Sunday, June 25, 2006
A few weeks back.. Two, actually. I played mahjong.. Three-player mahjong.
And I was so happy. For a while. Till I realised there was no "tong".
Hence, NO 13 yao.

But one thing good -did- happen, though.. A few times, in fact. It wasn't really GOOD.. But it's cool. I kept getting the four flowers of the same colour. In different games, duh. 
Not very clear.. but what the heck. OH! And I saw a rainbow two days ago, on Friday after Drama! It was IN THE SKY! OMG... I've NEVER seen a rainbow in the sky before. Cham took a picture of it. Don't ask me where it is now.. Ask her. So.. Look at a picture of the sky. It looks like its going to rain. Don't ask me WHEN I took it.. I have NO idea. 
Cheers. P.S. Oh yeah, and the other blog's got the song I composed, plus another poem. I synchronised the syllables of the poem, so it can be made into a song as and when I like.
darkness falls at 11:46 AM
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Tuesday, June 20, 2006
*sad* This sucks.. No one agreed when I said I was cute in that picture. Pfft.
Well, anyways..
I used to believe that I really couldn't compose songs, and that I'll never be a good singer that way. I can't play any musical instrument professionally, and I don't have perfect pitch (I can TRY to get that).
So. Yup.
Just last night.. INSPIRATION STRUCK ME.
It all came from the "Hush-a-bye baby" song. I don't even know whether its spelt right, but yup. I always thought it was a really morbid song.
So I twirked the tune a little so it turned a little eerie.
Its quite interesting.. It doesn't sound good if there's no mtv. So. ALL IS PLANNED.
Story: The song is sung by a lady who is carrying a baby, and sitting in a dark forest.. At night. Like.. when its all dark and misty? Yup, that.
And the baby isn't the lady's. The baby belongs to her ex-lover and his wife. So she kinda.. stole the baby and is just rocking it to sleep (is the baby sleeping, crying, or already dead?) as she sings the song.
And at the end of the song.. the song either:
1. just ends with her rocking the baby to "sleep" (inverted commas are optional), 2. ends with her killing the baby in a cool, silent way.. no violence involved, OR 3. if the baby is already dead, then she just finishes the song.. slight pause of 4 beats or so, and she starts humming the "hush-a-bye baby" song in the normal lullaby tune.
Don't ask me how it really makes sense.. Its as good as a one-time performance, where you don't know the people who are performing.. And you didn't really understand what the performance was about.. You just have to figure it out yourself. :P
A performance doesn't have to make perfect sense, because the performance is received the way the audience perceives it to be, because they relate it to what they KNOW. The magic of a nonsensical performance.
Oh, the lyrics.. I don't feel like telling you all. But I promise, I DID compose a song.
darkness falls at 11:06 AM
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Sunday, June 11, 2006
OMG.. I'm currently packing my drawer.. Ain't a very big drawer.. And I found a whole load of pictures of myself, mostly, when I was in Secondary Two.
And honestly honestly?
I was SO damned cute!
I mean, look at this one!

CUTE eh!?
Maybe the face's a bit too small. You can always ask me.. I'll bring it and show you one day. Its one size larger than the normal photo size. Don't ask me WHAT.. I honestly don't know.
Just like I don't know the size of my clothes.
Hmm. Gonna continue packing. :D
*comes back when she finds something cool*
Oh yeah, I found one of my old diaries! Lasted from sec one to end of sec 2!
And.. this might not be very hilarious to you all, but it is to me.
And what you see next MAY shock you.
I used to spell matured as "machured". *ROFL*
darkness falls at 10:26 PM
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Friday, June 09, 2006
Since Sherrie and Eunice are gonna link my blog for the neoprints.. *grumbles*
Here they are! The neoprints were taken yesterday, after watching "She's the Man" with Jing Han, Sherrie, Eunice and Berlyn.
Jing Han had to rush off for a last-minute performance, and yeah.. So the other three girls decided to take neoprints, and I tagged along.
Here they are..

Yay to me cause I figured out how to change the TIF file to JPEG. *lol* So SIMPLE.. And it was staring at me in the face.
Why do I have my mouth wide open in so many pictures? No idea. I find myself cuter with my mouth open. Or maybe I was trying to get myself hyper.
Okay.. Uhh.. during the movie, there were these four people giggling and throwing popcorn at each other.. And Jing Han kinda got the full blast of it.. Poor soul.
Lucky thing it didn't hit Sherrie or I. We'd probably have blasted them. Annoying toots.
EDITTED cause Sherrie asked me to take it off. Wanna know what she did during the movie? Go bug her for it. :D
Since she got embarrassed..
I'm gonna start embarrassing myself (okay.. I won't really be embarrassed.. But if it gives her a cheap thrill.. Hell, why not?).
I wore an extremely short skirt yesterday.
Honestly all the skirts I used to wear were around that length.
Then suddenly, I stopped wearing skirts. I started wearing my jeans.
And yesterday, when I wore my skirt, I honestly wondered HOW I survived with the skirts last time.
Oh well. My school pinafore used to be uber short.. And now I confess.. Whenever the wind blew my skirt up, I would tell myself that I had gorgeous, to-die-for legs and that its alright.
"I don't know, and I don't care."
That attitude is a super ego-boost. You all should try it sometime.
Its funny how I can convince myself of such stuff..
Oh.. Two lines I found uber funny yesterday.
We were up on the escalator to cini's theatre halls.. And there was this huge spiderman on the wall..
Sherrie was standing somewhere on my right and Jing Han was right behind me.
Then.. I heard something like:
"I want to be Spiderman!" from these two boys behind us.
Or something to that extent.
And Jing Han said something absolutely hilarious.. In a deadpan tone, which made it funnier.
Jing Han: *sigh* Boys... *a short pause* And their big dreams.
He sounded SO deadpan. Hilarious, I say.
Oh, and on our way back.. Eunice, Berlyn and I got a lift from Sherrie's mum to Bedok MRT station (of course Sherrie was in the car too).
I didn't really notice, but I felt soooo relaxed in the car that Sherrie started asking why I was speaking so gently.
Honestly.. I felt a little.. floaty, and so relaxed in the car, that my brain wasn't really working.
So I said.
"Oh.. my brain isn't really working, I think." Or something to that extent.
There was a short pause, and I expected someone to say:
"It never worked." Ah, I was right. Sherrie said that, and everyone burst out laughing.
See, I'm a good sport, okay. :D
darkness falls at 3:05 PM
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Monday, June 05, 2006
Sometimes, I just get so tired of keeping secrets. My own secrets.
And its frustrating cause I can't confide in anyone, and I can't blame anyone but myself for creating such secrets.
But sometimes, these secrets.. I don't have to hide.. But they're still considered secrets because I can't tell some people.
In this case, my parents.
I didn't study for my mid-years.
My father took a look at my report book today.
He was bloody disappointed.
But he couldn't see any improvement at all. Because he doesn't know I didn't study for my exams.
For the previous exams, I failed like.. 3 subjects or so. And I studied.
Now, I didn't study, and I failed two. Do you see the improvement?
I certainly do.
But my parents don't.
Yeah, my dad gets to scold the poop outta me, and my mum gets to add fuel to fire, like she always does.
And I just.. idle. I don't look like I'm listening, but hell, every word goes into my head and screws itself into me.
My dad ended up scolding me and saying that my sister and I cry all the time when something (like our results) screw up.
And I told him that the only reason we cry is because he starts speaking to us in that disgustingly rude way.
And he asked me "So what do you want me to say?"
And I didn't reply. In my mind, I was thinking: "Just telling us that you're highly disappointed will work."
And wonderful. I've worked myself into a fix. I can't tell him that I didn't bother to study for my mid-years and considering that fact, did very well.
Why? Because he'd be right about me spending more time on the comp than on my studies, and me not giving enough effort.
And then, I would have NO choice but to give in and start working real hard.
I -will- work hard, and there is a way to compromise my current spenditure of time on the computer and my plans and strategy for studying.
It doesn't mean that Gisella studying means having to cut down a considerable amount of time on her computer.
And my dad's ticked off at Drama.
I don't even know why I'm defending it.
I think its cause of the freaking fame. I don't know.. And my pride, perhaps.
How irresponsible would I look if my dad forced me to quit EMDD NOW?
Yes, he did threaten.
And I defended it. Hell, I defended it.
He said it took up LOADS of my time.
I told him it was just two times a week.
I don't know what's making me defend EMDD, really.
Really, its not too late to back out.. But there goes my reputation with the teachers.
Moreover, if I back out, Berlyn will back out.. Along with many others. And there goes everything everyone's been working so hard for.
And one last paragraph.. Why bother so much, when in the end, I will HAVE to study hard and I -know- I will do fairly well? (Don't give all that poop about "You don't HAVE to study hard..".)
darkness falls at 8:04 PM
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Saturday, June 03, 2006
It seems that nowadays, Sherrie and I are getting closer and closer, and I feel reeeeeaaaally good, cause.. I don't usually get close to juniors cause I'm sticking to the seniors most of the time. So.. yeah. Thanks Sherrie, for spending so much time with me and making me a happy woman!
Yesterday, Sherrie, Eunice and I went to Parkway Parade's Pastamania for lunch!
It was then that I looked at the black straws and asked Eunice how to make a straw heart.
Took me around fifteen minutes (Don't listen to Sherrie! I did NOT take one hour. :P) before I got it right.
Every heart I made after that was filled with love, and we walked the whole of Parkway to look for straws that we could buy to make those thinggies.. (Sherrie and Eunice were doing stars most of the time.)
We couldn't find any plain straws ("without the crinkle", I quote Sherrie), and ended up walking to the marketplace to look for straws. FINALLY, we found plain, transparent ones. 80 cents for one big packet. SHIOK! :D
We went back to Parkway, then went to The Coffee Bean. Eunice and I shared a drink and we stole a few purple straws from there, and made straw hearts and stars.
Then we went home.
TODAY... Hsuante, Wei An, Sherrie and I went for lunch at the McDonald's near Parkway.
Considering the fact that I was terribly.. "sianed" during Drama today.. I went uber hyper after drinking coke (at least I think that was it..).
Then we gave Wei An a tour of Parkway Parade cause he had never been to Parkway before. *lol*
Wasn't very eventful after that.. I think we function better sitting down in Mac's.
Okay.. After these updates..
Okay, xd was right.. the poster -does- kinda suck. EMDD, that is. Why? Because its only the two of us.
A close friend of mine keeps telling me how desperate I look cause I'm smiling so much and xd isn't smiling much.
Okay.. I can't blame anyone for that except myself for not checking to see how much xd was smiling.
Yesterday, a teacher told a few of our group to paste 8 EMDD posters about in the school.. in the places where people REALLY can see it.
I found it quite funny at first, so I laughed. I mean, DUH... Its Gisella. She laughs at everything, including herself.
So.. yeah. I was making fun of myself.. And a close friend of mine told me this.
"You should just stop saying you mind because you look like you're enjoying it." Or something to that extent. But I know the last few words are accurate.
I was DEEPLY hurt.. And kinda ticked off. If I were to tell you all this face-to-face, though.. I would probably just smile. And the smile will look natural and I wouldn't look like I mind a lot.
You can't just expect me to shoot the person with scathing words because I'm getting teased and I don't like it. They might call me petty.
Don't care about what other people say, some of you may tell me. Easier said than done.
She's known me for pretty long.. And she should know that I laugh at everything. Just because I'm laughing, doesn't mean that I'm enjoying looking like a desperado.
Okay.. She might have meant it as a piece of advice to me, but her tone suggested otherwise.
I mean.. What the!? I, honestly honestly, am NOT enjoying looking like a desperado.
Yes, I admit.. The fame gets to me. I thrive on fame. But not the negative way.
The most annoying thing about this production are the questions that I get.. sometimes, from people whom I don't even know.
Curiosity seeker: Hey, are you in EMDD?
Me: Uhh.. Ya...
Curiosity seeker: Oh, who're you acting as?
Me: The shrew.
Curiosity seeker: OH.... Who's the guy you're gonna kiss ah?
WTF? Number one.. Most of the people who ask me this question.. Wouldn't know WHO the guy is even if I tell them his name.
Me: ..I highly doubt you'll know even if I tell you the name.
Curiosity seeker: *sounding more and more excited* Is he good-looking?
Me: *getting rather annoyed* ..Okay lah..
I'm getting sick of this.
Now that I appear to be some desperate thing CLINGING to xd's arm, I can only imagine how people're gonna treat me when school reopens and everyone sees the posters.
I really hope they know that Gisella's smiles always look natural, unless she makes it look unnatural on purpose. If you have any friends who feel that I joined EMDD because of the guys, and am boy-crazy (which "explains why I look so happy to cling to xd's arm"), please send them directly to me, or you can always defend me.
If you have no idea where I am, you can always ask them to look me up in Secondary 406. I don't really give much of a poop who the person is.. But I'll think of a way to explain. Or maybe I shouldn't even explain. Pfft. So.. yeah. The contradictive me has decided to just leave all those people alone. Yep.
Oh, and if you were wondering WHY I joined EMDD.. Here's the story.
I was doing an article for the second day of the EMDD auditions, but I went on the first day to accompany Nadia. Those were the auditions for the non-drama students.
So.. I was there.
After the auditions..
One of the drama teachers: Gisella, are you going for the EMDD auditions tomorrow?
Me: ..Uhh.. Not sure.
One of the drama teachers: *suddenly turns really fierce* GO. I want you to go. Its your ticket to Drama club next year. *then turns rather gentle* Go, Gisella, I think you've got a good chance. I will make sure you <..I don't remember what he/she said.. but it kinda.. had a hint that she was gonna put in a good word for me or something.> *wiggles her brows confidently*
Me: *pretty stunned* ..Uhh.. ya, I will. Okay.
So I went for the auditions. I initially had second thoughts about joining EMDD, what with my O-levels and all coming up.. But I thought it was quite cool to be able to work with another school, a boys' school too. How often do such opportunities come up? I had never acted with boys before.. Good experience, I figured, since I would most probably not pursue drama after I leave my school.
In other words, I did NOT join EMDD to widen my range of boys to choose from to be my boyfriend or anything like that. I joined EMDD because it was a very special chance.. And I thought it was a musical. And I loved EMDD because it brought the students from different CCAs together. And I was unwilling to not do EMDD in my LAST year, since I've been doing it for two years. And yes, I thought the fame was fun.
So.. Yeah. I found out I was 1st cast for Kate.
CHEATER, you all must be saying..
Yes, cheater indeed. I was supposed to be second cast, I tell you all now.
Then a teacher spoke to Jeffrey and asked him to give me a chance because this was my last year.
There you go. I was first cast again. I honestly felt terrible about it.. I did apologise to Rachael.. But somehow, I felt and still feel its not enough.
Anyways, back to WHY I said "No problem" when a teacher asked me if I could and wanted to do EMDD after the results were officially out.
Because. I'll be honest. I got the lead role. Achievement? Yep. Big one. I thrive on fame, remember?
It was such a BIG chance. I wouldn't be getting a lead role ever again. Not in the same way, ever. I couldn't just give it up like that.
Yes, I was kinda.. stunned, when I saw the number of lines I had. I had second thoughts about staying on.. But the promise of fame and hence, fun, and the beautiful chance and opportunity (not to go boy-catching.. opportunity to be in EMDD again) pulled me back to my first thoughts.
And so, here I am now, facing all these dumb problems which I had never expected to come.. being bugged by people, being teased by people.. I'm getting a little ticked.
Someone told me this when I was teased by him/her about xd.
"Don't pretend. I know you like it." And boy, honey. He/she didn't look like he/she was joking.
I get this all the time.. Not only from him/her.
And it sucks. Big time.
Gosh.. End of whiney post. I don't want pity this time. Only to be understood and to have my wishes be respected. In case you still don't know what my wishes are:
1. Don't tease me unless you know that I'm fine with it because you know enough about me to tease in the right way so I wouldn't mind.
2. Stop with the questions about the "guy I'm gonna kiss". Its damned childish. Its JUST a kiss, poots.
darkness falls at 5:02 PM
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Thursday, June 01, 2006
I feel SO awful!
I was at home munching away happily on my McDonald's lunch, when the doorbell rang. I answered it, and saw this man who seemed a little over 40 years old.. And he held a booklet that had big numbers on them.. "50 cents" and "$1".
He said something like:
"Hi, I'm from the children's home-"
"Oh." Long pause. "I.. No. Thanks."
And he smiled at me. And I gave an awkward smile and closed the door.
HE SMILED... And it was only 50 cents and $1.
A few of those, actually.. And I went back to eating McDonald's. And I'm kinda rich right now, so.. ya. I felt TERRIBLE. And I was eating McDonald's, for goodness' sake.
I'm pretty disgusted at my attitude.
Oh no, I broke a cup yesterday. :(
darkness falls at 2:38 PM
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