but a guy who wrote to the newspaper's forum made me highly annoyed.
Alright, this website tells a lot. Yes, I did a teensy bit of research.
Why are Christian churches getting so worked up over the book?
I'm probably going to get blasted and marked by Christians all over who disagree with me.. But I MUST state my reasons.
Its just a DUMB BOOK.
Okay, maybe its not dumb.. Its really a beautiful book. And I loved it when I read it. I don't really remember exactly what happened now, but I remember it was very very well writ.
But I'm -telling- you, Dan Brown NEVER said his book was non-fiction.
Why can't a person have his own theories? I read somewhere that Dan Brown was EXPLORING the theory that Jesus -did- have a wife. Hell, it most likely wasn't even HIS theory.
My first point.. So WHAT if Jesus -did- have a wife?
Okay.. The Vatican lied, yadda yadda.. The Bible's facts turn questionable..
Why give a shit? The people who are protesting are the people who ALREADY have religions (Most, anyways.. And most of that group of "most" are Christians.). Why get so worked up?
I've mentioned this before. A faith is based on FAITH. And faith, in this context, means.. complete trust. Even if there is no proof.
I'm very sure there isn't a way for anyone to oppose that statement. Don't even try. I'm superly pissed off as it is. If you want to try in your head, at least, without telling me, here's the page for the meaning of the word faith. Happy racking your brains.
So. Jesus himself will become a questionable figure, if the "facts" in the Bible turn questionable, cause Jesus is the main character, isn't he?
Questionable because he held a secret of his marriage to Mary Magdalene from everyone else (not really everyone, since some people seem to have "found out").
Alright. Maybe he WAS just a normal person. (Yes, I'm exploring the theory. Don't flame me yet.) But he did all these incredible things. Magic? some of you ask, referring to the healing of the ill and all that.
Maybe, magic. Maybe, something else. Maybe.. he just fooled all of us.
Magic is against Christianity, is it not? How did magic even come about? God. Wait. Magic is eeeeviiiil. So magic came from Satan. jesus practiced magic. Okay, so?
Why didn't solid proof come out that Jesus was a fluke then? (Don't give me all that bull about "because he wasn't!". I'm not accepting it. And don't try to argue with me. I make sense. And I'm defending your side.) Don't you think that if all this was really Satan's work, he would have given us solid proof that Jesus is poot? He would want to take credit for his work, and turn everyone against Christianity, wouldn't he? Use your brains man.
But do you not find it amazing that such a man(Jesus) was WILLING to do all these GOOD things? Alright, MAYBE he wasn't entirely sinless (that is, if all that was a fluke). But he did good things.. And majority of the people then saw the good things that he did. Apparently, to them, he was sinless.
They looked up to him, they wanted to be like him.
Now, tell me, people, what's so bad about that, considering that our goal is to make everyone be good? (Argue with me only if you're from a faith that believes in good.)
If you're still saying "If Jesus used magic, that means he got the magic from Satan, and he was fooling all of us.", then I'm saying its a stupid excuse. He STILL did all those good things. Its like.. us. When we're told to do something, and that something is something good, and we really don't want to do it, but we do it anyways, just without the sincerity. We still completed the action. It was a good action. We did it against our will, but we still did it. See? Same logic.
We want to learn from GOOD things. Or at least that's what we should learn from..
Its about what they DID, not how they felt when they did it.
If everyone were to follow their desires, life would be.. more bad than good. So its okay to do things against your will, as long as they're good.
I'm going to sound a little harsh here, so pardon me..
If people want to put such blind faith in a character they look up to, why not? That character is their: ROLE MODEL.
Christians.. Jesus is our role model, is he not?
SEE!? So what's the fuss about?
Okay, my next point. You may say that the ones who know less, or have less faith may be swayed by what they see.
I'm not sorry to say this. They're swayed because they're lazy, and don't take their faith seriously. They believe what they think makes their world a better place for them to live in. Like how some adults still believe that there IS a chance that there IS a Santa Claus, or something like that. It creates the magic in their world.
Back to the magic issue. Magic is eeeeeviiiiil? Pfft. I've discussed it above. Its SOLVED.
A person who does loads of good deeds and practices magic will still be a better person than one who doesn't practice magic and does hell of a lot of bad things, ya?
Anyways. Back to the being swayed part.
Why are they lazy?
Okay. I was once swayed. No, don't say I'm lazy.
I actually believed the stuff in the book, cause I didn't know it was fiction.
I went online to search for information, to see if it really was real.
People wouldn't go online to search for information, or go anywhere else to look for proof/evidence unless they weren't lazy or didn't take their religion seriously, right?
Okay. You can say that I was ready to believe Dan Brown's theory.. Or the theory that he explored, rather.. Yes, you can. But I BOTHERED to do research. I was highly interested in the theory.
Even now, I'm ready to believe that theory. I'm half-believing it. Why? Because we cannot be 100% sure that anything we know is really true. Don't say we can. I'm TELLING you, we CAN'T.
There is no SOLID proof. Don't give me bull about the Bible and the Vatican or whatever being proof. No one who lived then is living now to tell us exactly what happened. And even so, the person might lie. Or even tell us something that isn't accurate, by accident, without the intention of lying.
Till now, I'm not sure if Jesus did have a wife, but if he did, COOL man... If he didn't? Okay. Dan Brown's book was AWESOME.
If Jesus had a wife, why get so worked up, I ask you again? Because you were lied to? The very fact that you get so worked up only shows that you hate being lied to.
How does it affect you? You can't worship someone who married, is that it? If not, then what? You can't worship someone who married a PROSTITUTE, is that it?
*rolls eyes* If that's really it, grow UP.
Who a person chooses to marry does not determine how good a person is.
Why get so worked up? Why ban the movie?
Respect my opinion, those who're against Dan Brown's book may ask me to do.
If you expect me to respect your opinion, then respect mine.
Its exactly the same as respecting the different religions people have and expecting them to respect yours.
I say this again: Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.
I don't want anyone referring to this at all. No tags, no emails, no talking to me, no chatting with me on msn. No reference to this to me AT ALL.
It just pisses me off.
Whoo, I feel better now.
darkness falls at 7:57 PM
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I took three photographs with my beloved $3.90 pencilbox. :D
I'm so annoyed. I don't know whether my eyelashes are long.
It seems that they are, but they seem like they're not.
Maybe they are, but they're not AS long as others. And therefore, are NOT long. *wails*
Why do I think this way?
Because all my close friends have nice eyes. *lol* Funny, but true.
Charmaine's eyelashes are.. incredibly long. But her eyes make her look.. like.. a blur-queen. Which she is, by the way.
Rachelle's eyelashes are straight and long. Makes her look very awake and bright.
Maria's eyelashes may not be very long, but they're thick. And she can dress up too, and she's quite pretty.
Mmm.. Marianne.. Her eyelashes aren't long and/or thick. But her niceness and her bullyability more than makes up for it.
Me? I think my eyelashes are fairly long, but I can't be sure.
Oh YESSS!!!!
I forgot to mention this yesterday.
I was SUCH a pretty colour yesterday!
I was like.. PALE. Not the yellowish kind, which is my norm.. But I was.. white. Like.. powder white (okay, not THAT white).. I looked like I put powder.
And I had a faint pink tint over my cheeks and a little of my nose.
And my skin looked perfect a metre away from the mirror!
And I was.. GORGEOUS.
No lah.. Just.. prettier than usual. :P Really! I wish I looked like that every day.
I looked so.. innocent and angelic and.. untouchable.
And my smile just made me look so.. Like.. anyone would want to hug me. I was adorable and pretty all at once. More than usual. *nods*
Okay.. Pictures.

Okay.. Very blur, but my hair looked kinda cool there.

My eye looks interesting here... Its like.. there's SOMETHING about it. I can see my pupil so clearly against the white of my eye. So odd.. Kinda spooky, really.

Don't know.. this picture looked kinda nice, somehow. I tried the looking-down-and-raising-a-brow thing several times, but it didn't work.. Ended up frowning at the pencilbox.
P.S. Sorry bout the messy hair.. I -did- comb my hair this morning, surprisingly. I don't know when exactly, though..
But ain't my pencilbox nice!?
P.S.S. And yes, Herbal Essences -did- dry my hair up.. But I can still smell it!
darkness falls at 3:05 PM
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Thursday, May 11, 2006
Sherrie and I were having a conversation on MSN about guys who insult girls.
Note: If you feel that you're the guy that I'm talking about.. I'm not sorry. Don't worry, most people who read my blog wouldn't be able to guess who anyways.
"When girls start bitching-"
Scene: Gisella tells Sherrie about a guy who still editted her grammar after telling her that it sucked (not the exact words), and after he offered to edit her grammar, and after her declining the offer.
·#·$26 black and white pictures. ·0 says: edit ur grammar ?!
·#·$26 black and white pictures. ·0 says: GISELLA'S grammar ?
·#·$26 black and white pictures. ·0 says: ur shitting me
·#·$26 black and white pictures. ·0 says: i would have blasted him
·#·$26 black and white pictures. ·0 says: this guy once told me im not pretty
·#·$26 black and white pictures. ·0 says: i gave him a lecture
·#·$26 black and white pictures. ·0 says: i didnt say i was pretty
·#·$26 black and white pictures. ·0 says: i jus saed i know im not pretty
·#·$26 black and white pictures. ·0 says: but as a guy hes got no right to say that unless hes a girl.
gissy. says: *lol*
·#·$26 black and white pictures. ·0 says: and that he should go for guy EQ lessons
·#·$26 black and white pictures. ·0 says: and that explains why until now hes not been able to get the girl her wants.
·#·$26 black and white pictures. ·0 says: haha
gissy. says: My grammar IS kinda bad, but he's not supposed to tell me that without a compliment.
gissy. says: It must be PAIRED with a compliment.
·#·$26 black and white pictures. ·0 says: exactly
gissy. says: Like.. "The plot's really good.. but the grammar has some room for improvement."
gissy. says: SEE!?
gissy. says: Its like that.
·#·$26 black and white pictures. ·0 says: yesss i know
·#·$26 black and white pictures. ·0 says: that guy was like
gissy. says: Anyways, its not whether he's a girl or not, then he can say that you're not pretty.
·#·$26 black and white pictures. ·0 says: 'you're not pretty...'
·#·$26 black and white pictures. ·0 says: i didnt give him time to go on i went
*gissy started typing..*
·#·$26 black and white pictures. ·0 says: WAIT
·#·$26 black and white pictures. ·0 says: STOP
·#·$26 black and white pictures. ·0 says: PAUSE
*gissy stopped typing*
·#·$26 black and white pictures. ·0 says: then i started my lecture
·#·$26 black and white pictures. ·0 says: it went on for about half an hour
·#·$26 black and white pictures. ·0 says: haha
gissy. says: *lol*
gissy. says: I would've told him that I strongly believed that a guy cannot say that a girl is not pretty unless he is prettiER than her.
gissy. says: So.. either way, he loses.
·#·$26 black and white pictures. ·0 says: haha
·#·$26 black and white pictures. ·0 says: i was like
·#·$26 black and white pictures. ·0 says: 'you're not a girl. ur 'pretty' is base on your own taste and im sorry to say i dont seem to see that you've got good taste'
gissy. says: If he believes that he CAN say that, then you can tell him that he either believes he's prettier than you, or that he doesn't deserve a right to say ANYTHING at all.
·#·$26 black and white pictures. ·0 says: and something like that
·#·$26 black and white pictures. ·0 says: and told him about his EQ and all
gissy. says: *lol*
gissy. says: I'll just tell him he's blind and probably would end up with someone damned ugly.
·#·$26 black and white pictures. ·0 says: and told him 'no wonder you've not got urself a gf.'
·#·$26 black and white pictures. ·0 says: and i added
gissy. says: And I'll be like "The day you get me as your girlfriend, tell me, okay? I'll want to see the beautiful girl."
gissy. says: His standard's so low that he can't find anyone suitable.
·#·$26 black and white pictures. ·0 says: 'if you want that girl you want. then go take guy lessons hun. i can get a guy to teach you if you want. for free. its free cos its inborn. but o wait. i forgot. ur not truly a guy'
gissy. says: Wonder aloud if he's narcissist.
gissy. says: I love this convo.
gissy. says: I'm gonna post it up.
·#·$26 black and white pictures. ·0 says: ..
Narrator says: Males, read and learn. This IS the real world. Girls aren't going to be pleasant all the time unless you read. And learn.
(On a sidenote.. Yes, pal. It IS the real world.)
Oh gosh.. I think I just destroyed all my chances of ever finding a guy at all. Oh well, I'll settle with females if I must.
darkness falls at 8:20 PM
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Yay, went out with Sayang and Maria to visit my green heels again.
Sorry pal, but they kinda.. don't look as good as I first saw it, so I'll -consider- buying it.
I'm not sure if you all heard of the stunt that David Blaine was trying to pull off?
Well, he wanted to hold his breath underwater (in a glass sphere filled with water) for 8 minutes and 58 seconds to break a world record.
He lived in the sphere for one week before attempting the stunt.
So he was all wrinkly and such.. Skin was peeling..
Anyways, he failed. With a 7 minutes and 8 seconds. That's really long, and most wouldn't be able to do it (including me) - I give him that much credit.,19736,1192730,00.html
...Which brings me to my topic for today.
Wussy guys. In my opinion.
Not in order of merit (what would you call it?)..
1. Tom Cruise: Yeah, he's a good actor, yadda yadda.. But he's SO weird. Not the cool kind of weird, and the kind of weird that you actually look up to (like how some people look up to me.. If you disagree, shoosh. I never said it was you.).
Number one: He bought Kate Holmes a life-sized dummy so she could use it during childbirth. Or something like that.
Number two: Don't tell me its KatIe Holmes. She's KATE Holmes now. They discussed it overnight. They figured that "Katie" was too "little-girl", and now that they've allegedly(no one has seen her yet) got their baby born, "Kate" was a more appropriate name because she's a mother now. Hell, who really discusses such stuff? Its such a weird thing to discuss.
Number three: He's toodley "in love" with Kate. Okay, maybe they're TRULY in love with each other. Who cares? He kissed her on the red carpet for all to see. He ASKED her, then she went all shy and such, and then he kissed her. That kiss was marked as one of the most awkward-looking kisses of the century (on the red carpet/amongst Hollywood stars). And I agree. When I see Tom Cruise kiss.. I don't go: "Oh, hot.". I go: "..That looks a little.. awkward.".
Number Four: Its just him, alright? Can't blame me for feeling like he's a wuss.
2. David Blaine
He's just.. odd. I mean, his tricks aren't even realistic. But he's a good illusionist (which I am assuming, he is.).
He keeps trying to act cool and all.. like.. not smile. It just doesn't suit him. I mean, it sure makes him look rather attractive, but.. Its not him. His dao-ing exists to serve the purpose of making his illusions look cooler. As I would explain it verbally: "To create the appropriate atmosphere mah."
Well, from the article, he was said to have cried. (Well, he did let down a lot of people.. Understandable.) Which leaves me to infer that he was probably crying of humiliation and disappoinement. It can't possibly be any other reason.. (Or perhaps I haven't thought of it yet.)
I mean.. People pinned hopes on him achieving something big, loadsa people visited him in his sphere, but.. SO WHAT if he didn't achieve his goal? What, was a life lost because of his failure? Siao, cry for what. Wuss.
At least Kriss Angel's cool. He's super cool. Pretty believable, too, his stunts. I mean, I truly believe its control of the body and things that're in close contact with him with his mind(e.g. air, yadda yadda).
Kriss, if you're reading this, I think you're awesome!
I don't know whether the things you do are real, and we'll never know entirely for sure, cause you'll never tell (or so I think), else there'll be no "magic" in the world, and there won't be any room for imagination, and hope for miracles.. But either way, I think you've done a fantastic job convincing me there's a chance that magic IS real, and ding it if what you do isn't real, cause I think you're a damned good illusionist (or whatever it is that you are, truly). Thanks for everything! *waves excitedly* Ah, he probably doesn't even come online.
3. Kevin Federline
He screwed Britney up. I agree with PITNB. He toodley screwed her up. He impregnated her once, and after she popped the baby, he impregnated her AGAIN. Oh well, Britney looks a whole lot better now, somehow. If she manages to cover up her body, that is. She looks quite the same, and quite pleasant too. I like her new hair, though. She's still blonde, but she's got bangs.
Back to Kev.. He looks dirty, and can't seem to appear classy to me at all. I tried to see what was so good-looking about him. Did you know that he dumped his girlfriend for Britney? I think he dumped a kid with her too.. But my memory sucks, so that might've just come from some other story in my memory space.
He's a spendthrift. Agreed, I can be a spendthrift too, but I spend my own money. He spends Britney's. I'm kinda convinced that he married her to get money, considering the fact that he dumped his girlfriend.
Enough of celebrity scoop.
I went out with Sayang and Maria.. And I bought a pencilbox. $3.90. Worth every cent. Material not all that good, but it'll last. Words're kinda cute.. It says "And your crybaby, whiny-arsed opinion is...?" Or something to that extent.
I bought a box of chocolate (Delfi Chocolate Sticks Mint: Dark chocolate with mint filling): $3.15
And a bottle of Herbal Essences: $1.95.
The last item.. I bought it when I went supermarketing with my dear before school.. Don't tell me it'll dry up my hair. I smell damned nice now. I don't know why everyone says that the shampoo smells like normal shampoo. Pfft. I can smell it now. I've been smelling it ever since I bathed. So the smell must be really strong. So odd. But pleasant. *sighs*
Okay. What was I doing out before school?
I came to school TOO early.
Paper was at 11.50am. I was in school around 6.40am. *rolls eyes*
I figured that I wouldn't have a class to sit with if I went for morning assembly.
It was a listening comprehension paper. 45 minutes.
SUAY... I didn't bring my handphone cause I figured I wouldn't need it. Anyways, I was too lazy to go and get it.
So I ran to the payphone and wanted to call Charmaine.
I couldn't remember her number. Its SO very difficult to remember.
So I called home, and my dad picked up. I asked him for a huge favour: To get my handphone and tell me Charmaine's number.
He mumbled something a few times. Couldn't hear. He said something like "Call you back." And I was like: "I cannot hear you lah.. Mm." Then he hung up on me.
*lol* I called Berlyn instead. Whoopsie, woke her up.
Oh well. We ended up going to MacDonald's. Then we went to school.
So.. Altogether, I bought 3 things that're worth mentioning today.
Total cost: $9.00
darkness falls at 6:18 PM
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Wednesday, May 10, 2006
'As for hurting myself, it is not that I feel I deserve the pain, but I want to let it out, I want to watch it heal, I want control over the pain."
Gisella practices plaguarism?
Of course not! I ACKNOWLEDGE the person and put his/her name in credits.
So. I saw that in a blog of a friend of mine's. And she took it from somewhere else.. So. :P SHE didn't acknowledge her(or him). *struts* -I'll- acknowledge the person who wrote that. Unlike my friend. *snorts*
My POINT IS... Uhh.. I thought that extract VERY beautiful.
Its so full of Literature.. I wish we were given a prose like that. But NooOOO... Its socially unacceptable. Like how disgustingly I'll score for my essay if I go into detail about how a girl cuts herself and how the blood flows.
I HAVE done it before.. And I didn't do badly. But my teacher said it was a very disturbing and very dark essay. *lol*
I wrote about "death". I'm not sure I posted it up in my other blog, though.
My maid went for some checkup today, so I had to open the door to my house myself.
I don't know WHAT got into me..
I took the keys out of my bag, then rang the doorbell, and immediately proceeded by unlocking the gate and door. *lol* Wonder why I rang the doorbell.
I was just chatting nonsense with Sherrie last night on MSN..
Found out four new things about her.
She has a fetish for dots, hair, eye dirt, and blood. The dirty girl.
And we've come to an agreement that she's the embodiment of 360 degrees, and I'm the embodiment of 540 degrees.
Me: Thus, I am able to make slightly more than one pirouette. Her: Thus, I am able to pirouette!
Yay. I feel a super sense of accomplishment.
Updates on my voice.. Its a little unstable now. I didn't speak much today.
You know, if I don't force my voice out a little, there'll be no sound? Or the voice'll go on and off.
So.. since the day my voice started going all funny, I had problems answering calls.
Phone rings.
Me: *soft whisper*-llo? *clears throat* Hello?
Not the first time.
Well, today, I decided to let my BE HEARD.
So.. I forced out my voice, and I ended up blasting my greeting at the receiver.
Quite funny, really.
Credit: The person who wrote that in his/her blog. Most likely a her.. Whoever you are, kudos to you.
darkness falls at 8:09 PM
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Tuesday, May 09, 2006
The chronological progression of my voice's development:
Normal --> Slightly hoarse --> Voice-breaker --> Alicia Keys who can't really hit high notes --> Alicia Keys who can't hit the high notes AT ALL
*sighs* Yesterday I had a fairly sexy voice.
Today I'm kinda losing it. I can't even sing without the stupid hoarse sound.
I managed to get a nasal thing yesterday, and I could speak sexily without sounding sick.
My dear said I sounded "disgusting" yesterday. :(
I hope it doesn't last till next Tuesday. Gonna celebrate Tan-tan's birthday (Nicole Tan) and we might be going to SING!
P.S. Karaoke (care-yee-yo-kee) or Karaoke (car-rahh-okay)?
Its the second. Its been ang-moh-ised, and hence, the new way of pronounciation: karaoke (the former).
It was originally from Japan or summat like that. So rightfully, its the latter.
darkness falls at 12:26 PM
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Monday, May 08, 2006
You can dream, and achieve that dream. It'll land you in a position. If the position ain't entirely good, then you must've dreamt the wrong dream, or went about the wrong way achieving it.
I don't know exactly why I felt like saying that, I just found those words really meaningful. They aren't phrased in a really smart "wordplay"-ey way, but they really mean lots more than what it seems.
And I honestly cannot recall what I told people my dream was except to make BIG money, either find a husband who loves me to bits, and whom I love to bits, and is filthy rich..
OR, be a really hot girl whom NO ONE got, but everyone really wants,
OR, just be a really classy and gorgeous person who has flings all over, but is still well-respected, and looked up to.
I wanna be a lady whom everyone feels is the embodiment of feminine perfection.
Sounds insane? *lol*
Now, how to get the BIG money? (Don't tell me Wheel of Fortune, you toot.)
Acting, most of you say.
Singing, some of you say.
Modelling, close to none of you say.
Dancing, no one says.
After watching "So you think you can dance?", I felt superly inspired, and I'm in a terribly dancey mood.
And I might be saying this on impulse, but my dream (besides getting loadsa money) is really to dance.
Isn't it sad that some people can't achieve the dreams they want to because of something they cannot control?
Like me.. *sighs* When I say I want to dance, most of you probably would have laughed cause I dance funny. *pouts*
I can't help it! Its MY style. :P
But really, I wanna dance. Its such a gorgeous and glamourous thing to do.. And when you dance, it doesn't matter how you speak.
No one saying "You have a funny accent, so you suck as a dancer."
Nope. You dance well? To hell with your accent. To hell with your background.
You CAN dance, and you're good.
(Uhh.. Don't tell me I don't have a funny accent. I never said it was me, and I honestly had no one in mind. :P)
I wanna dance ballroom. SALSA! Nah.. Wouldn't remember the steps. :P But its SO cool.. I wanna learn.
I've already got the ballet posture (or so people say)! All I've to do is act crazy like Giselle in "Giselle (the ballet)" and learn to spin and pirouette. Yeah.
Anyone wanna offer to teach me to dance ballroom (for FREE)? Make sure you're male and hot. In my opinion.
darkness falls at 9:26 PM
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Sunday, May 07, 2006
Stole this from Sebby's blog (which hasn't been updated for more than a year). *sad*
I'm not sure if he made this up himself, but its highly amusing.
Females, read and laugh and feel superior.
Males, read and learn.
Note: Uhh.. don't apply too many mathematical and logical thinking skills, or you'll feel an urge to edit the number of points awarded or taken away. Just note what you get points for and don't.
In the world of romance, one single rule applies to the men: Make the woman happy.
Do something she likes, and you get points. Do something she dislikes and points! are subtracted. You don't get any points for doing something she expects.
Sorry, that's the way the game is played.
Here is a guide to the point system:
You make the bed (+1)
You make the bed, but forget the decorative pillow (0)
You throw the bedspread over rumpled sheets (-1)
You go out to buy her what she wants (+5)
In the rain (+8)
But return with Beer (-5)
You check out a suspicious noise at night (0)
You check out a suspicious noise, and it is nothing (0)
You check out a suspicious noise and it is something (+5)
You pummel it with iron rod (+10)
It's her pet (-10)
You stay by her side the entire party (0)
You stay by her side for a while, then leave to chat with a college buddy (-2)
Named Tina (-4)
Tina is a dancer (-6)
Tina has silicon implants (-80)
You take her out to dinner (0)
You take her out to dinner and it's not a sports bar (+1)
Okay, it's a sports bar (-2)
And it's all-you-can-eat night (-3)
It's a sports bar, it's all-you-can-eat night, and your face is painted the colours of your favourite team (-10)
You take her to a movie (+2)
You take her to a movie she likes (+4)
You take her to a movie you hate (+6)
You take her to a movie you like (-2)
It's called 'DeathCop' (-3)
You lied and said it was a foreign film about orphans (-15)
You develop a noticeable potbelly (-15)
You develop a noticeable potbelly and exercise to get rid of it (+10)
You develop a noticeable potbelly and resort to baggy jeans and baggy Hawaiian shirts (-30)
You say, "It doesn't matter, you have one too." (-8000)
She asks, "Do I look fat?" (-5) [Yes, you LOSE points no matter WHAT]
You hesitate in responding (-10)
You reply, "Where?" (-35)
Any other response (-20)
When she wants to talk about a problem, you listen, displaying what looks like a concerned expression (0)
You listen, for over 30 minutes (+50)
You listen for more than 30 minutes without looking at the TV (+500)
She realizes this is because you have fallen asleep (-10000)
Funny huh?
darkness falls at 3:13 PM
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Ooookay... My voice is like.. odd.
My Drama instructor used to tell us not to eat up our words, because what we said couldn't be heard, sometimes.
THAT, we could control.
Now, I'm eating up my words, and I can't control it.
My voice goes loud and soft, loud and soft. Nothing like voice-breaking, I'm afraid. But yeah, it -did- sound like my voice was breaking this morning.
So. Yeah.
THANKS for the sympathy, people! I REALLY appreciate it, even though you all were -kinda- forced.. :P
Now, I'm seeking more.
Was down with a fever yesterday. 37.8 degrees celcius, you know!
Charmaine came over yesterday, and though we slacked MOST of the day away, we managed to do quite a bit.
1. One mother's day card each. 2. One question on transformation. 3. Two questions on cumulative frequency. 4. One question on.. Actually, I don't remember. But for one particular chapter, Charmaine did one more than me. :P
I was feeling kinda.. stoned by the late evening. :P It took me quite a while to register what she was trying to teach me.
Oh well.. I was accused of dressing indecently all the time cause when I went out to pick her up or sent her to the bus stop, I would always be wearing really big shirts, and shorts.
That were kinda short..
..And what worsened that fact that they were short was that they couldn't be seen.
Cause my shirt would be so long they would go over my shorts.
Oh well.
Thanks to those people who care! Ta!
[Updated cause she realised she missed out on some things.]
I slept last night at around.. 8pm or something.
I decided not to turn on the air-conditioner cause from what I remember the last time I had fever (which was in Secondary two), and all the other times I had fevers (I think there's always an interval of two years. I think.), I was going to have to endure the "hot, cold, hot, cold" feeling.
So I just turned on the fan and switched off the lights, and slept. It was raining pretty heavily, by the way.
Blanket on: Too warm. Blanket off: Too cold.
BASKET. *grumbles*
In the end, I managed to fall asleep pulling my blanket off and putting it back on repeatedly.
When I woke up again, I think it was around 10pm.
ITCHY, itchy itchy legs. Mosquito bites all over!
Which sucked. I kept scratching, of course. Wonderful. Now I'm going to have spots on my legs for a long time. This means.. NO skirts. *sniffles* But then again, I don't wear skirts anymore.. So. :P
Went back to sleep in the end.
Oh, I ended up not going to church in the morning cause I still had a headache (so apparently I still had a fever).
Messaged Charmaine, then heard a reply but I didn't bother to read it cause I didn't feel like submitting myself to the glare of my handphone light in the dark twice in five minutes. And I had to lift my head briefly, so I would have had to endure the pounding of my head for that brief moment.
Woke up in the morning, fever was gone.
Took my temperature after breakfast just for the fun of it. *lol*
36.2 degrees celcius. Hilarious.
My mummy's banning me from water.
"Insane!" You say.
"Not insane!" her logic says.
Cause she's replacing water with this really icky lime/lemon/orange/whatever it is, really really sour thing. So every time I want to drink water, I have no choice but to drink that weird drink.
But now she's out.. I can drink water! *cackles*
Hmm.. I was just thinking about stuff, and I realised that parents SEEM to love their kids more than they love each other, agree or not? No, actually, I don't want to know. :P
On a sidenote...
Why doesn't anyone say I'm pretty(or anything better, in MY opinion) anymore!?
darkness falls at 12:06 PM
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Saturday, May 06, 2006
My voice has gone down one octave. I used to be able to sing two and a half octaves worth of notes, but guess what!? Now its gone down by.. 3/4s or 1/2, and I lost one octave up there (if any of you all get what I'm saying. I -would- draw a diagram, but I'm too lazy to upload it.).
SUCKS. And my throat hurts.
How did I get this dumb cough/whatever it is?
I was watching Finding Neverland yesterday (Johnny Depp!!!), and Kate Winslet kept coughing and coughing (I think I've watched the show before yesterday.. Looked so familiar.).. And I felt an itch in my throat, so I started coughing too.
So.. the itch didn't go away, so.. yeah. It wasn't all that bad, really. Just a few coughs here and there every now and then.
And then, guess what!? At 1.30am or so.. when I was sound asleep, a friend of mine called (who knows WHAT for? :P). So I woke up, and answered the call.. And my voice was all.. phlegm-tinged. Or however you describe it.
So.. yeah. I fixed it with a few coughs.
Went back to sleep cause my friend got caught by his mum and couldn't talk after all.
Woke up in the morning, my voice.. was.. EWW. Its the dry cough, and a sore throat, and my voice is ALL icky. I can't sing anymore. :( And everything just sounds weird so low.
This is where you all display your sympathy for me (if any). *points to the shoutbox*
ASAP, please. And if you have nothing better to say, don't.
Really. I'm not in the mood for people telling me that this is what Johnny Depp does to me, or laughing at me cause my voice is all icky.
P.S. I've got Chinese oral (prelims) on Monday. Sympathy now?
darkness falls at 9:35 AM
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Friday, May 05, 2006
I'm sorry, to my secret admirers..
And those people who love me romantically (*cough* Ying *cough*)..
It isn't all that sudden, really.. And you all might be a little surprised.
Shock's the word, really. I mean...
How would you guys (*sighs* FINE... And girls.) react if I said:
..*lol* Actually, I don't know how you people would react.
So.. Yeah.
This post's just to inform you that I've got my attentions on a man. A real, living man. (I'm NOT joking.) Oh yeah, and I wanted those who had designs on me to GIVE UP cause you're too late.
Oh, how I love you, MY darling Johnny Depp.
You know, he's SO charming!!! IN MY OPINION. (And don't tell me you don't know.)
I was watching movies with him in it.. And in one of them, "Blow" (No, its not a dirty movie..), he's got a tummy! *LOL*
Okay.. Here's the thing.
I dislike bulging tummies. They just look... weird. Especially on a man. (I'm sorry if I insult anyone. Its not intentional. I honestly don't have anyone on my mind now but him. Really. And anyways, I haven't been in close contact with ANY man but my dad for weeks. And maybe the canteen vendors.)
But guess what!? When I saw the tummy on Johnny Depp.. My heart just.. MELTED. Aww... SO CUTE!!!
I'm going to be really upset if anyone insults Johnny Depp, or does anything to display their disagreement with whatever I said. The best thing's to just.. not talk about him to me at all.
If you like him, I'll feel you're competition. If you don't, I'll get upset. So. Shh.
So. Yeah.
Leave me alone till I'm over him.. Like how I got over Clay (yeah, we're on a first-name basis... HA! GOTCHA! I was just JOKING.).
What happens to Jackie?
Oh.. I don't use him very very much nowadays since I'm at home and I've got blankets. But yeah.. I put gloves into his pocket that day so I could use him and those gloves during Physics (The AVA theatrette is terribly cold.).
Gloves in Singapore?
darkness falls at 4:51 PM
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