Friday, November 16, 2007
Aiyah, I'm very sad lah. Should I switch to livejournal?
But my blogskin! I really like it! :D
I have ONE post there. Maybe I should just have TWO blogs. *lol* Sometimes I -do- get into the livejournal mood okay.
Go on, check both from now on.
Yes mel, I'm copying you.. I couldn't stand to have a connection for so long, what with me using blogger and you using livejournal..
It just hurts so much..
darkness falls at 10:31 AM
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Sunday, November 11, 2007
Okay, now to update my blog on the two presents I got this week!
Belated, but never mind. :D
Mel gave me a Starburst (..starburst right?) gummy snakes thing!
The fruity taste was very very strong, I must say. Thanks mel!
Ros gave me a 1GB thumbdrive! SO COOL! I shall wear it around school next year, probably. :D
Sorry, no pictures.. Too lazy to take, upload, then post. :D
So. Thank you all!
When Ros gave me the present, it came with a receipt, and I thought:
"Silly girl."
Then later that night, when I got home and read her note, she said that she gave it to me intentionally cause there was a 2 year warranty on it.
Her note was incredibily messy. Chicken scratchings, I must say. Just bigger. Circular cancellations.. scrawls.. Uneven handwriting..
And then.. I don't know why..
Call me emo if you must, but I felt it.
I mean, I don't know if it was cause the note was so pathetic it just incited my pity, or if I truly was touched cause I realised that.. You know what? I think I've found them. I think I've found the friends that truly ARE friends.
Not just because of the presents, but it was through these presents that I realised. I learnt the magnitude to which my friends would go for another. I used to only have 2 of such friends last year.
Look at me now. I have a whole classful of them, and MORE.
By my standards, I don't think I'm a very good friend, but looking at how much I've learnt in the past year..
I want to thank my friends, ALL of you. Mainly my classmates + Jerine + the other people.
You all have shown me what it truly is to be a friend. You showed me how, and I emulated your behaviour (except the present part. I'm still a little on the stingy side.).
Little notes, SMSes to ask if you're alright.. SMSes that tell you that I suddenly thought of you.. Messages that told you all that I care.
I've come a long way, okay.
I want to go further. When I start buying presents for you all, you know I've started. :D
Anyways, yesterday, I had Wai Wan, Cheng Hung, Mel and cx over to watch Exorcism of Emily Rose and Hotel Rwanda.
HEE! Know what's spastic? Exorcism of Emily Rose was FAR from scary... I thought it would be. Pfft.
Hotel Rwanda wasn't as touching as it was 3-4 years ago. Oh well. *lol* I guess its cause it wasn't dark enough and it's my second time watching it.
Anyways, it's Jerine's birthday today, so you all can just hop over to her blog and wish her Happy birthday cause she's not in the country. Her blog's
As you all know, the OCIP people have LEFT! 4am this morning I think.
I msged Ros and Jerine (the two closest people to me in OCIP.. and maybe not people in OCIP) and told them to come back with rich laos guys there.
WAHAHAHA! When they come back in 13 days, they're gonna be SO rich!
13 days only ah? I don't know why, I kept thinking it was one month.
Well, mhm.
Yesterday I was at my man's place, and you know what!? I think our relationship has come to a point where we don't even have to talk to each other or be near each other to feel as though we are spending time together.
I know some of you have heard that saying that went something along the lines of.. Uhh.. Loving someone is when you did not speak the whole time, at the end of it, you feel as though you had a whole conversation.
My poot ah. It's not possible at the start of a relationship. Not to me, anyways. Defy convention, yes, but don't do that! You need to know everything about each other before you can advance properly and accept each other's flaws, etc.
I don't even need to explain further. You all should understand.
Anyways, so ya. I was at one end of the room playing fk on his laptop, and he was on the other end on a sofa reading a book.
We're kind of out of movies to watch, see. :P
And his internet wasn't working.. so ya.
************************** Are you feeling bored during the holidays!?
Go watch la bi xiao xin on youtube or something. :D
darkness falls at 3:30 PM
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Tuesday, November 06, 2007
I am proud to say that I believe I am very very mature. You can even see it from what I like eating/drinking!
1. Chinese Tea (especially ginseng oolong! If you EVER find this, PLEASE tell me!
2. Brinjal
3. Brands essence of chicken
..I can't think of any more. Brinjal and Brands.. they're acquired tastes.
Btw, just because I don't eat ladies fingers doesn't mean I'm immature. I just don't like the idea of mutilating women's hands.
darkness falls at 9:11 PM
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Saturday, November 03, 2007
Okay, my birthday post.
Let me begin from the night/early morning of 1st Nov.
I had two nightmares. Don't remember the second one, but the first one was that it was my birthday, and my man was going around this really really dark supermarket (I don't remember much about it) getting stuff for me so he could cook for my birthday. His family was also there, so I hung out with his family while he left me behind, alone. Then.. Later, goodness knows what happened, but it involved his phone ringing, and me finding out that he was cheating on me. *lol*
What a way to start the day.
So when I woke up and stoned around in bed while reading my birthday msgs on my hp, my kitty, Marlin, suddenly came along and settled himself behind my head, so it felt as though his stomach was my pillow. So cute.
So the first present I received was from Jerine! So sweet, she came all the way to Tanah Merah just to gimme my present, and she came half an hour early, so she had to wait for half an hour. *lol* Lucky thing she had a book to read.

We took this picture even though she insisted she was ugly and I didn't oppose her remark.
How pretty ya!? They're from CUPCAKE MOMMA. Whoever this momma is, she's got a webby and an email!
I think it's: or and cupcakemomma@gmail.
Go search on google yourself. I'm too lazy to check.
Then my man and I walked to his place, and along the way, I took a random picture. I wanted to take pictures of EVERYTHING I did that day, but decided not to after he commented on me taking the picture.
"You know you're taking pictures of things that have got nothing to do with your birthday ya?"
Here it is:

So I went to his place and he asked me to search for his present when we got to his room. I pointed to the two main drawers where he keeps his stuff, and when he said no, I walked straight up to his clothes cupboard and heard him say "Eee, no fun one.".
*lol* I'm good at this.
It was put in a chocz paper bag, and the stuff inside had got NOTHING to do with that.

After arranging the stuff right...

These are the sweets. Some of them.

I saw this, and I was like "Eurgh, hershey's milk chocolate isn't nice! You should have gotten the white chocolate one."
Looking back into the paper bag...

LOL! So cute.
He even went to ask cx for sonia's number and get me this. He told me he felt awkward and stupid picking the two different scents up and sniffing them cause he claimed they were the same.
You know how he sniffed it? He sprayed it on his hand. Silly boy. Can just sniff the nozzle..

And I saw this in the paper bag too:

Seriously. Uhh.. *lol*

Wrong one! But never mind, it smells nice. :D
And I also saw this:

A handphone sock. Seriously. *lol* Doesn't match my phone, but I'm growing to like it. It's very thin and elastic (sounds wrong)!
And I saw this too.

A BERET! But the weird kind of brown. I know I look horrid in it in this picture, but its the shirt, I SWEAR it! I'll show you all one day!
My man loved me so much he spent $270 or so on everything. :( When I heard how much, I started crying. Not cause I was touched, probably, but because the expensive things he bought, he bought wrongly. *lol* I'm going to try and make full use of it, though.
So after all the hoo hah was over, my man's mum asked me to take up this box of six doughnuts and my man and I started eating it!

And we watched 300 while at it. :D
Okay, here we go. The next day, I received my present from Eleanor!

She decorated a cupcake for me! Goodness knows if her hands were clean. *lol*
Then choy gave me his present! Bonjour milk and pandan bread! He alternated them, and I said "goodness knows whether his hands are clean".
And then steph told me he used gloves, so yay. :D

A candid shot of me. Isn't that odd?
Then Bhav gave me her card! She baked cupcakes (what's with cupcakes this year!?) and told me it turned out weird, so she won't give them to me. But I think weird cupcakes are cute. Oh well. She wrote me a note, though. I was really happy until I saw others have notes from her too.

Cai Xiang's present was so fun! But annoying, cause it was wrapped in nice wrapping paper.

Her card said I would definitely like it, and when I looked...

Whee. I like essence of chicken! I like I like! of course, I have to like the eeyore post-its too, so.. I like!
Anyways, my birthday falls on the same day as my man's sister's, so I got to cut cake and have "happy birthday" sung to me for the first time in 7 years. Eurgh. Oh well.
The cake was nice, though. Nope, no pictures.
My man's parents gave me an ang bao. No, I can't tell you how much. It's not nice. :D
And my man and I took pictures (it's a once in a long while thing). He looks fat in some of them, but I photoshopped them. :D Kidding, a bit only. I don't know how to work photoshop well.
Sigh, so weird. Here they are:
 Fat boy and little man.
 Don't remember WHY, but we were gonna burst out laughing for some reason.
 A little dim, but this is my favourite picture. :D
darkness falls at 6:20 PM
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Friday, November 02, 2007
Whee, PW is OVERRRR! Took pictures with my groupmateys!

And me with my ugly tag.
darkness falls at 10:50 PM
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Okay, this post is purely for recording purposes! I kind of left my camera at my man's place, and most of my other pictures are with Eleanor, so I can't blog about my birthday, and my belated birthday (today) yet. Whee!
Thank you so much, especially those of you actually stayed up to msg me a happy birthday! I really really appreciate it. I wouldn't do that for anyone.
On a lighter note, I set my phone to silent non-vibration that night cause I knew there would be those SWEET but bo liao people who will stay up to wish me happy birthday. No, not all the following smses were sent at 12. Only some. So.
These are the people who wished me a happy birthday!
1. Sebastian Wished me happy birthday one day before. :D He got the date wrong. But he wished me happy birthday again ("O happy birthday!") via sms the next day.
2. My dear (Berlyn) hey dear. know what? i remember i am supposed to stay up and do something really important. but then, i forgot what it is! but i think it has something to do with you. HAHA.
(blank screen)
now i remember. HAPPY BIRTHDAY. at least act surprised, i stayed up for this kay? (:
3. Hung Ee Happy birthday my darling ... I love you so much ... :)
4. Eunice Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday happy birthday. Happy birthday to you. Take care and God bless! -Eunice =))
5. San-shine hey gissy!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! whoa someone so old already uh? hahas! 17 already! :) may all your wishes come true ya? this msg is PURPOSELY brought to you by, yours truly - IHSAN YADIY TP143! hees! happy birthday!
6. Sayang (Rachelle) HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAYANG!!!! :) LOVE LOVE..
7. Eleanor Happy birthday gissy! This msg was totally sent not to irritate u. Neheheh =P and not having meeting tmr is considered as ur bday present hor.. Enjoy =D
8. Paveena Gissy!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! :)
9. Hung She (my man's sister. Her birthday is the same as mine. :D) Happy birthday ... !!! ^.^ may all your wishes come true ! Haz haz >.< color="#ff99ff">And then, in the morning, my mummy wished me happy birthday, and my maid too, and later at my man's place, his mummy and daddy and youngest sis wished me happy birthday too. And then when we went to simpang, Sherman and Daiyu and some goodness knows who guy wished me happy birthday. I'm not sure if the goodness knows who guy wished me happy birthday, but daiyu and that goodness knows who guy were looking at me like I was some crazy idiot, so yeah. I only know and love Sherman. :D (he's my man's friend, btw).
darkness falls at 5:35 PM
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