designed by Miyavi.C

Sunday, May 29, 2005

*giggles* Its been ages since I last blogged yeah!? No, it wasn't because my computer crashed, or I didn't get the computer.. I was just too lazy. Updating blogs with the most recent events nearly every day takes ALOT of commitment, and I am rather disappointed to announce that I have little of that when it comes to blogging. I only blog when I'm in the mood. *beams*

Anyways! First things first! We couldn't get tickets to the Twelfth Nights show! So we didn't go. Not that it was a bad thing, really. Would have saved lots of my time. And I managed to stay up till REAL late! *cackles* Until I got tired of waiting for someone to get online.

Oh, and yes, I got back my report book. Its the ugliest thing I've ever seen! But then again, I looked at the average scores, and the whole level didn't do well. So! Not that bad, eh?:P Right. I know my results sucked big time. :P I have yet to show my parents it. That's it. This might just be the one last happy blog post of my life! Before I once again become a sad, depressed kid.

You know what? I remember.. A few months ago, I wanted to change my character into one that was really... quiet and.. dark. Somewhat mysterious. I didn't manage to do it. AT ALL.

Until... I stopped trying!:P And I realised, that when I'm in a bad mood or something, I turn really really sarcastic and dull, and its kinda nice to be mean. It gets awkward at times, though. Like.. when my friends ask me what's wrong. *grins* And its odd to tell them. Oh well! Goal reached, mission accomplished. What more can I ask for? Better results.

I'm SO SO sure its got something to do with my lack of time during the first semester! As I've mentioned, with SYF and OM, I had simply NO TIME to do what I had to! So, I'm gonna study during the holidays(which is now)! The teachers.. are insane. Piles and piles of homework! God, I had better be able to complete them in a week.

Cut down on fk(cause I decided not to quit it:P), add on to df(A little, once she gets on it, I can help my cousin with the building.). Cutting down wouldn't be a problem, I'm sure my sister will be able to help me with that. Simply by hogging to computer. But not too much! *grins*

Oh, and I've been looking around websites for fantasy art pictures! If any of you happen to find something as good as this:, with lotsa nice purty girls, TELL ME! I've found a good many, and crave for more, more MORE! *giggles* They're just so kewl.

And.. I've found that I've got a thing for really fair redheads. They're so gorgeous! Don't you think? *grins*

darkness falls at 12:27 PM (0) comments

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Me be very the angried! Remember how happy I was to have found the piano scores for Breathe No More and all the others!? BREATHE NO MORE IS WRONG. It isn't the original Evanescence one!! Well, I listened to it and, from my superb hearing, I found that it was actually a really easy song to play. *SIGHS* If only my piano and computer were real close together. Then I could replay and replay and replay the tunes over and over again. *giggles*

Anyways! I'll be going for a show at Raffles Hotel tomorrow! Twelfth Nights! By William Shakespeare(Hope I spelt his name right.. And no, the show tomorrow isn't directed by him. The play is written by him. As in the book.)! And me sis be gone until Saturday. :( Well! It isn't a very VERY bad thing, really. But it does get kinda eerie at night, alone in the room.

Am I afraid of the dark? No, not really. I'm just afraid of insects and lizards(which my cat takes care of). They're icky! And they make icky, spooky sounds that simply freak me out! *shudders*

Am I afraid of ghosts/spirits/whatever that's related to these things? Umm.. duh. Not spooky to you? Wow. I applaud your courage.

Am I afraid of death? DUH. DUH. DUH. Who knows what'll happen? AND, by gissy's logic, anyone who's afraid of ghosts/spirits and such are usually afraid of death because when you die, chances are, you'll turn into one of that, and end up seeing the other ones too. Right? I know I am. *beams*

darkness falls at 8:11 PM (0) comments

Sunday, May 22, 2005

I found the piano score for Breathe No More by Evanescence!!

AND... Bring me to Life's first page. Its a picture, and cause I'm too lazy to upload it, I'll direct you to the site.

Bingo. Found Hello.

I can't read piano scores for nuts, so if someone were so kind as to try out these pieces to confirm their absolute reliability... *beams*

Found My Immortal! They're all on Adobe Acrobat Reader(except for the picture one.) If you have it, you'll be able to view them.

And! I found a wonderful place to get everything! Guitar chords, lyrics, piano and such:

You'll need Winzip for all these, though.

Its time to thank me. *flutters her eyelashes*

darkness falls at 12:19 PM (0) comments

Thursday, May 19, 2005

*beams* Jie! You're the best! Didja see what she tagged on my shoutbox!?!? She is THE Sister, man. *grins* So... to express my thanks, I shall dedicate a whole blog entry to HER. (Oh, and I'm sure she was REALLY bored, or she wouldn't have come to my blog. :P Never expected her to, anyways.)

Though with an age difference of six years in age, and attitude problems in both parties at least two years ago (She was a bitch.. and still is. And me, a brainless and childish bimbo. I still am, minus the childish.), and we couldn't get along well, we still managed to have fun and laugh together.

Now, with our new and improved level of maturity, I have found that we get along really well! So, thank you, Jie, for being less of a bitch to me(though you still are mean sometimes..) as compared to before, and you should thank-you me for being less childish. I'm your sister after all. *smiles sweetly*

Well! By the way, Mummy bought Choco Mini! The peppermint ones. My dad came in and poured nearly a quarter of the whole new packet into his palm, and gobbled them up like he always does. *sad* Now my choco mints doesn't look new anymore. And if you're wondering why this has got nothing to do with my sister... Never fear, for gissy's here! I was about to invite her to take it from our secret stash(where we keep all the "forbidden food which will be confiscated and eaten upon sight by Daddy") whenever she liked. Unless I finished it first.

Next topic.. I'm always there for her, and she for me. But because we're not really the very open kind, we don't mention things too personal to each other. But we know, that deep down in our hearts, we'll always be there for each other. Unless we're the ones involved, and on different sides, too.

Something stemmed my inspiration flow. Just wanna announce to the world(Cause its easier than telling you upfront, somehow.)..

Jie, I love you. :D

darkness falls at 9:44 PM (0) comments

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

I've had my cry, a meaningless cry. It helped a little in soothing my senses, but I'm still confused. At a loss on what to do now. I want to prove that I can overcome this, but how long do I have to wait?


darkness falls at 6:58 PM (0) comments

God, I think my results are icky. I actually failed Chinese! How shitholed am I now? I think I should quit fk. For my own good. And anyways, I got caught cheating again(Jayson, if you're reading this, I'm TRULY sorry.). So! All this shows that I'm a bitch. A true-blue bitch.

I'm in such a bad mood. One step closer to being a depressed kid. I'm really tangled up in so many things.. But I know that I'll come out of all this happy. Somehow. I always do. Did.

I was actually thinking of commiting suicide during today's Chinese lesson. I recall myself staring at the clock idly while not really looking at it, and wondering if I should just.. end it all. Not because of my Chinese.. That's a stupid thing to die for. Unexpected it would be, of course. To my friends, family, and even myself. Tormenting? Most probably.

But ending my life would mean ending all my problems. But causing more for the others. Those in my SYF group(Cause I'm performing in EMDD).. and other things too(which I am unable to think of at the moment.).

I don't want to disappoint others, or create more trouble for them. They're innocent. Then I was thinking.. Maybe I should just fulfil all my duties, then die. Then, it wouldn't make sense anymore. Since I managed to settle everything, why do I need to end my life? I had already known from the start that somehow I would emerge from the "battles" unharmed, a happy and contented person again.

Why do I contradict myself so?

Why can't I focus on one belief without looking at others?

Why should I carry on if more problems continue to surface?

Why must I go through all this shit for my future, my debts, my gratefulness?

Tell me how and when to end my life. I'll try my best.

PS: No, I don't cut myself. I'm too much of a wimp for that. And no, this is not goodbye. I can't bear to leave everything behind.

darkness falls at 6:05 PM (0) comments

Monday, May 16, 2005

Tsk. I didn't receive a message Jessica sent me to tell me that she couldn't meet me anymore cause her church leader asked her to go out. SO... I went all the way to Tanah Merah MRT station for nothing! Anyways, I didn't wear my fish-nets and yadda yadda cause I didn't have a black skirt to match that suit.

So I wore:
1. a long black skirt (This Fashion, $25)
2. a plain black halter top (some chichat place.. Not sure how much.)
3. a plain black ribbon round my neck (School, $0.60)
4. a black clip to keep my hair off my face (My maid's.)
5. a pair of black heels (Umm... No idea what's the brand name. $39.90)
6. black eyeliner (Free tester from YSL)
7. black mascara(Free tester from YSL)

For those of you who saw me.. Lucky things.:P I was to sit up straight and not move at all - a feat I was perfectly capable of in school uniform. But this time, it was freaking difficult. I kept getting sudden urges to speak to people I didn't know.

Oh, and when I was taking the lift down, there was this boy in school uniform who shared it with me. We got off, and he, naturally, walked faster than me(Cause I had to float.. or glide. Whatever it is.).

I realised he kept looking back nervously.. At me, of course. I couldn't help but grin. And when I realised what I did, I hastily turned it into an amused smirk.

Well, many staring eyes. Kinda embarrassing. I was interested to see the foreigners' reactions to my dressing. In the end, I received nothing much but quick glances(Not the kind where they seem scared or whatever.. The casual ones.).

And today is my friend NICOLE TAN'S BIRTHDAY!!! Everybody wish her Happy Birthday alrighties? She's a great friend! Any birthday wishes for her? Leave it in comments or just wish her Happy Birthday yourself if you know her. *grins*

Lack of inspiration. Ta.

darkness falls at 2:38 PM (0) comments

Oh, forgot to post this.. Came across this wonderful story! No, its not erotica or whatever.

Read it a few days ago.

darkness falls at 10:46 AM (0) comments

Oh my goodness! I am so angry! I was looking about for goth stuff online and found a link which captured my attention for a moment. It said something about... Warning Signs That Your Child Might Be A Goth. If you wanna see the link, go ahead.

Here it is:

I think, that if you're Singaporean, you'll understand. If you're too lazy to read, I shall point out to you what boiled my blood.

1. "Hangs out" with new friends.
Hello!? I hang out with new friends! And what're those inverted commas supposed to mean? Screwing new friends or something? Sheesh, no privacy.

2. Shows diminished interest in wholesome activities such as church, prayer, and sports.
*snorts* Whatever! What if your kid isn't goth? Where's the wrong in believing and trusting in God and loving sports?

3. Complains of headaches, boredom, nausea, stabbing pains or thirst.
Well, maybe cause this was by Americans.. Singaporeans like me do not think the way they do. Let me put myself in their positions.
I am weak at health. I often get headaches, nausea, stabbing pains, and get thirsty easily. And because of all that, I can't go out much, and therefore am bored. Makes sense? To me.

4. Watches cable.
Oh God, this cracks me up. I like watching Nickelodeon, a pity I don't have cable at home. Why don't I.. "hang out" with my new friends and "watch cable" over at their house?

5. Spends large amounts of time alone.
If your kid's like that.. Perhaps you might wanna look into the matter. Is your kid being bullied in school? Looked down upon? Made fun of? And therefore has no friends? *rolls eyes* How BRILLIANT can these P.A.R.O.D.Y. people get? (Play with words intended.)

6. Spends large amounts of time with people you don’t know.
Yadda yadda yadda. My parents don't know 90% of the friends I have. What if your child was spending large amounts of time with Marilyn Manson(No offense, sir, if you ever come across my blog. You -are- spooky.)? You -know- who he is.

7. Misbehaves in school.
I break school rules. Most everyone does. OoO... a whole school of goths alert. A whole -convent- school, in fact. And anyways, unless I'm very much mistaken, goths are really low-profiled people who keep themselves to themselves.

8. Uses a computer or the Internet.
Oh.. my... beepy beep beep.

9. Plays video games or role-playing games.
Role-playing games(RPG) are fun! No wonder I like gothic stuff, eh?

10. Reads science fiction or fantasy books.
How about... Dan Brown's "Da Vinci Code"? Wow, I'm so goth.

11. Writes angry entries in a secret diary (you can usually find the diary easily if you search your child’s room).
Screw you guys. Every kid should have his/her own privacy. Though your child might be your flesh and blood and you gave your child life and you have the right blahdy blahdy blah, it is WRONG to look through their stuff. Its as bad as your kid telling his/her whole school that you love screwing your sister and wife together.

12. Pursues dangerous cult religions such as WICCA, SATANISM, HINDUISM and BUDDHISM.
Now this.. TOTALLY pissed me off. Wicca isn't evil or dangerous. Wicca is not only about witchcraft.
More about Wiccans:
Hinduism might be spooky or scary to people because of their practices, but they do NOT, and I repeat, do NOT go around killing or doing bad things. Every good faith teaches their followers mainly the same thing: To not lie, steal, etc..
More about Hindus:
As for Buddhism, I see NO reason to call that religion dangerous at ALL. They aren't even as spooky as Hinduism(No offense, Hindus. Just stating the facts, and protecting the name of these religions to the best of my abilities.)! Unless you find the Goddess of Mercy's many hands scary. Which it isn't. Buddhists even have a Laughing God! And he's really adorable(Again, no offense intended. If you found anything insulting, do not hesitate to contact me somehow to remove the offending statements.)
More about Buddhists:

13. Insists on spending time with friends while unaccompanied by an adult.
What the-? Parents who follow are called kay-pohs.

14. Sleeps too much or too little.
Insomnia or simply just a pig, perhaps?

15. Eats too much or too little.
Bulimic or anemic, or simply just a pig, maybe?

16. Looks at pornography or otherwise shows interest in sex.
Umm.. most guys must be goths, then.

17. Is a homosexual, bisexual, or "pansexual."
Half the world must be goth, by now.

18. Smokes clove cigarettes.
Don't know what these are, but it just sounds stupid. Anyone care to explain?

19. Eats GOTH-related foods such as Count Chocula breakfast cereal.
This might just be one of the stupidest things I've ever seen. I like chocolate very much. Dark chocolate's the best. I'm not very goth, am I?

20. Mocks authority figures such as teachers, guidance counselors or Jesus.
By the way, few goths are Satanic. Some of them are even Christians. Devout followers, in fact.

21. Dances to music.

22. Behaves in any unusual or alarming way.
Perhaps, but maybe they're not goth. Just depressed?

With all this, I shall type another chunk of crap.

P.A.R.O.D.Y. people, please. PLEASE, understand goths a little more before insulting the innocent ones. The Columbine shootings, I'm sure, was not started by only goths. And even if I'm wrong, and they were, they must be the kinds of goths who've misunderstood the original culture, or one of the sub-categories of goths.

And anyways, forgive me, Mr. George Bush for saying this: Would you like to ban guns from being bought at random? Its silly, being able to buy guns and not the bullets as openly. You might just like to watch Micheal Moore's movie on the Columbine shootings, "Bowling for Columbine" or summat like that.

And no, I doubt anything will happen to me for voicing my opinions. I believe I am bounded only by my country's laws, and my country allows freedom of speech. So does yours. *shrugs* Hope you read it.

Oh, and P.A.R.O.D.Y. people, please don't blast me for going against you openly. I would have blasted inside. I have a slight mental abnormality.

Wow. I'm feeling really hot now. Damned the weather. I shall go back to being my happy self.

I didn't need my invincible plan after all! I didn't realise that tomorrow wasn't a public holiday cause of Vesak day today. Vesak day's next Sunday. *grins*

And guess what!? Hemal can't go tomorrow! So its just me and Jessica. Kewl huh! And from the research I've gathered, goths came from punks. So goths are like a sub-class of the punks. *giggles*

Just had a cute conversation with Nadia! If you're easily icked, I warn you not to continue on.

Pink: Nadia
Blue: Me

Ladida... Dressing goth from Monday onwards! says:
Who's that?
Ladida... Dressing goth from Monday onwards! says:
*points at your pic*

`.nadia : dancing spotted cows+ __in a perfect world]] says:
`.nadia : dancing spotted cows+ __in a perfect world]] says:

Ladida... Dressing goth from Monday onwards! says:
My picture's icky.

`.nadia : dancing spotted cows+ __in a perfect world]] says:
`.nadia : dancing spotted cows+ __in a perfect world]] says:

Ladida... Dressing goth from Monday onwards! says:
Its kewl, but she's so dirty.
Ladida... Dressing goth from Monday onwards! says:
Ladida... Dressing goth from Monday onwards! says:
Imagine sitting down on the floor nekkid and licking blood all over you.

`.nadia : dancing spotted cows+ __in a perfect world]] says:

Ladida... Dressing goth from Monday onwards! says:
Ladida... Dressing goth from Monday onwards! says:
And the toilets there are icky.
Ladida... Dressing goth from Monday onwards! says:
I still like Singapore toilets.
Ladida... Dressing goth from Monday onwards! says:
I can sit on the floor and stand up and rub my pants on my face.

`.nadia : dancing spotted cows+ __in a perfect world]] says:
`.nadia : dancing spotted cows+ __in a perfect world]] says:
`.nadia : dancing spotted cows+ __in a perfect world]] says:
ya right

Ladida... Dressing goth from Monday onwards! says:
Ladida... Dressing goth from Monday onwards! says:
The toilets in the nice high class places are good.
Ladida... Dressing goth from Monday onwards! says:
Like... Orchard.
Ladida... Dressing goth from Monday onwards! says:
Their toilets are not bad.
Ladida... Dressing goth from Monday onwards! says:
The third level of parkway.. Didn't we go there once?
Ladida... Dressing goth from Monday onwards! says:
Or was it the second level? The floor's damned clean.

`.nadia : dancing spotted cows+ __in a perfect world]] says:
`.nadia : dancing spotted cows+ __in a perfect world]] says:
if yoo say so
`.nadia : dancing spotted cows+ __in a perfect world]] says:
i`d freak if i saw a nekkid girl sucking blood in the parkway toilet

Ladida... Dressing goth from Monday onwards! says:
Ladida... Dressing goth from Monday onwards! says:
I wouldn't freak.
Ladida... Dressing goth from Monday onwards! says:
I'll puke.
Ladida... Dressing goth from Monday onwards! says:
Especially when she's in a girl's toilet/

`.nadia : dancing spotted cows+ __in a perfect world]] says:

Ladida... Dressing goth from Monday onwards! says:

`.nadia : dancing spotted cows+ __in a perfect world]] says:
i`ll be like
`.nadia : dancing spotted cows+ __in a perfect world]] says:
oh god oh god oh god.

Ladida... Dressing goth from Monday onwards! says:
I'll be like, you want my pad?

`.nadia : dancing spotted cows+ __in a perfect world]] says:

Ladida... Dressing goth from Monday onwards! says:
Tampon easier.

`.nadia : dancing spotted cows+ __in a perfect world]] says:

Ladida... Dressing goth from Monday onwards! says:
Tampon's just the right shape, and you wouldn't get blood all over your face like you would get melon all over your face.
Ladida... Dressing goth from Monday onwards! says:
tampon just pop in and suck.
Ladida... Dressing goth from Monday onwards! says:
Until flat.
Ladida... Dressing goth from Monday onwards! says:
Then spit out into the sanitary bin.

`.nadia : dancing spotted cows+ __in a perfect world]] says:
`.nadia : dancing spotted cows+ __in a perfect world]] says:
`.nadia : dancing spotted cows+ __in a perfect world]] says:

Ladida... Dressing goth from Monday onwards! says:
Ladida... Dressing goth from Monday onwards! says:
I'm being creative here.

Now you know that gissy's sick-headed. These sick-headed outbursts happen only once in a while, I assure you. *smiles sweetly*

darkness falls at 5:02 AM (0) comments

After all that.. I'm deciding to be a whole new person on Monday(tomorrow)! I'm gonna start dressing goth when I'm out.. And I bought a $25 skirt from This Fashion in White Sands shopping centre(Don't you go on rambling about how "uluated" and boring White Sands is. It really is a wonderful place. People just don't go there cause its "far".)!!!

Its a nice long black skirt that I can match with my plain black halter top. I need more tops! Any donations? Dark red or black tops:P PLAIN. No designs.. Unless they're nice. And in good condition. *giggles* Email the pictures to me at! Or you can simply add me on MSN Messenger and send me the pictures that way OR.. post the picture somewhere and give me the addy. I'll look for it:P When I'm serious enough. Which I am, now! Make sure that the boob parts of the tops are fittable for me! Which is... quite small, I must sadly admit. It would be very much appreciated if you got a pretty model for the pictures. Not holding onto the garments.. wearing them. *beams* Entice me.

AND! I wanted to be fairer(though my friends said that I was fair enough already), so I practised with Johnson's baby powder! It worked! And my skin felt so bloody smooth! *pouts* I hope it'll look natural enough though. I looked kinda misty. Like.. foggy or something. Unnaturally white. Basically, I looked powdered.

Oh! And I really apologise if I offend(ed) anyone, but I have decided not to turn Jewish. Yes, I admit, to save my own pride and relationships with my friends. And now you think, "What kinds of friends do you have?". Wonderful ones. I just can't risk it. With every decision you make, there will be at least a zero point infinite percent of something you never expected will happen to happen. And anyways, I would most likely be though of as a poseur. So.. no. I'll have to work to believing more. If I really can't, then... too bad for me. Right? Ain't it my loss? *grins* SO leave me alone.

I'll be out at Orchard tomorrow! Dressing all goth! And acting goth too(to the best of my abilities)! I'll be dressing up goth, Hemal will be dressing up slut(maybe) and Jessica will be dressing up punk. *grins* Hope I won't blush when people stare. I'll try my best to put my Drama skills to use! Good use!

We'll be putting on foreign accents.. Mine'll be.. some accent(I never knew what my accent was. American? British(Most definitely not. I wish I could!)? Irish(Perhaps. I was taught my Irish Speech and Drama teachers.)?).

And later, you might just see me on it giving vulgar remarks or comments. I can now do what I can't do in school uniform! Roll my eyes when flyers are passed to me! Or attempted to be passed to me, rather. And I can be as rude as I want! And as morbid as I want! Like... If someone asks me where I'm from, I can go "Why? Waging war?" or something like that! *giggles and cheers for me*

Oh, and I'll be easily spoted cause I'll be wearing:
1. fish-net stockings!
2. And black heels,
3. and a black top
4. (and maybe) a black skirt. Not the long one. Or my stockings will be hidden.
5. Dark eye make-up with
6. no eyeshadow,
7. and light lipstick. Either silver or simple Born Lippy lip balm(or is it gloss?).
8. Nails.. I might paint them dark red.

But I just realised that its Vesak Day and my parents will be home! *gasps*

THE Plan:
So... I can stay in the lift and hurry remove my fish-nets and undo my hairdo(which might/might not be done at all).. Before I run into the kitchen's toilet and remove my eye make-up, which is gonna take real long. Then, I can strip and wrap myself in a towel before I go to the other toilet to bathe(The heater outside's not working.).

My invincible plan! *cackles insanely*

Therefore, if you see me walking around Orchard, do NOT wave to me. I do not wave. I nod in greeting. You can take pictures! Yeah, you can. I think I shall bring my digital camera. Dang. What bags do goths wear? *giggles* I've never seen them wear bags.

*goes to do some research on goths*

darkness falls at 3:21 AM (0) comments

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

An email from a friend of mine asking me what religion I was suddenly reminded me of what I really believe and don't really believe in the religion I am in(Christianity). *blinks* Don't really know why, though. Here's what I believe:

How true can religion be where humans are involved? Ordinary humans who became something because of what they did? Miracles happen, I do agree, and that is God's doing. How do you know the Bible is real? What if the Bible was just a really good book someone's written and called it "The Bible"? Which is why, my sister says that religious matters are based on trust. Only with trust do you truly believe in a faith. I'm not even very sure if Jesus is truly the Son of God. And no, I wouldn't ask for forgiveness even if it is. It wasn't really my fault. Some people(like me) are rather materialistic and straightforward, sometimes refusing to believe in stuff unless there is ultimate proof or convincing logic. Therefore, I can conclude that I should convert.

Call me traitor, I don't care. I believe that people should respect what others believe in, regardless of race. According to a source.. "Judaism accepts the worth of all people regardless of religion".

But, then again, I found some things I don't agree with. "Judaism sees Christianity's trinitarianism as a weakening of the idea of God's oneness." Basically, it means that Christians believe there is a God of the Father, God of the Son, and God of the Holy Spirit. God shouldn't be split like that as it is "a weakening of the idea of God's oneness". Aha! BUT... "Jews don't have a set group of beliefs about the nature of God; therefore, there is considerable, and approved, debate within Judaism about God. " So, I'm okay. I fit the bill so far.

And yes! "To Jews, whatever wonderful teacher and storyteller Jesus may have been, he was just a human, not the son of God (except in the metaphorical sense in which all humans are children of God). In the Jewish view, Jesus cannot save souls; only God can. Jesus did not, in the Jewish view, rise from the dead." This supports my statement just now. "I'm not even very sure if Jesus is truly the Son of God."

"He[Jesus] also did not absorb the sins of people. For Jews, sins are removed not by Jesus' atonement but by seeking forgiveness. Jews seek forgiveness from God for sins against God and from other people (not just God) for sins against those people. Seeking forgiveness requires a sincere sense of repenting but also seeking directly to redress the wrong done to someone. Sins are partially removed through prayer which replaced animal sacrifice as a way of relieving sins. They are also removed by correcting errors against others." Good. Very good. Now I don't have to keep praying and hoping that my sins will be forgiven when I'm not even sure. I shall do this now.

*is reading and learning and trying to remember* Because I don't see Jewish around anywhere in Singapore, I shall have to study everything myself. *shrugs*

"Some respect him as an ethical teacher who accepted Jewish law, as someone who didn't even see himself as the messiah, who didn't want to start a new religion at all." That's good. So I can at least avoid all shots from my Christian and Catholic friends.

"Whatever the Jewish response is, one point is crucial. No one who is Jewish, no born Jew and no one who converts to Judaism, can believe in Jesus as the literal son of God or as the messiah. For the Jewish people, there is no God but God." Whoa, this sounds terribly strict.

"In contrast, the Jewish view is that humans are not born naturally good or naturally bad. They have both a good and a bad inclination in them, but they have the free moral will to choose the good and this free moral will can be more powerful than the evil inclination. Indeed, Jewish ethics requires the idea that humans decide for themselves how to act. This is so because temptation, and with it the possibility of sin, allows people to choose good and thus have moral merit. The Jewish view is not that humans are helpless in the face of moral error." I think I'm gonna love this religion. *crosses her fingers and hopes that there ain't anything she doesn't agree with*

This religion's really logical and.. its so.. me.

"The fear of death, concern about the fate of our own soul and those of our loved ones, ethical concerns that some people die unfairly, all these and many other issues are discussed in Jewish literature. Since God is seen as ultimately just, the seeming injustice on Earth has propelled many traditional Jewish thinkers into seeing the afterlife as a way to reflect the ultimate justice of human existence. " Wowee, boy, do I smell logic.

Just in case I forget... Gehenna is the name for a place where souls are punished. (Pronounced as: Gay-henna(but don't pronounce the 'y' too much))

"Many Jewish thinkers noted that since, essentially, God is filled with mercy and love, punishment is not to be considered to be eternal." Great.

" Judaism doesn't have a clear sense of Heaven and Hell, with different places in Hell for different punishments. Rather, the idea is that God uses the afterlife to provide ultimate justice and for the wicked to seek some sort of final redemption. " Good. Good, good good.

*BLINKS* 613 commandments. I have to read them!:P

Stopped at rule 35.

Courtesy of this webby:

darkness falls at 3:39 PM (0) comments

Eyes which don't know impurity look at me,

Reflecting the forever endlessly continuing earth,

Tracing the remains of my forgotten tears with a little finger.

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I am a Scorpio. (Also known as "Scorpion") My Horroscope starts like this:
" Scorpios are highly dangerous, even at a distance. They cheat and lie, live for intrigue, and take pleasure in destroying. " (Read more | Find yours)


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Christina Aguilera - Beautiful (Parody)
Evanescence - Even in Death
Evanescence - Going Under
Evanescence - Zero
Jessica Simpson - These Boots Are Made For Walking
Lonestar - I'm Already There
Shakira - Objection
Superchick - Beauty from Pain

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