Thursday, October 25, 2007
My birthday is coming! AND, being the nice person that I am, I shall have a WISHLIST.
Here's the thing: If you all are planning some dumb birthday party, and if you all don't really want to scrap the many (I hope not) plans you all have made, just go ahead with it, but honestly, I really really don't want it.
And, again, HONESTLY, I don't really care too much if you all aren't getting me presents since I didn't get them for you all anyways (I think celebrating my birthday is really quite spastic. It's just ANOTHER day.), but this wishlist will act as a guide, just in CASE you all get me a present, and get me something I'm not hot about.
I have decided to put the "DO NOT GET" before the "CAN GET". More important mah.
1. Flowers NO NO NO. I HATE FLOWERS. No ARTIFICIAL ones that last forever (that's even worse). I swear I'll donate them to another friend of mine when you all aren't looking. If I donated my own Valentine's day flowers to people, I will donate your flowers to others too.
2. "bai mei" things. In essence, nothing that serves no purpose but being a:
- decorative object
- paperweight
- paper clip
- box or whatever to store whatever in
3. Accessories Handphone accessories, bracelets, earrings/ear studs, rings, necklaces, pendants, chokers, whatever that is used to DECORATE a person, or a box, or a card (that means I'm putting coloured markers and colour pencils and paint under "accessories"). However, the only exceptions to this category are a computer/laptop/printer. You can use them to make cards sometimes. Clocks are NOT allowed, though. They are considered decorative, and clocks are offensive presents to a traditional Chinese person. You can ask me why. 4. Story books Please lah, I've got thousands of books to read at home.
5. Movies Maybe the latest Harry Potter movie would be good, cause I didn't catch it.
6. Sanitary pads/tampons/tissue paper/condoms(I know some people who like to buy condoms as presents, but only for guys). Basically, any sanitary stuff. That includes anything that contributes to improving my hygiene. I like picking my nose and wiping them on lift buttons so people cannot see th e number, so that's that. I don't want towels, or napkins, or shampoo, or soap.
7. Make-up NO. Especially not lipstick. They dry up my lips. If you REALLY must. Fine. Liquid eyeliner that works well. If you're not sure, don't say "Aiyah, we buy already, she can't do anything about it if it doesn't work well.". Just don't buy it.
8. Writing materials ..Don't be SPASTIC.
9. Cutlery ..I don't fancy them. My mummy buys really nice ones, so I don't need yours.
10. Aroma therapy stuff I'm NOT stressed, and I don't use these things. I just pass them on as presents to other people anyways.
11. Things that will make me feel bad for flattening in a vain attempt to keep it somewhere, or things that CANNOT be folded up EASILY.
12. Clothes/shoes. ..It's very very dangerous. But if you REALLY must, make sure the size is right. I don't even know my size, but its really quite small. If you can fold the clothes in half neatly about 2-3 times, then it SHOULD be the right size. Off-shoulder (shoulderS?) BLACK tops are quite okay. PLAIN black tops. Maybe have a small diamond here or there is fine. NO WORDS, no fancy designs that are especially attention-grabbing. I'm attention-grabbing enough already.
13. Bookmarks ..Don't do that, please. Cheng Hung is already doing a series of that, or so he said. No repetition of presents! :D
Hmm. And DON'T WRAP presents with nice paper. Just use newspaper. :D I won't feel so bad about not having space to keep your stuff then.
1. A really nice goodie bag! Lots of sweets and food! Make sure they're brands that I recognise. BUT. No fruit plus. I don't fancy strawberry or grape things and chocolates and biscuits in my goodie bag. No lollipops, no sugar-coated gummies. I've been wanting the gummy thinggy! The one that we always like to bite the steggy's head off. BUT, I don't want dinosaurs. I want the worms one. Don't ONLY buy that leh. Pool together money and get me a goodie bag or something. *lol* The container/bag that the goodies are in should be chapalang and your heart and mine won't ache to see it being thrown away.
2. A beret. I've been wanting to get this for MORE THAN A YEAR. But I always thought it was very expensive.. Cause the only one I like is the one from Bugis Junction. It's on the first level, and I'm not sure of the shop's name, but if I'm not wrong, its right next to an exit of the building. IF I'M NOT WRONG. They sell bags and all there too.. And the colour of the beret. I could never decide which colour to get, cause I suit the pink ones, but I have LOTS of black clothes, if you all haven't noticed. Blue is oooookay. A very nudish brown/beige is the one that best suits me, but it probably would NEVER match my clothes.. Or would it? Consider this one carefully.. PLEASE pool together money if you choose this. It's close to $30 if I'm not wrong. Maybe more. Don't really remember, hee.
3. A 2GB thumbdrive. Hee hee, I think mine is very ugly. Get the very standard one for me also can! The imation one, I think. It's the one that comes in 1GB also. Pool together money, please.
4. Black fish-net stockings. The name says it all. :D I won't use it much, but I've always wanted a pair that fit me properly. Take the smaller size (S, most probably), and the one with smaller diamond holes.
5. ..A handphone sock or something. *lol* I lost mine. I can always survive without one, of course. It's much easier anyways. I just had to come up with one more thing cause 4 things on a wishlist sounds pathetic.
6. Brands essence of chicken. If you want to buy, again, POOL TOGETHER MONEY to get it. And don't go and waste your money and buy it for $17 or something. Ask Cai Xiang where to get it.
7. Cocoa butter The press bottle ah! Must be a BOTTLE. ONLY the one that's for pregnant women and stretch marks. I've got freaking a lot of stretch marks, and I've wanted to get this for more than a year. Hopefully it works. You can find it at guardian, probably watsons. Don't know, ask cx (or ros?). I think cx should be able to remember.
8. DEODORANT! Hee hee, I like the one that sonia uses (used?). This one, ask wyn and sonia. They SHOULD know which one. NO, its not the PINK adidas one. Eurgh. I think its a peachy colour. It smells really fruity. I heard its quite ex, so share share, split the cost! But don't think I really want this, okay? I DON'T MIND having it, but I don't use deo, if you all haven't noticed.
9. Nice-smelling hair moisturisers. Only the ones from body shop. You know the kind that you have to burst so the moisturiser comes out, and then you rub it all over your hair?
10. Eye drops Eye drops! Either the very proper contacts one, or just eye mo will do. :D
11. Nothing. Hee hee, I got no ideas anymore. :D And really, its PERFECTLY okay if you don't get me anything. I know I seem presumptuous by putting what I want here, but it really doesn't matter if you don't get me anything. I've wanted some of these things here for quite a while, but it doesn't matter if I don't get them. I may just get over my want sometime. Best is ang pao lah. :P Put all the money together so I won't know how much each person gave.
I will update this page if anything else comes to mind, and "UPDATE" will be typed at the top of the page. Extra ideas/words will be put in the same colour that "UPDATE" is in. e.g. UPDATE!!! (This means that all updates will be put in yellow)
(Last update: 25th October 2007, 8.30pm)
darkness falls at 7:05 PM
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Friday, October 19, 2007
Hee hee, haven't updated in ages. The stuff I have on the computer is SO distracting.
Anyways, yeah. Last saturday turned out quite fine. My man's parents brought the family and I to some dim sum restaurant at.. some tower place. It's REALLY close to Vivo City, that's all I can say.
Got my results back. The main point is that I'm getting promoted!
Happy happy.
And then I look at some of my friends who're not going to be promoted, and I really don't know what to say to them.
So I don't say anything.
Some of you may have remembered me wishing for some people to be retained.
Now I don't. It's so saddening.. I mean, all the sadness its causing, knowing that you didn't make it after studying (hard or not, who cares. I'm sure they studied, at least a little)..
I don't like it.
Anyways. Yeah. Been busying myself with playing Pokemon Emerald. It's really different from the other versions, okay.
Monday, Miss Norzian gave us each an "I (heart) A06!" (is there the exclamation mark?) badge! SO SWEET RIGHT!? Thanks Miss Norzian!
Then when I was in the library doing last minute compilation for PW WR yesterday, Aunty Kenny came up to my group member (honestly, I don't remember WHO he was talking to.. My eyes were on the monitor) and asked about the badges. Then he made a comment.
"A06, can you get any lamer than that?"
Oh, and I thought that the frenzy that was caused when the WR had to be submitted was really interesting. I thought it quite fun that my group hadn't handed in something so important by the deadline. I mean, the running around, the absolute focus, the reckless decisions that cannot be regretted. FUN! It's the first time I was so anxious about handing in work in TPJC before.
Then later.. I went to D block to get bags and all, then walked around with the school's laptop. Then went to the library with Eleanor to return it. Then Mrs Lee walks into the library and I said "Hi Mrs Lee!"
And she looked at my hair, and she said something along the lines of "I like your hair like that. I don't like it tied up."
I was pretty amazed, and so I said "Isn't it against the school rules?"
And she said "Hmm, ya.. Trim it a bit.. But its difficult to maintain.."
To which I replied "Hmm, ya, I know."
Then we parted.
On the way down the stairs, I saw Fahmi at a table, and he looked at me (and my hair, I guess), and remarked "Gisella! You look so.. sweet."
And I smiled widely and said "I know!"
And he was like "What the hell.."
I bet you he was thinking "I take that back.."
Last night, Jerine msged me and went something like "hey babe... one question. Strawberry, chocolate or peanut butter?"
And I was wondering if she was gonna give me something. Oh well, I didn't know what. I told myself not to be too hopeful and maybe she's just trying to decide on something for herself.
I told her that it'd be chocolate if its a muffin thing, strawberry if its a jammish spread, and peanut butter if the whole thing is peanut butter.. Like peanut butter cookies or something.
Anyways, this morning, I WOKE UP LATE!
I usually wake up at 6am. Jerine's message (that asked me if I was coming to school and she brought breakfast for me) at 6.50am woke me up! Phew!:P
I was wondering WHY it was so bright. Then I was like "oh poop, I didn't set the alarm." I was gonna reply to Jerine's message, but I couldn't type properly, so I decided to hurry up and wash up and change for school.
While I was changing, I called cx and asked for a lift to school. She agreed (yay!).
Then about 30 seconds after that, Jerine called and I told her I was gonna be in school.
So we met at the canteen and Jerine gave me a doughnut! You know, the white, heart-shaped one with strawberry jam inside!? Yeah, that one!
So sweet. I ate it, and I didn't know that the white wasn't icing! I thought it was just very thick, creamy icing. I can't stand too much icing, but it tasted good. Jerine told me it was white chocolate, and I was like "WHOA.". *lol* Oh well. Thanks Jerine!
Anyways, so it was my first time feeling frenzied like that for PW and my first time ALMOST being late for school! WOW!!!
I also got nothing much to say. I'm still debating on whether to go to Miss Norzian's place this Sunday. See first. :)
darkness falls at 3:20 PM
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Friday, October 12, 2007
It's my period talking.
WHO CARES!? I want to rant. So I shall.
The past two days have been utterly CRAP, and I thought it would be okay yesterday.
First, no one listens to me when I ask "Who's gonna go out?".
Okay, never mind.
Then we take SO long to leave. Okay, never mind. At least there was the cool breeze.
THEN, no one bothers to accompany to esplanade library. I asked for one. But got no one. Fine fine, it's about time I learnt independence.
THEN, my friend doesn't answer his phone while I'm walking to esplanade library, and didn't reply my message while I was in HMV. Then when I just reached the outside of esplanade library, he calls me and the first thing he says is "Oh my gosh, you REALLY went to esplanade library!?" like I was DAMN dumb to believe him. When he didn't even lie and DID intend to go to the library but had some last minute council thing to go to, but forgot all about me. And he didn't apologise. He just gave the awkward laugh. AND, he doesn't try to make up for it by giving the dvd to me free. When I proposed the idea, he just went "Nice try, hon". Please lah, even Chin Ho bothers apologising, even though its a rather sheepish, uncertain apology.
THEN, we don't have lunch until what, FOUR o'clock? The paper ended at ONE.
THEN. I expected my man to come and drop by city hall on the way home so we can go back together, but NO. He didn't take the hint that I wanted him to come over (I don't understand, you know. I say that I don't know my way around well, and I don't like going all the way from town to his place alone, and he DIDN'T get the hint. Why hint? Because we always have tyo pretend that we're nice people, that's why.). Worse still, he asked his friends to leave school earlier with him so they can cab home together. So now he owes his friends. And so he got really annoyed and asked "So what you want me to do now?". Of course, he couldn't let down his friends, so I told him to go with his friends, especially since they left school FOR him.
So later when I go to my man's place, I just stone and refuse to speak to him. I also don't know what to do. You want me to be happy, also cannot. I've been given too much crap for the day. You want me to just forgive him, also cannot. The worst thing is, he didn't do anything wrong, and the others didn't do anything wrong, so I had NO right to be upset.
My lao gong FORGOT, my man DIDN'T TAKE THE HINT, the outing group HAD TO WAIT FOR EVERYONE, the outing group could do more with one person and ONE MORE PERSON COULD EAT if one person didn't take me to esplanade library.
But we made up in the end and yesterday the day ended off pretty well. I had dinner at my man's place and his parents were being especially nice. You know what's weird? Whenever they have visitors, the visitor won't get normal water. It's a CONFIRM. I'm still considered a visitor. And the thing is, the maid seemed to know this, cause his parents didn't tell her to give me lime juice specially.
Today I had to wake up early and go to school for a meeting thing with my friend, Nicole, for prom matters. Just the two of us. So I woke up at 8, and the meeting was at 9. I had to walk ALL AROUND school. I hate it when they do that. They could always put security guards or staff members at the side gate so we can get in. I will complain. One day.
So I come to school for ONE hour, and then we're done. And we hardly did anything. AND I had to walk round the school TWICE. Oh well, at least there were loads of people in school, especially in the council room, so I was pretty happy with that.
But of course, I felt all bad about myself because I wondered why no one asked me out. At least when I mentioned that to Nicole, she asked me to go out with the councillors, cause she thinks they're going out today.
It's so weird. I always thought I was in SOME clique, if not, usually included in outings.. But I suppose I haven't made enough of an impact on people during exam period, so I'm easily forgotten. Oh, a taste of my own medicine? I haven't even given mine yet. I'll only give mine after we graduate or something. And even then, I don't think that's possible, cause I'll stick to the most recent friends until I find new ones. The last-minute "Oh, you can come along if you want" DOESN'T help. Perhaps you had a reason for not inviting me, oh well. I'm not talking about ONLY today, or ONLY one person.
Okay, so I get home and use the computer and wait for my maid to come back with my mum from the hospital, cause my mum went for a checkup. I get home at 10 or so, and start using the comp. And my maid and my mum take AGES to come home.
And when they come home, my mum told me she bought a skirt. Okay, quite nice. Then I walk to the kitchen and see that they bought Burger King for lunch. And I didn't get any. They just dumped 1/3 a pack of fries on me. I suppose they didn't get any lunch for me cause they might have thought I was gonna come home late. See? Not their fault. I can't blame them.
So my maid comes in and asks if I have had lunch, and I say no, and she doesn't do anything about it. So till now, all I've eaten is a piece of bread, and a slice of cake, and drank a cup of bubble tea.
Halfway through the day, I realise I get my period, and its quite good cause I didn't stain anything at all. I just peed, and when I wiped off, there was blood.
So yeah. I was quite happy with that.
Then there was a heavy rain, which didn't make my house feel any cooler, for some odd reason. Then thunder started booming. I like thunder. But this one was particularly unsettling. I decided to step away from the computer. So I decided to sleep, cause I didn't really have much to do and I was too lazy to read.
I nap for about slightly less than an hour, and then I get awoken by my handphone vibrating repeatedly. I don't care to see who it is, and just pick up the phone. Oh, its Roslyn. Yay, a friend called (my friends don't call. I don't know why. Not that I want to talk to them anyways, I think yakking on the phone is quite silly now. I used to like it, though.).
She asked me to go to school to help her get her PW. Oh, I suppose I'm the most likely candidate, since I live in Pasir Ris. I was going to be mean and refer her to cx instead, but I realise that cx is out singing with her secondary school mates. Then there's the backward and forward thinggy, and I realise I'm being very selfish, but I really didn't want to.
And then Roslyn makes it sound so bad, and that she supposes she can cab down to school. And I finally gave in. So I get up from my rudely interrupted sleep in bed, and change to go to school.
I get to school and realise there's no one there, then I think it through, and I can't blame Roslyn for this, since: 1. I made this choice myself 2. She must have had her reasons for informing me so late.
But on second thought, reason 2 isn't a reason. Unless she took millions of hours to ask people (HER GROUP MATES, who are, hmm, probably also NOT free) to get to school and get it for her, then I cannot blame her. Also, if she "forgot", I also cannot blame her. I won't ask her why when I see her later, I'd probably get more annoyed. And I cry very very easily nowadays. I think I'll tell her to not speak to me and just take it and go. If she comes to my doorstep, I'll just tell my maid to pass it to her.
What, her teacher told her last minute? Tell the teacher to extend the WR dates! The teacher doesn't have ANY right to make a student come all the way back on a school holiday to COLLECT something, which was given on SUCH LATE NOTICE.
Yes, I do wonder why she couldn't have asked her other group members, but again, as mentioned above, I suppose they must have been out with their friends. See? I can't blame them again.
And then I realise I'm getting very annoyed at not being asked out again. So I decide to find purpose, or rather, something to do in my life. I decide to sign up for giving tuition. And then I fill up the form, and I find that they need a picture. And then I look through my pictures and they're ALL very unsuitable. So I try to take a picture then. Oh great. Camera battery flat.
So I just leave that out first, and I go to my mum's room to tell her that I want to give tuition. Then she tells me I don't have enough time and all, and that my studies aren't very steady, but (in the very annoyed tone) if you want, then go lor. I tell her that its after promos already, but she says that if I fail, I have to study again what. Oh, how nice, tell me that I can't go and earn money if I want even though its AFTER promos, and that IF I fail (they told me NEVER to think that I will fail, and what happens if I fail), I still have to have time to study. Just ONCE a week. I want just ONCE a week.
I get ticked off, and so I just go back and decide not to do it anymore. But the window is still open. I'm leaving it there just in case I decide on giving tuition again.
Then my aunt calls, and I pick up the cordless phone, right beside me. I turn it on, but my phone's screwy again, and I can't hear anything on the other side. So I hang up after saying "Hello?".
Then my aunt calls again, and by the I've already whacked the phone till it worked, so when I picked up the phone, she asked who I was, and in the very annoyed tone "ni zhuo mo?" (equivalent to "What's your problem?" or "What did you do that for?" in a very rude way.). So I told her and she was okay already. But I was nevertheless annoyed already, so I STOOD UP (girls with their periods don't like standing up after sitting down much), walked all the way out of the room to hand my mum the phone. I held out the phone, and my mum just frowned in the very very annoyed manner and just stared at the phone. She said "What?". And I said "Phone call lah.". And she said "Who?" And I said "Ah Yee". Then she frowned and shook her head turning away. Just as I was about to say into the phone "Mummy bu xiang gen ni shuo hua." (Mummy doesn't feel like talking to you), my mum turned back and reached forward for the phone, then when she realised that I was lifting the phone to my ear, her hand retreated. I got annoyed even further and asked "You want or not?". Then I just dumped the phone on her.
See? Annoyance carries over a LOT of things.
And then my man ticks me off again because he says that he'll call me at 6, but AGAIN, he overshoots the time. He needs to learn to keep promises about time. If you say six, then let it be six. If you can't make it in time, message me about 15 minutes in advance and tell me so I won't have this stupid feeling of anticipation and expectation that you're gonna call and make everything oh-so-better. Not like you're good at it anyways. No, he doesn't read this. I can make him read it. Not that he'll read it tonight or tomorrow. He's got WORK.
My friend once asked me how patient I could get by waiting for my man to wake up in the morning. I didn't know. I just could. Now I can't. He works till so late, all for me. So he can earn money for me to spend. I told him that was some sort of warped logic that he needs to give me money. I said a relationship doesn't function on money. We went dutch for goodness-knows how long, even after the dating period (ours was ONE month), and then I ended up getting broke again, cause I always get broke.
Then he started making me take cabs so we can spend more time together, even for fifteen minutes. And he pays for these cab fares. And he says "I need to pay for your cab fares". And I tell him that I don't have to take a cab.
Here's what happens. EVERY Saturday morning, I wake up at around 6 so I can go to his place and he can sleep with me there cause he likes it (it's scientifically proven that males sleep better with their partners and that girls can't sleep well with their partners, or anyone in particular, I think). I don't. But I do that anyways, because why? Because I love him and the least I can do to make him happy is just go there early.
So I take a cab there. And he sleeps. And I sleep too, even though sometimes I'm just so awake. I sleep cause I have nothing else to do. I can't use his computer because the typing and all may disturb him. I can't read when others are around. I can't walk around the house randomly cause I'm not family, and its not my house. And every Saturday morning, an alarm is set for him. I wake up at the first alarm, maybe earlier. He sets another one "One hour more.. please.. can..?". I say okay. What else can I do? This doesn't happen more than once. Sometimes its an hour, sometimes half. Sometimes many many "fifteen minutes".
Am I getting annoyed for very stupid reasons? Maybe its just PMS.
Don't bother apologising. I can always go with my secondary school friends, or Preeti and that gang. I haven't seen them in a while.
Besides, I'd probably get over this in JUST a while.
And don't go gossiping about me and all that. You all KNOW I'm right. Besides, I know that even though I don't have a valid reason for feeling upset about getting loads of what I deem is crap nowadays doesn't mean I CAN'T be upset.
P.S.: Roslyn called and of course, we have to converse, and so I felt a lot better. I don't know what's wrong with me. And she apologised already. I won't erase what I typed earlier on, cause I spent quite a bit of time there. I still mean it. I feel a dull pain near my stomach.. Are those menstrual cramps?
darkness falls at 6:10 PM
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Hmm, the maths test on.. Goodness-knows-when.. Tuesday. Yes, tuesday. Was the best paper I had.
I always liked maths.
It was the first time I needed to shit during a paper, though.
I was at around question 4.. Then I suddenly felt a pain in my stomach (the shit kind).
I told myself to BEAR WITH IT! Cause it'll go away after a while.
Well, it didn't. I plunged on for a few more questions, then when I reached question 6(b), the pain was getting very very distracting.
Up into the air my hand went, with lightning-quick speed and agility!
I mouthed very exaggeratedly to the teacher while pointing in the direction of the toilet. "TOILET"
Well, I suppose she found me really funny. I ran out and squeezed everything out, then ran all the way back. I was so tempted to time myself and see how long I took to shit. But anyways, she smiled at me when I came back, so I suppose she thought it was funny the way I was so kan chiong (what language is that, btw?).
Rahh. Exams're over, but I don't feel anything.
darkness falls at 12:17 PM
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Sunday, October 07, 2007
Is this my second post in a day? Yeah.
I just wanna talk about time.
I don't think I'll come up with a passing essay about time in this blog post, and I don't even know where the post is gonna go, but yeah.
While doing my econs exam, I kept looking at the clock.
I told myself "In minutes time, I'll be done with Econs for promos!"
Note that I didn't panic about whether I could finish it or not.
I don't know why I looked at the time. I just kept looking at the time. 40 minutes more till I'm done. 15 minutes more till I'm done.
And then I realised.. It's all time.
Time determines my life. To me, at least. Feel free to disagree with me, but don't debate with me. I'll get superly annoyed.
Well, I realised that I didn't really care what went on much during that time, especially if I dreaded it.. I just looked forward to that point in time when it all ended.
And then today, I was thinking (okay, I'm gonna admit that I'm a hopeless romantic and HORRIBLY idealistic.. So embarrassing.).. If Hung and I -do- last till marriage and till death.. What happens when he or I dies?
I thought about this while watching a show where this guy was dying (and for a stupid reason too.. He was trying to get something for his lover that he promised long before time) and on his deathbed, and his lover was there talking to him.
How do you talk to a dying person? What do you say to a dying person?
I know those two questions might hit a sore and very very soft spot, but I've never spoken to a dying person before.
I don't want to know.
If Hung was in bed dying, I wouldn't know what to say to him. Or would it be such that I have NOTHING to say to him? Or would it be that I don't have to say anything to him because I wouldn't finish and I'll end up more disappointed than before? Because there's just not enough TIME?
I need time to think of what to say to him.. Summarise all the points and clump it together so as to make full use of the time. I need time to say all that I have to. There's just not enough time.
And the worst part is, you don't even know HOW much time, so even if you summarise 100 points in 5 minutes, your beloved might just live 1 of those 5 minutes you needed.
Then, I thought. Maybe I don't want to even see him die. What it if were a sudden death? And I only got contacted and told that my husband was dead?
And then my mind went "Oh no no no".
That's WORSE. Why? You wouldn't even have a CHOICE of whether to tell him all that you need to before his death. Everything'll just stop. It'll all be left hanging. Bad.
darkness falls at 11:01 PM
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Hmm, some of you do not know that I have 4 cats and one dog. How do they survive together? Please, cats and dogs don't always hate each other.
Three of my cats are siblings, and there's one, a Maine Coon, which does not have any direct blood relation to the other three.
My cats and dog's names all start with 'M'.
Dog: Mambo 3 kitties: Mullet, Mackeral (We call her Mackie for short), Midnight. One Maine Coon kitty: Marlin.
My sister and I decided to name our cats with fish names, though it didn't work for Midnight.
They're all really suitable, though.
Mullet's the name of a stupid fish, and Mullet really is quite stupid. He's the all brawns and no brains kind. Goodness knows how he manage to stuff himself in there, and I'd probably have to pull him out later, the fat cat. But he's my favourite.
 Look at his fat thigh man. I swear, we don't have to stock up on canned food if a war comes.
Mackeral's the name of a sleek fish.. Suited her. No, I don't have a picture of her. No, I don't hate her. She's not the main point of this post.
Midnight.. Is a black cat. D'oh.
 Sneaky little thing. He likes to play victim, but when we're not looking (or so he thinks) we see him attacking other cats.
Mambo, my doggie, is an English toy Cocker Spaniel. Toy just that he's just smaller sized as compared to the others. I'm quite sure he's English.
 He's English but born in America. But then again, he could be American, but born in England. I don't remember. Doesn't he have a dumb look on his face?
I once had a cat, Bacon. But he fell out the window and died. So sad.
 I thought this picture made him look like he was dead. *lol* Well, now he is. Eh, I was TERRIBLE upset, okay.
 This was the picture I had of him as my phone's background, as many of you must have known before I changed my phone this year. I refused to change the background ever since he died, because I felt it wasn't right. I even wanted to change my new phone's background to this picture. But I decided to move on.
A Maine Coon is a cat that can grow up to a metre long, I'm not even sure whether that includes the tail or not. My sister's cat is proving otherwise. I once saw my sister's friend's cat.
His name is Jaffa. UBER cute.
Now THIS, is our home's Maine Coon. They'rea really expensive, and I don't remember how much, but its betetr to order from overseas like Australia because its cheaper and they vaccine them before they arrive in Singapore. Shiok?

 That's him on what is really HIS chair now. He grew to big for it, but he still stuffs himself there anyways. I never thought he was SUPER cute when I first saw him, and that he looks slightly different from other cats because his face is really angular, but I guess you learn to find the good things in him after a long while. He's suepr cute now. And he's really really BIG! And he's not even fully grown yet. He's a KITTEN.
Enlightening post? Maybe.
darkness falls at 12:41 PM
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Saturday, October 06, 2007
I find it quite interesting that I thought my sister just didn't come home on Thursday night, and that she went out clubbing on Friday night, but thought it was very odd when I woke up on Saturday morning and found that she wasn't in bed.
So I asked my maid. She told me my sister was on holiday and that she'd be back on Monday.
*lol* ..I didn't know that. She should've told me.
WOW! Steph is SO SWEET okay!
I checked my online message and..
Hey Gissy~Even though I didn't speak to you much today (yesterday by now), you seemed a little down. Anyways since you always seem to be quite amused by the songs I listen to, I compiled a list of funny ones to cheer you up!~
My New Philosophy - Kristin Chenoweth
Everyone's A Little Bit Racist - Avenue Q
The More You Ruv Someone - Avenue Q (start watching at abt 1.20)
It Sucks To Be Me - Avenue Q
There's Always A Woman - Anyone Can Whistle (lyrics are super funny:
Dr. Cox's Rant - Scrubs
Everything Comes Down To Poo - Scrubs
Guy Love - Scrubs
One - Three Dog Night (somebody did some silly apple video with the song)
Try to take it easy~ The worst papers are over already! :) Love, Steph
darkness falls at 10:29 PM
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Friday, October 05, 2007
I wanted to blog this for really long, but yeah, never got around to doing it.
This really got me very very upset.
TIME September 24, 2007: Briefing - Milestones
DIED - Those familiar with the cognitive skills of African gray parrot Alex will never again use birdbrain as an insult. With help from researcher Irene Pepperberg, Alex learned to communicate, fueling debate of other species' ability to learn human language. He knew 100 words and could count, express frustration and differentiate among some colors, shapes and textures. His last words to Pepperberg: "You be good. See you tomorrow. I love you." He was 31.
I know.
I just realised my new hairstyle makes me look very liannish. I shall cut it short short short when it grows longer. I think.
darkness falls at 9:23 PM
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Thursday, October 04, 2007
Ever since I learnt about Emotion Memory, I decided to take note of how I felt here and there so I can recall such emotions with absolute clarity.
I memorised how I felt when I got my haircut. It was prickly. Horribly itchy to the face. And you know how most of us like to push the fallen hair off from inside the cloth thinggy they put around you?
Well, I'm having my first nervous breakdown due to studies.
I had ONE nervous breakdown before a drama performance before because it was the gala night and my voice turned screwy. And horrid horrid Berlyn just looked at me like "Stop crying lah, you're annoying me"
Back to the topic.
I'm going to remember how it feels like.
I'm going to record it.
I feel like everything is all clumped up in my head.
I just need someone there to listen to me.
I asked Hung to call me, but he took ages to reply, and in the end, my daddy came into the room and sat there, asking me random questions. So he couldn't call anymore and I told him forget it since I was losing my personal space.
I messaged Jerine, hoping that she would reply, because apparently she broke down yesterday. She didn't. My dad went on asking his questions.
"Don't know how to study ah?"
I kept quiet.
"Boyfriend ah?"
I said "No lah!"
Before my dad forced his presence on me, my parents both noticed that I was having a breakdown. My mum's question didn't help much.
.."ni bu yao guan wo" ("Don't bother me" in Chinese).
I just kept repeating that.
"ni bu yao guan wo".
My mucus was getting annoying. You know how you always expect the pieces of tissue you took to be enough, but they never are?
Then you keep blowing your nose until its rubbed raw?
Hmm. And then I manage to find people to chat with.
Chatting with Mel and my ex. Yes, my ex. Turns out he really is quite nice.
Don't ask.
But anyways, yeah. Mel and I figured that everything's all predetermined anyways and life is meaningless, so WHO CARES!?
Yeah. And Mel said that it was odd the way even the conversation we were having was all planned out..
gissy. says: You were meant to be here for me.. Mel..
My eyes are puffy and I'm upset that tomorrow I'll have puffy eyes.
Looking on the bright side, I realise that since my parents know that I was THAT stressed, they'll think I was studying really hard. If I retain, oh well. I won't feel TOO bad anymore, cause they won't blame me too badly.
Anyways, I -do- have a chance of passing Lit.
Oh, about the crying.. You know what it feels like? It feels like the kind of tears that I can HOLD BACK. I can. But it just feels so much better to let it all out. I decided to. I feel.. alright now.
As long as I don't think about crying, I won't.
I'm not done waterworks-ing yet, but its sufficient for now.
PMS and this is NOT a good combination.
darkness falls at 9:31 PM
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Woke up at around 9.15am.
Went to MacDonald's.
Used the beloved coupon.
Bought a Bagel meal and got a sausage McMuffin free. :D
Didn't take a picture of the bagel. Too lazy.

 Forgot to take a picture BEFORE I started eating the hash brown. Oh well.
 My Sausage McMuffin was specially ordered! Extra cheese. It's a plus 30 cents. It works for McDelivery too. No, you don't pay 30 cents less for asking them to take stuff out.

 Lookie! Lots of cheese!

 Happy eating! :D
darkness falls at 11:46 AM
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Wednesday, October 03, 2007
*hums* TSD paper over.
While doing the paper, I decided to write down the random thoughts I had.
But I wrote them all on the question paper, and the question paper was collected for fear that we will not bring it to the lesson where we will go through the answer scheme.
Oh well. I planned to blog them out. Now I can't.
But cx said I seem to remember quite a bit. I'll try some.
Here, I'll put them in rainbow colours too!
My hair smells nice. Should I ask my sister what bubble tea she wants later? Should I ask my mum then? Nah. Oh my gosh, did she just step on her IC!? (referring to Yagnya) Did I just hear a stapler? Is she stapling her work together!? Hmm. Good idea. Hee... I figured I could talk during the paper. (I didn't. I just helped Yagnya pick her pen up.) Uhh... (yes, I did think that) Great, my black pen had to die on me(I THINK I wrote that..)
*hums* You know, I was thinking of the PERFECT example of a very annoying quarrel, just to save pride. I had the starting in my head, but I'm gonna try to continue it.
All boys don't like to lose. Duh... Who likes to lose!? Me? Whatever, you're a weirdo. Better than you, assuming that people don't like losing all the time. And you? Siao right? Like to lose. Who likes to lose besides YOU? Extra. Can you stop being so childish? Who's the childish one, saying that you like to lose just because you want to get back at me? Who says? I say. Don't anyhow assume things okay. Oh, ya, now I make assumptions. Ya, you do! Whatever. Nothing to say right? Loser. Is that a bad thing? I thought -someone- said she likes to lose? I don't like to lose ALL the time. I'm just saying that sometimes its good to lose. You didn't say that just now. Yes I did. No you didn't. Don't blame your bad memory on my not saying that I meant it that way. You didn't say it. I remember VERY clearly. Like I said, maybe you just don't remember. Okay, fine. So what if I don't remember? Why is it good to lose, tell me? Because sometimes you learn things from the experience. Like what? Just things lah! What kind of things? Just THINGS. You don't know. See? DUMB. Who says! You just won't understand.
Gosh, I'm getting myself annoyed. *lol*
darkness falls at 6:19 PM
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Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Whee, went for TSD yesterday. I really don't have much to say, except that I've got loads of pictures, and that it really is quite sad that Miss Norzian said that only 3-5 people in TSD can act.
DANG! What if I'm not one of them?
I hope I don't sound like I'm boasting, but I always had the impression I had quite a bit of stage presence. If I'm not one of the 3-5, where has my FOUR years of being in Drama gone to!?
Here're pictures from yesterday, before the lesson.
Jacq was having fun with my cam and figured it was pretty interesting to take parts of people's bodies. Unfortunately, I was her guinea pig.
 My shoes.
 My legs.
 Etc, etc.
 Yagnya and Bhavna and their secret love affair.
 A blurry picture of Jacq. She moved.
 Me camwhoring.
Went to my man's place after TSD and ordered in KFC!
 The many packets of sauces!
 The food.
 Popcorn Chicken!
 The place on which we put all the sauces!
They didn't allow me to enter school today.
Just because I wasn't wearing school uniform. There must at LEAST be school skirt/pants on and a school shirt. OH, and slippers are not allowed.
SUDDENLY. It wasn't like that before. I mentioned that to the security guard and he said that it's always been like that.
WELL, then be nice and explain HOW my friend got in after the side gates were closed when she was wearing JEANS and school house shirt?
Bullshit. Yes, coming from a councillor. They should have informed the students AGAIN earlier.
Anyways, yeah. I got my Godot book back from Jacq, who was infinitely (maybe) pissed that the lady photocopied from ROSLYN'S copy instead of mine. And Roslyn's one had markings.
Anyways, yeah. I got really upset, so I went to get Ben and Jerry's ice cream.

 Lookie, you can see the chocolate swirls!
 It's not clear, but that's the chocolate dinosaurs you can find in Fossil Fuel.
 Blurry again, but you can see the brown fudge, yes?

 If you look carefully, you can see it says "new!" on the cover. :D
Okay, I'm done. Looks yummy, no?
darkness falls at 3:20 PM
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Monday, October 01, 2007
Sorry I can't colour the words, I usually can, but I can't find the thinggy on blogger. Just another msn convo with Mel.
Is Bhavna here again?
gissy. says: *innocent*
gissy. says: I swear I read them!
melissaloveschawanmushi i like wearing my glasses because it makes me think i've been studying hard says: HAHHA
melissaloveschawanmushi i like wearing my glasses because it makes me think i've been studying hard says: yesss we all do!
melissaloveschawanmushi i like wearing my glasses because it makes me think i've been studying hard says: *innocent eyes*
gissy. says: ...I love it when you do that.
melissaloveschawanmushi i like wearing my glasses because it makes me think i've been studying hard says: gissy..
melissaloveschawanmushi i like wearing my glasses because it makes me think i've been studying hard says: dont.
melissaloveschawanmushi i like wearing my glasses because it makes me think i've been studying hard says: it'
gissy. says: But why, mel? Why? Why give me up?
gissy. says: What do I not have?
melissaloveschawanmushi i like wearing my glasses because it makes me think i've been studying hard says: it's just
melissaloveschawanmushi i like wearing my glasses because it makes me think i've been studying hard says: i dont think i can take loving someone so much
melissaloveschawanmushi i like wearing my glasses because it makes me think i've been studying hard says: it's PAINFUL
melissaloveschawanmushi i like wearing my glasses because it makes me think i've been studying hard says: it's TORTURE.
melissaloveschawanmushi i like wearing my glasses because it makes me think i've been studying hard says: i dont think i could bear it.
melissaloveschawanmushi i like wearing my glasses because it makes me think i've been studying hard says: have to settle for less.
gissy. says: Who is it!?
gissy. says: Tell me, before I kill myself!
melissaloveschawanmushi i like wearing my glasses because it makes me think i've been studying hard says: DON'T!
melissaloveschawanmushi i like wearing my glasses because it makes me think i've been studying hard says: just know that..he isnt better than you
gissy. says: ...Really?
melissaloveschawanmushi deus ex machina says: yes gissy
melissaloveschawanmushi deus ex machina says: why would i lie?
darkness falls at 7:09 PM
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