Tuesday, February 28, 2006
I I read Sherrie's post and I saw something about a cute word!
Not cute lor. Mine's cuter. :D
I was walking to class after morning assembly, and I suddenly thought of the word "cobble".
Superly adorable. It sounds stupid.
"I will cobble you."
*just checked the dictionary*
OMG... The meanings don't fit! :(
Cobble 1. to mend or patch coarsely 2. repair, make 3. to make or put together roughly or hastily
*sad* But I HAVE heard of that line "I will cobble you."! *grumbles* Oh well.
Gobble is a cute word too. Gobbling food up.
Gaggle too. Gaggling geese. Alliteration! :P Coolness.
*sighs* English has funny words.
I forgot to talk about my pet, who lasted less than an hour. Then I poured her into the sink and washed her away.
Her name: Sparkly Iwaki Pyrex
She's female (duh.). She's glittery. She's yellow.
She lives in a colourless solution.
She is named after her appearance and the brand of the test tube in which she lived in.
I'm not sure what exactly she was, but I think the pretty part of her was the sparkly part.. And I that part was the sulphur cystals or summat like that.
In the first place.. Sulphur can form crystals? Okay, I know I sound dumb now.. But Sparkly was so pretty.
Oh, another cute thing..
Just last week or something, someone asked if the bug was called "ladybug" or "ladybird".
Its the ladybird. But don't you think its so cute to call it ladybird? BIRD?
And.. today, during elective geography.. My teacher said something about trees going extinct.
I repeat. Trees going EXTINCT.
Scary. Really scary. I don't know why.. I really found it scary.
I mean, I wouldn't care if black ants went extinct.
Oh, by the way.. I'm not afraid of red ants.. Only the black ones. How weird is that?
Black ants look so.. solid. *shudders* Spooky.
Anyways! I was just thinking about the word "cute".
People keep saying its means "ugly but adorable". I really can't be sure.
When in doubt, check my best friend, the dictionary.
When at a loss, check my second best friend, the thesaurus.
Checking the dictionary..
Okay! Cute is NOT "ugly but adorable".
1a: clever of shrewd often in an underhanded manner b: impertinent, smart-alecky
2 : attractive or pretty especially in a dainty or delicate way
3 : obviously straining for effect
See? Its NOT. Whee, sense of accomplishment.
I ate A LOT today. I'm SO gonna grow fat. Seriously. Tell me I'm skinny/slim/anything to that effect. It'll help. A LOT. I wish. :(
Today.. During recess, I ate $2 worth of fish.
After school, I had a plate of vegetarian fusilli.
Then I had a red apple and a slice of watermelon.
Then I finished my friend's teensy tin of some salmon spread..
I took a few spoonfuls of my friend's Tom Yam soup.
I'm such a dustbin.
And guess what? I was still hungry. I was kinda full after the fruits, but I got hungry again.
And now, its nearly dinner, and I can't WAIT to eat the fried chicken!
One ulcer turned into two. *sighs* I'm going to fix it today.
So.. I stayed back with my dear to do some library duty. We were to arrange the books neatly according to height.
I was in the religions section. Super cool.. Found a few neat books. Wanted to borrow them, but figured I wouldn't have much time to read it NOW. *grins*
darkness falls at 7:10 PM
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Monday, February 27, 2006
BEN AND JERRY ROCK! *cackles* They're so COOL!
I wish I knew them IRL. *sad*
Well, the weather today was FREAKING hot. And humid, not to mention.
Anyways! Rachelle (my sayang) and I were talking.. And then she said something about UK and stiff upper lips. HILARIOUS!!!
Nothing against them, honestly. I actually admire them for their ability to actually speak proper English, and with such a cool, proper accent.
So.. anyways, I placed my finger over my upper lip to hold it down so I could get a stiff upper lip, then we started speaking. Of course, you would have to put on an accent first, to achieve the COOLEST effect.
It really worked!!! So.. There were we, speaking really awesomely!
And then she did this:
*drops her proper accent and puts on A (not THE) disgusting Singaporean accent*
"Eh.. I cannot leh."
Okay, maybe its not funny to you all.. But I'm sure that if you all were there to see it, you all would LAUGH your asses off. :D
And I truly sympathise with you if your ass doesn't fall off. Truly.
Anyways, today was so warm, I bought Ben and Jerry's ice cream. Just for the fun of it.
Some cinammon one (yes, Ying:D). Not very nice, though.
I must commend Ying superly for actually scoring a whooping 90 for my quiz! I'm SO proud of you! I don't know why, but I'm SO SO glad you actually scored 90!!! At least I know that you're truly a super super good friend who understands me REALLY well. Thanks Ying.
And I miss our talks. :P
For those who HAVEN'T taken the quiz.. Here it is again.
And now.. I SERIOUSLY believe that I'm getting very unlucky. Hopefully its cause all my luck's being transferred to my O levels.
I've got a new bruise. On my right knee, this time. I don't know how I got so clumsy, I just was. I was walking up the staircase in the bus and I kinda hit my knee against a step. Owwie? Mhm.
And just because I bit myself by accident yesterday, I've got a dumb ulcer. Its quite small, really, but I bit it again today.
*hums* Last week!! For the first few days.. I had PERFECT skin. Then later.. On Wednesday or something, I had a sudden breakout of pimples.
*sighs* I managed to banish all of them from my face. There's just one left.
And you mark my words, its gonna be there for months.
Its huge. :(
And about a centimetre below my lip. If only I could pretend I pierced my lip.
No worries, I'm still as cute and as pretty as ever.
Received my class T-shirt today. Its big! Shiok. :D
And its orange, brown and white. The white's a little weird, but its just one sleeve. I guess I could always just fold that sleeve in. My style.
It REALLY reminds me of orange chocolate! *cackles*
darkness falls at 4:08 PM
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Sunday, February 26, 2006
LAST NIGHT! (OMG, I'm so proud of myself)
I actually stayed up to do my Social Studies homework! And it wasn't even due on Monday!
I stayed up till around 1.30am, when I finally completed it! (And a good question to ask is "What time did you start..?" I don't know, really.. I was multitasking.)
Whilst doing my SS homework, I was chatting with Hsuan Te online.. Goodness. It was a conversation that was a COMPLETE waste of time, and entirely pointless. Undoubtedly enjoyable, though.
And guess what!? I forgot to wish the birthday boy "Happy Birthday!". Hsuan Te, pass the message. I completely forgot.
Oh, and I made two new friends during the conversation.
Jian Hao and Yiu Leung~
Jian Hao is a really nice person. He actually bothered to type LONG messages to me, though he insists that the messages were long only cause of the ....s. But he wasn't rich.
Yiu Leung is FILTHY RICH. But he prefers males. *sighs* Well, that doesn't mean I can't convert him to being a bisexual! With my looks, nothing is impossible. *nodnods*
..So.. apparently people were watching out conversation over MSN. *lol* Weird.
Uhh.. Roleplayed a bit as Kate and Patrick..
During the conversation, we realised that.. *sulks* Patrick RAPED Kate. To those who aren't in EMDD, don't ask. Performance secret. :D Just bear in mind that my husband raped me. (EMDD people, you all know where to go to find out why Patrick raped Kate. I think. Or you can simply ask Hsuan Te or me personally.)
And.. Patrick and Kate became reality TV stars. But it wasn't really reality TV cause they KNEW the paparazzi were there, so they had to create conflict for publicity.
*hums* Oh, and on a totally belated note, I was a HIT with the boys. In my opinion. :D Don't you DARE disagree, Hsuan Te.
I really really really want Ben and Jerry's ice cream! *sad*
Today, I waited 50 minutes for Charmaine at Tanah Merah. (Bet you didn't know, pal!) I came 15 minutes early.
Did I complain? No. I didn't feel much, really.
Then Charmaine gave me this beautiful card! It was a belated Valentine's day card. And I never gave anything to her. *grins guiltily*
Thanks, pal. I might just write you a note, if you're lucky.
I made a quiz! Go take it, people! And spread the word!
Yesterday.. I don't know what had gotten into me. I was walking to the kitchen, and then I suddenly missed Bacon.
And I don't miss until I lose whatever forever. Even so, I don't miss much.
Bacon was different. He's cuter than my cats now. He was unique.
Oh shit, I feel like crying.
I entirely sympathise with you, Michelle.
I don't console people much, and I didn't console you much. But that's only because I don't know what to say, and I don't know you very well, so I wouldn't know what to tell you.
I once wrote an essay for the Pens Awards competition.. I wrote it on the day Bacon died. (Oh damn, throat constriction..) People who have never been in our shoes'll never know what its like.
So I can safely say it was a sucky essay. Hell, if -I- were the examiner, I would burn the essay upon reading the first sentence. Booooring. :P
I might just write a poem for you, hun.
"Meeting is a pleasure, parting is a pain. Treasure what you have, and you'll never regret again."
darkness falls at 7:47 PM
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Saturday, February 25, 2006
Whee, I know.. this is a nonsensical post.
Went to SRC (No, Cham, NOT Serangoon Community Club), that is, Singapore Recreation Club or something like that, for my sister's birthday (which was yesterday).
Had Peking duck. Was pretty cool.
Walked around Raffles City after that for a while.. Bought ice cream and ate it as we walked around. :D (I still want my Ben and Jerry's.)
On the bus home, 17, Cham walked up! Four bus stops worth of conversation. But because we talked so fast, we accomplished much more than what the average human could. We rock, Cham! But I rock more! I hope. *sighs but wiggles her brows anyways*
No Drama today. I told myself to sit down and memorise my lines for an hour. I didn't, in the end. :D
When I went to sleep last night!!! I dreamt.
I dreamt that I was out with my family and my sis's boyfriend. I dreamt that I wandered away from the group cause I saw KFC (well, it really was MacDonald's, but my mind said it was KFC). You wouldn't BELIEVE what I saw and smelt.
You know, MacDonald's has that.. thing that fries french fries? Then when they're done frying them and're processing orders, they put it on the right side, in the packets?
Okay. Picture all that, sans the place that stores the fried fries, and sans the cardboard packets.
Now replace those two things with HEAPS of fried chicken wings.
Multiply all that by 3.
It. Smelt. Heavenly.
And there. Was. A LOT.
When I say HEAPS, it ain't an understatement. :D
darkness falls at 11:31 PM
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Anyways, continuing the previous post so late cause of my curfew. :P Don't ask me, I don't wanna talk about it. *sighs dejectedly*
ANYWAYS! The second story that Charmaine and I made up was..
We personified a tree, and made it feel very lonely and upset cause it was lonely. And there'd be this girl who would be at the tree.
So.. she sat under the tree or summat like that (can't really remember).. And the sky was darkening and it seemed like it was gonna rain. The tree was very happy cause it had a companion (yes, its still an "it").
Then as the music reached a crescendo (damn, the sentence sounds funny now), the girl stands and walks away from the tree.
It starts to rain, and the leaves start falling from the tree. So cool, yeah? Leaves represent tears. Literature!!!
Then after a little dallying, the girl runs back, flings her arms around the tree's trunk and starts sobbing her heart out as she sinks to the ground.
*lol* Don't ask me why, it just seemed fitting.
Anyways! I went back to the hawker yesterday to return his money. *lol*
He's SO SWEET! When I handed him the money, he said "Mei guan xi lah." (In case ANYONE can't tell what that is, its in Chinese and it means "Never mind."
I gave him the money anyway and walked away. :D (OMG, I see assonance here! AnyWAY and walked aWAY?)
Stayed back in school for a while cause I had a scribes' meeting.
Then I found that my friend lost her purse. (Found and lost! There's a word for this! Dang.. forgot. Should go check my Literature file. And I swear, I really didn't type that on purpose.)
So I stayed back a while longer to help my friend look for her purse.
Then we (that's Preeti, Matilda, Elizabeth, who lost her wallet, and me.) went to the foyer and sat down. Lizzie (that's Elizabeth) went to call her handphone(cause it was in her purse). After a while, her handphone was turned off. *plays dangerous music*
Then she called her mum. So.. We sat there till her mum came to pick her up.
I seriously had NO idea what I was doing, sitting there.
Then my dear joined us for a teensy while.
Teacher called Matilda, Preeti and I to do something I'm afraid I cannot reveal. My dear was talking to another teacher.
So.. we went to the canteen and stayed there till 6.30pm or so doing what the teacher asked us to do.
Damn, I thought I would be home superly late.
I got out of school and received a message that we were going for dinner at Kembangan cause it was my sister's birthday (kept remembering and forgetting).
So I was at Kembangan MRT's platform doing my work (did SS and studied Twelfth Night) whilst I waited for everyone else to come. *sad* I couldn't go home cause it would've taken an hour or so, and I was supposed to be at Kembangan by 7.30pm.
I LOVE night walks! We had to walk from Kembangan MRT this particular place.. But anyways! I walked past a canal (I know it sounds disgusting, but when its dark, its pretty). Really pretty place. Not the canal, that is.
Oh, and I LOVE morning walks too!
Well, I guess its just when the sky's dark. *grins*
Okay, I must've bored you all if you managed to read up till here.
I really can't think of anything to blog about. I keep forgetting.
So... Yeah. I WANNA GO CYCLING AT ECP!!! *sad* *craves for cycling*
And this hasn't got anything to do with you all, but I'm gonna post it anyways for my own convenience.
Okay, shh. :D
darkness falls at 10:34 AM
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Thursday, February 23, 2006
Oh oh oh! No WONDER I had so few things to blog about yesterday!
I remember now!
I was in the bathroom, and turned on the shower so I could bathe (duh.). AND GUESS WHAT!?
You know the.. Sour Power gummies? The.. long thin thinggies? YA! Those!
AND AND AND! There was a worm that was a MINIATURE version of that. It was red, and on the wall. Sans the main sugar-like thinggies that make the gummies sour, and sans the compressions.
It was like.. a red tube-like thing. Curling on the wall. Really, when I say PUNY, it really means puny. It couldn't have been more than 2 centimetres long.
ANYWAYS! I turned off the shower and grabbed my towel and asked my maid to catch the worm. :P Uhh.. after the towel was around me, of course.
Today! There was an elective geography paper!
I COMPLETELY forgot to study this Rostow's model of development and cause the test was the first two periods, I was kinda unsettled.. I wasn't panicking, but I was UNSETTLED. That's it. :P Really!
Anyways! That model of development had five stages, and there was quite a lot to memorise.
My friend was trying to memorise too, so we created this story about a boy who got sick of traditional farming (Stage one: a traditional society).
So he went to secondary school. (Stage two: start of secondary industries).
But whilst in there, he didn't have much money, so he took a flight to MacDonald's in economy class so he could work in MacDonald's. (Stage three: Economic take-off)
In case you didn't notice, the flight in economy class was the ECONOMIC take-off. :D How smart.
So anyways, more people started visitng MacDonald's to see that amazing person. This meant that MacDonald's started to earn more money! And thus the standard of living improved. :D
Then he worked there, and bought himself a handphone and car (communications and transport improvements).
Then he had to go visit his grandparents.
And on the way there, he matured (Stage four: Drive to maturity).
So he started eating a lot (Stage five: High mass consumption).
Purrfect, eh?
And today! Charmaine and I went to the hawker centre at Bedok interchange (YES, I went to a hawker centre.. *mutters*) for lunch.
HILARIOUS! I was broke, and then.. after ordering our food, we realised we didn't have enough money. Shit? Yeah, shit.
But the hawker was SO NICE! We owed him 3 dollars. He said that we could pay later. So sweet ya!? I'll go tomorrow.
And later, when we were done and he came to clear our plates, he was like "Next time I see you two walking by, I'll have to chase after you two and tell you two to return my money.".
So funny.
And then there was Chinese music playing.. And it was going to rain(at least it seemed like it), and it was kinda dark and windy.
Then Charmaine and I kinda.. started spouting nonsense. We were imagining how our mtv's would be like.
According to the music, which was very very slow, we figured that the hawker would be chasing us for our money. And then after a while, he would give up and stop, then look at our retreating backs and sigh sadly.
Then he would turn and walk back dejectedly to his stall and start frying the oyster omelettes. He'll do it slowly at first, then look up and find that there's a whole queue of people waiting for him to process their orders, then speed up.
Then when the queue is gone, he will go back to frying the food slowly. This is where I cracked up.
Why would he be frying if no one's there and there're no orders to process..? (Don't give me a proper answer, goodness. Its supposed to be a joke. Laugh, people. Laugh.)
Then there was another song, and Charmaine and I were staring at trees.
I'll tell you all the story sometime! See ya!
darkness falls at 6:51 PM
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Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Advertisement for our EMDD blog: Go check it out!
TODAY. During PE, Charmaine and I found that closing our eyes while we ran made us feel A LOT less tired!
Uhh.. yes, we were afraid we would knock into walls and such, and perhaps, if (un)lucky enough, fall into the large canal, and thus spread out arms out a little to make sure we wouldn't knock into walls or anyone.
And we only ran with our eyes closed along straight paths. Even if it wasn't straight, we would memorise the way the path looked, then close our eyes briefly. Better than nothing. :P
I knocked into the side of the bridge over the canal. No worries, it wasn't very serious.
You know those metal "walls" that go around construction sites? Charmaine!!! She closed her eyes, and then suddenly swerved towards the left and banged into the metal "wall". HILARIOUS!!!
Oh, later when we got back to school.. Our teacher made us dribble basketballs over a short distance, and back again. Charmaine, being rather tall.. WAS SO FUNNY!
She dribbled the ball crouching really low, and.. *ROFL*
You know, the kind that have only two legs and very very short arms and clawed hands? And they have long tails and run very fast!?
If you need a demonstration, don't hesitate to ask for it. Its super funny.
Drama today was quite.. Interesting. Pretty much a waste of time, in my opinion, but at least it kept me entertained.
We were supposed to rehearse the WHOLE play, but I figured that we wouldn't be able to do that cause the whole play'll take 2 hours + -, and we had first AND second cast to do.
Firstly, I wanna say that you girls are THE BEST! I'm so glad you all actually listened to me and did the diary entries! And I'm really sorry you have to redo yours.
So.. first we read one one diary entry each. Commented a little and learnt about other characters a little and learnt of the different ways we could play our characters a little.
Then there was this tablo thing, which I missed. *sighs*
Then there was "Streets and Alleys"! Quite fun.
Then there was "Grandmother's footsteps".
Then there was some storytelling thing.
Then we had a sharing session.
Then we ended.
To those who attended the "rehearsal" today:
I really hope you all have learnt at least ONE thing from today's thinggie. I agree, it was kind of a waste of time, and if you felt that you didn't learn anything, then just create some beautiful bullshit. I'm sure you'll find something.
I'm really truly sorry that it wasn't organised properly, and everything was so impromptu. A rehearsal should've been planned properly, and since I called for it, I should've planned it properly.
And I'm sorry that we didn't really do rehearsing.
And I'm sorry that sometimes I told you all to do things, and I didn't do them myself.
And I'm sorry I talked too much. In my opinion, at least.
And I'm sorry that I couldn't control you all better. Should've kept you all occupied all the way. Which all boils down to proper organisation next time(if next time ever happens).
Hope it was memorable, at least, cause I don't think this'll ever happen again.
And thanks for coming!
darkness falls at 7:54 PM
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Tuesday, February 21, 2006
NOW.. I have A LOT of things to blog about. Brace yourselves, people. Its gonna take a LOT of time. (There're more than ten things.)
Yesterday, I couldn't remember what I wanted to blog about. This is the blog post for yesterday:
I seem really prone to accidents nowadays.. I think I've said this a million times, but trust me. Its only started to happen this year. I've already mentioned the cut inside my lip, yeah?
I forgot to mention that I got a bruise on my right hip. Wonder if its still there.. *presses* Alright, gone. It was invisible. :D But if I looked at it close enough, it was a medium-sized patch tinted a pale yellow.
(Speaking of sizes.. Don't you find dark-coloured, small round bruises ADORABLE!? Especially when they hurt A LOT. Its as though its saying, "Don't look down on me! I'm small but scary! *roars*")
Hmm.. Yesterday (I'm referring to yesterday. Monday, the twentieth of February 2006.), I spotted a silver pen on Rachelle's table. I took it and signed my name, FOR THE FIRST TIME, in silver.
It was Charmaine's pen. She should be HONOURED. Pal, are you reading this? :D Better thank me properly.
(Oh, and this is a public apology to Charmaine cause I pang-seh-ed her on Sunday. I was supposed to meet her to go to church together, but when my maid woke me up, I was like "...For what?", then went back to sleep. I'm truly sorry, pal. I still owe you a present of apology. :D)
Next.. I was craving for chocolate last night! SUPERLY! The cadbury one with mint chips.. *sighs dreamily as she drools*
People, for your very kind information, you can find it at Carrefour. :D I want the BIG bar. If you want to buy it for me, you can. And no, I won't pay you back.
I seem to be eating a lot when I'm stressed. No, actually.. I'm not really stressed. I just feel like eating when I feel like eating. Don't tell me what I said doesn't make sense. It makes a whole lot of sense. Come on, its such a simple sentence.
Just yesterday, I had one ham and cheese omelette and one small bowl of fish for recess. I wasn't REALLY hungry.. I just felt like it.
I had the same thing today.
Then, later at home, I skipped lunch (As usual. Uhh.. I think. I hardly eat lunch unless I'm staying back in school. There's nothing else to do!) and worked on my Commonwealth essay. *grumbles*
I think I'm going to get a 20 or something. *sighs* If I get anything like that, I think I'll just cry. So.. saddening.
Anyways, I took a nap at around 5pm, and woke up at around 7pm. I was too lazy to get up, so I decided to continue sleeping. I woke up at 8.10pm or summat like that.
Whee, I got to skip dinner. :D When I miss dinner with my family, I get to skip it without them knowing. *shh* *innocent*
Sometimes I skip dinner cause I'm not THAT hungry and I'm too lazy to feed myself. And no, people don't feed me.
And sometimes, I get that feeling that I'm not craving for anything. Like.. I've eaten everything that I've wanted to eat. Its quite satisfying, but unsatisfying.
Getting a feeling that I'm not craving for anything.. Does that, technically, mean that I haven't got any feeling?)
Okay.. Now, I have a "thank you" list.
1. Rachael. Hey, hun! You called me GORGEOUS! *points at her cbox* I know I'm not, seriouslly, and you might very well have not meant it truthfully (I'm talking about PHYSICAL APPEARANCE) but thanks anyways.
2. Ying. Thanks to you too, cinammon! Cause you always make me feed good about myself.
3. Fiona Ong. Yeah, you probably don't read my blog. Hell, you hardly even get online. :P But you know I thank you for this. I told you personally to your face. :D
4. Ghislaine. I highly doubt you read my blog either. I'm not even sure you get online much. But.. thanks for making me feel good about myself, simply laughing at me when I bitch, as though thinking "Such a silly little girl.". You make me feel cute. :D You're like.. a mummy. Thanks SO SO much for helping me with my Commonwealth essay!
5. Faye. Uhh.. You get online, but do you read my blog? I doubt it. :P But THANKS for helping me in the Commonwealth essay. Your writing rocks big time! And so does your HANDwriting and your drawings! AWESOOOOME.
Now, I must have bored you people who weren't thanked. Poor souls. If you managed to read till here, good job. :D Cause I'm not done yet.
One more message to Ying: Oh, and Ying, I just remembered.. About the walk, I imagined us holding hands ALL the way! Am I freaking you out? Yeah, you should be freaking out. Highly amusing for me. But I'm serious about the holding hands thing!
*hums* Yesterday, one girl from my school threw a piece of litter away into the dustbin.
I'm not complaining.. At least she threw it into the dustbin. But the thing is.. She THREW it into the dustbin. Like.. you know, when someone doesn't treat you like a lady (if you're female, that is), you get pissed and throw your napkin at the person who ticked you off? That way.
Poor piece of litter.
Girl, if you're reading this.. Be nice to litter next time. They serve no purpose, and are utterly useless by themselves. It is up to you to dispose of them.
But bear in mind that its bag of ego is FLAT.. And empty. Don't rub it into their wounds cause they're already very pathetic and truly deserve our pity for doing nothing to contribute to the earth, in my opinion.
Moral of the story?
Okay! For today's blog post.. Which isn't going to be very long..
There's a new announcement in the MRT train! It goes:
"Please mind the platform gap."
Very cool. They don't have it in other languages, though. And they have that announcement at every stop. Or so it seems.
Charmaine was HILARIOUS today.
My English teacher got her to read a paragraph from a passage, and the funny thing was.. She was cracking up and kept repeating the first two words: "Of course". Sorry pal, had to say that.
If you don't find it funny, you really have to be there to see it. Its funnier looking at it.
And while our form teach was lecturing us and the whole class was silent (some were seriously listening, some were idling), Charmaine started clapping her hands. The slow kind.. The.. I'm-so-bored kind. HILARIOUS. I had to stop her. Lucky thing no one noticed. I think.
I'm sorry, but when guys talk about their hairstyles yadda yadda, its just.. weird.
I heard a schoolboy "I must go to my Jean Yip hairstylist.. He is the only one who can cut my hair." GAY. Quite.
Its quite funny, really.
Oh, and we got our Yearbooks today. Sheesh, I've only got three things written by me in it.
Yes, I'm boasting. Go look, people!
Uhh.. One's an article on the pet rocket thinggie.. The teacher who asked me to write it editted it! *sad* She removed the part about my pet rocket flying to the roof of the Commerce room a.k.a. the EOA room. But I remember it was a very funny article. After editting it, it ain't funny anymore. *sighs*
And the other two of my works are at the back of the yearbook.. The English writings. The third and fourth are mine. *sighs*
You know, you know! The first essay on graciousness!? My English teacher in secondary two gave me 20/30 or something for it, and in secondary three!!! I re-wrote the essay (I didn't copy it word-for-word, in fact, I thought the first one was better) and got a 24/30!
Or was it 26/30? Don't really remember. But that's so cool, yeah!?
darkness falls at 4:12 PM
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Monday, February 20, 2006
You know, I always have a lot of things to blog about, but I usually forget everything when I dally.
The commonwealth essay competition's killing me. I've spent AGES on it, and I'm finally.. ALRIGHT with it. Not my best (No, I'm not in denial. No!:P), but not my worst either. I've to keep worrying whether the judges'll be biased or not.
To hell with that.
Now, for some ODD reason, I've two things I want to do. 1. Walk from school to home(that's Pasir Ris :P) via ECP with someone. Any offers!?
Yes, Ying.. You -know- I'm looking at you. Honestly.. I don't really know the way home. :P My friend said she did it once, but she lives in Bedok.. And I live in.. Pasir Ris. :P
2. Watch the dumb Exorcism show!
Oh, and one extra thing: Eat more Ben and Jerry's ice cream. Dang, I'm in love with it.
Those who LOVE Ben and Jerry's ice cream.. You guys rock!
I want all that ice cream for my birthday. That's this Saturday. I'll be celebrating my real birthday again on the first of November, All Saints' Day! And I'll want ice cream for that too. :D
See you guys!
darkness falls at 5:19 PM
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Sunday, February 19, 2006
I love. Love LOVE, ben and Jerry's ice cream!
Today, I had Chocolate Fudge Brownie! It was.. heavenly. :D I think the ice cream made my swollen lip contract a little. It doesn't feel swollen anymore. The wonders of ice cream. *grins*
You should see the way they packaged it. The design's.. Beautiful. Classy. Graceful. You all MUST see it.
You know what!? This is gonna sound pretty disgusting, but today.. I felt really dusty.
Really. Literally dusty.
Even now, after bathing, I still feel dusty. Which is superly weird.
I've been working on the dumb Commonwealth Essay for AGES. I started last night, and I started again this morning RIGHT after breakfast.
You know what's so annoying about me?
I can't just keep typing and typing and typing when I give myself a time limit. And when I write proper stories, I have to THINK of everything I type.
Stupid perfectionist in me.
Uhh.. It only happens with English, and it usually doesn't end up perfect.
Anyone wants to watch the Exorcism of Emily Rose with me!?!?
Only girls allowed.
Come to my house? I have it at home. :D
I live in.. Pasir Ris.
Please please please come! If you're willing. :D
darkness falls at 7:06 PM
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I found out how to describe that part of my lip/mouth that got cut. :P
Its the inside of my lip. I'm such a poor soul! *wails*
My lower lip is swollen. Just that area. And I find that I'm really really prone to injuries nowadays. Which is very weird.
Oh, and did I mention? I realised that I get pissed at violence. I mean, its alright if I watch it.. As long as -I'm- not in the fight or whatever it is. I don't like people whacking me, playfully or not.
Unless we're playing that dumb "rock, paper, scissors" game, where the winner of each round gets to whack the loser's (of that round) hand. Superly funny.
I remember how I used to go insane playing that game. That was a year and a half ago. Or something like that. Basically, I was in lower secondary.
Anyways! On Friday.. I was at Bedok MRT station. The platform. And Charmaine and I wanted to take seats whilst waiting for our trains to pick us up on a short date.
But but but! When we got to the "bench" thinggie, there were.. crushed pieces of paper (or so it seemed) on the thinggie. It would've been alright if the three crushed pieces were all in one spot, cause we could've sat on the other clear (and clean, perhaps) spots. But NoOooO... The dumb litterbug just had to spread it ALL out.
So Charmaine and I proceeded to the other "bench" thinggie. It was free of crushed paper or litter. Okay, we sat down.
Looking down at the ground, I noticed that there were two pieces of litter on the ground. I don't remember what one of them was, but the other was a sticker (quite huge), sticky side up.
But the thing is.. Have I ever seen the SMRT stuff so.. littered?
And that isn't all!
In the train, I saw this receipt on the ground. I know it happens, and its JUST a receipt.. But usually the trains are very clean.
I'm glad all those things weren't tissue, but the MRT properties have always been very clean. Please do not break the record just because you feel like it. Its not very nice.
Also, its against the law to litter. In my opinion, intentionally or not, one still has to bear all the consequences of littering.
How would I like it if I didn't litter on purpose and got caught?
Not very much, but if that was done to everyone else, its only fair. We can NEVER tell whether someone did it on purpose or not, really.
Ta people. :D
darkness falls at 11:25 AM
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Saturday, February 18, 2006
Okay.. Finally I'm getting some pictures up. Well, during Chinese New Year, I decided to camera whore all by myself. :D Sorry the pictures are so.. translucent. And sorry if I'm not pretty in them. *sighs* That simply means you don't have the ability to appreciate such intoxicating beauty. *flutters her eyelashes*
My sis at her fingernails on the first day of CNY at my paternal grandma's place:

My aunt wanted her nails to be painted too!

Me camera-whoring there cause I was bored and liked my nails just fine:

Day one, camera-whoring in the car cause my sis just left and I was bored and alone:

What's with the black and white pictures? And the sepia ones? I don't know. They make me look nicer, IMO (in my opinion).
You people haven't seen my dog and 3 kitties! Okay.. My dog's a Cocker Spaniel! British but born in America, or American but born in Britain. One of those. Once you look at the picture, tell me which he is. His name is.. MAMBO!
In the pictures, Mambo looks as though he's getting annoyed cause Mackie (Mackerel, actually. She's the only female and the only one with a nice tail. Wait, actually.. she's a neuter. It's a neuter.)
 Mambo looks rather disgruntled at the prospect of sharing his bed with Mackie. Poor boy!

Sister's boyfriend took this photo, I think. No, I don't see the point of it.

Okay.. Now, me being spastic (have you ever checked up the meaning of spastic? Go check at www.dictionary.com or Merriam Webster at www.m-w.com !)

And no, I don't know what it is with me and the tongue thing.
My kitties!

ME and my kitties!

 (I can't see this picture.. and if it -does- appear, it'll be humungous. And slanted. Oh well, fix it yourself.)
I was quite bored on a particular day. so I put on stilettos and took a few shots. More than ten. Deleted the lousy ones. Still have some lousy ones. They're so blur! Stupid hands kept shaking. Wonder why.. It's superly blur. *sad* I'll get my maid take the pictures for me next time.
No, I won't post them. Too much flesh. :D
darkness falls at 8:14 PM
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Okay.. didn't manage to get online yesterday cause my sis was on the computer.
Jessica didn't come to school today, so during chemistry practical lesson, Jaclyn stayed with me.
She did something toodley lame. Cracked me up. Then later, it cracked my sayang up during Social Studies when I did it to her. Hilarious, I say. Hilarious.
Jaclyn: *holds out her hand* Shake hand.
Me: *reaches out to shake Jaclyn's hand but she doesn't take it.*
Jaclyn: *shakes her hand. Literally.*
Totally guffaws(yes, mich, I know I stole your word, so.. courtesy of Michelle. :D)? Yep.
And and and! When I entered school yesterday, it was still dark. And I looked up at the sky.
The moon was superly bright, as it had been for days.
I saw a star. Bright, puny star.
Then I looked about and saw another star. It was like.. three times the size of the bright, puny star!
And it was BRIGHT! *giggles excitedly*
I went around telling everyone about the superly nice star, and when I reached Faye, she told me that it must've been Venus, the brightest star visible from the Earth when the sky's dark.
Pfft, I'm such a country bumpkin.
Actually, you know what? I'm not exactly much of a country bumpkin, perhaps in some areas, but I realised that when I don't know stuff that nearly everyone knows..
I -knew-, it was somewhere in the back of my head, but it just didn't hit me, and I didn't realise it was there.
That's how I get so amused so easily. And perhaps that's why I like seeing everything through eyes of a Literature student (not that I can do Literature very well..).
Okay.. to those interested, I am totally over my mini crush(I think.. Kinda.). Yes, there're some remnants of it, but ignoring it will do the trick. I hope.
But then again, fickle me will change my mind very quickly should anything unexpected happen.
But I realised all this: - I have no time for such nonsense (Actually, I've known this long ago.. But it hit me again. :P) cause of my O's. - I turn into an entirely different person when dating or in a relationship. I'll suddenly become uber caring and sweet. Which is totally disgusting. - Flings are nonsense, and I don't intend to have any this year, though it would be quite a fun experience. - There's no point to romantic relationships, in my opinion, that is. - I don't really like teasing much, somehow. This is VERY odd. I mean, I love being in the limelight, I admit. I like the attention on me. But the problem is that.. Actually, I don't know what the problem is. My character needs some further analysis. - And Sherrie! Stop saying that I'm enjoying myself, or should be enjoying myself. :P Honestly, I panic a lot during rehearsals.. And most of my attention is focused on remembering my lines. I'm getting paranoid. Stupid memory.
All I ask you guys is to trust my words. Believe me. I don't lie very much.
Sometimes the words I speak contradict my other thoughts.. And you all may call me a big fat liar.
But then again, would I be so stupid as to lie on purpose and give others a chance to expose me easily? I've a very confused mind, somehow. So don't blame me if I seem like I'm lying. :P
Sometimes I imagine stuff, and then managed to convince myself its -did- happen. Ah, that's when my memory fails me again. It toodley sucks. (And in case any of you all have been wondering what "toodley" is, its "totally". Just felt like it. :D)
I'm so prone to injuries! I've got a cut in my mouth.. behind my lower lip (did I describe it right? :P) cause I got hit by a chair.
Don't ask me how.. I don't remember.:P All I remember was me putting a chair down and hitting myself or something like that.
darkness falls at 5:40 PM
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Thursday, February 16, 2006
Did I mention I was very very tired? Physically and mentally exhausted?
Well, I was today, and on the verge of crying for hours till recess. Got a lecture from two teachers because of.. something. :P And then I walked away, with the intention of bitching to my best friend, but suddenly I just burst out crying. So funny!
I love Jackie. :D I CANNOT believe Sherrie actually slipped her arm into Jackie's sleeve! I was so.. heartbroken. *glares at Sherrie*
Apparently Hsuante is a homosexual. I just found out today. Hooray for all of our kind. He loves "geo". We can only guess who or what he/it is.. Oh, I mentioned homosexual? *innocent*
I was feeling rather.. "pukey" today. After drinking my winter melon drink after school, I felt LOADS better. Both physically and emotionally. Somehow.
Did I mention that I kept shitting in school? I mean, not more than once a day. I mean.. Usually I don't poop in school. Now.. It seems that I've more poop to poop. *sighs* Not a good thing.
..Or is it? Anything for losing weight, eh? *sighs*
I've got a new bruise. Invisible. On my left wrist. My drama junior dropped her chemistry textbook on it. :(
And I kinda hurt my right forearm. A little.
darkness falls at 7:52 PM
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Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Don't you just hate it when people just HAVE to squeeze with you on public transport when there's so much space around? I forgot to mention this two posts ago (I think).
One: Stupid boy from some school (shan't mention its name) just HAD to walk in front of me in the MRT, putting on his bag at the same time.
Its alright if he scratched my arm with his bag, and its alright if he didn't say sorry, cause he didn't notice. But the thing is.. Why couldn't he watch where he was going!?
Two: Annoying auntie got up the bus.. Didn't look like she would take up very little space. A little plump. Really, not fat. Just plump. The usual kind.
Well, there were so many two-seaters and empty seats, where you could have your own, nice privacy. But NoOOo... She just HAD to sit next to ME.
Of all people, me. Perhaps she found me pleasant-looking or something, so it would be nice to sit next to me.
I can't solve this problem, unfortunately, because there's no way of her finding out how I felt about her sitting next to me without making things awkward. But she could have simply sat at one of the two-seaters. Its not like she would die (would she..?).
And, for your very kind information, my seat wasn't close to the exit doors.
Okay. I'm in a PISSY mood.
Lemme blog about yesterday first. Valentine's day.
I didn't feel the love in the air. It felt like any other day, just with a few extra chocolate pieces, and little notes from friends. I thought I wouldn't get a flower. I did.
Not a rose, I'm afraid. I have NO idea what it is, but its a cute little(medium-sized, actually) flower with six petals. Its from Fiona, my Literature partner. So sweet right!?

Look how happy I was.
THAT. Made my day. The flower says "u are special". And my heart just melted. No guy's ever given me a flower. So sad right? *sighs*
No, don't give me a flower for no romantic reason. Spoils my first time getting a flower seriously.
I brought Jackie home yesterday, cause it was Valentine's day. So sweet, yeah? I dumped him in the study room till the next morning. He's in school now.
I hope he's not cold.. He's draped over my chair. All alone.
I didn't do my maths homework last night. I had to memorise my lines for the script. I memorised lines till 11.30pm last night, from 8pm. Sucky? Yes.
Find out later.
Now, today started VERY suckily.
Woke up late.. my maid woke me up late, see? At six in the morning. Usually, by then, I would've been out of the house already. Never mind. I took a taxi to school.
I said "Opposite St. Patrick's". He took me to the other side. And he kinda scolded me for not telling him. He was like,"Why you never say!? The one at Marine Parade is it? Aiyo...".
And he sounded superly annoyed. Which pissed me off entirely. "Uhh.. Marine Terrace." NOT Marine Parade. Beepy thing. *snorts* And he didn't charge me even a cent less. Disgusting thing. And he didn't even apologise.
Now.. Drama. Kinda sucky. School usually ends at 1.15pm for me. My class ends the earliest on Wednesdays (for the whole level, that is). I usually grumble cause Drama starts at 3pm, and I've 1 hour and 45 minutes to waste before I go for Drama.
Today, cause it's Total Defence Day, we didn't get to buy food from the canteen. ALL the stalls were closed. That's alright, cause we got biscuits and water anyways. But it was kinda sucky. Cause we had PE. And PE today superly sucked.
It was freaking humid, and sunny. And I was starving. I don't have breakfast.. Just have a cup of milo, then to school. I usually don't starve. I guess depriving us of buying food from the canteen just made me crave for something to eat. But.. I seriously was starving. Seriously.
And I stank. *grumbles*
School ended at 2.30pm instead today cause of some Total Defence Day concert thinggie. It was supposed to be 2.15pm. Whatever. I rushed upstairs, grabbed my shorts and put them on.
My friend pointed out that I wore them the wrong way. *curses* Okay, changed it, then put on my drama shirt. Ran to look for Eunice. Went over to the gate to look for the SJI boys.
Decided not to stand there anymore, so we went to the canteen.
Later, I spent half an hour running round the school looking for boys and standing outside the school gate in the BLAZING SUN, waiting for boys. *rolls eyes*
I was pretty much pissed already cause no one came. So I strolled to the staircase, calming myself down by counting to 10 over and over (just exaggerating, but I was pissed). Saw Sherrie and Michelle on the way. Michelle was having gastric pains (I hope you're alright now!).
Anyways, my POINT is..
I stayed up till 11.30pm to learn my lines.
I stayed till 5pm for Drama for ONE scene. If I had more than five lines, it would be alright.
Guess what? I had to only speak 2 lines. Pissed pissed pissed. (Sorry, limited vocabulary when I'm pissed.)
I hate hate hate forgetting my lines. Just two lines, and I couldn't remember them well. What is my stupid stupid dumb problem!?
*rolls eyes*
I'm so.. exhausted. Mentally and physically now.
I really like to bitch, don't I? Somehow, its not making me feel better today. Somehow.
And no, its not "that time of the month".
darkness falls at 7:58 PM
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Monday, February 13, 2006
You know, the most annoying feeling is that feeling of knowing there is a secret but you don't know what it is. *wails* You people know who you are! Tsk.
Somehow, I like telling secrets. I'll hold it back for a while, then after a little persuasion, I'll give in. It makes me feel rather.. superior. For a teensy while, at least. Its not very often that I get to feel superior to others. Actually, I give in to violence very very easily. So if you people ever wanna get something out of me, just resort to violence. Actually, threaten and I'll most likely give in.
I LOVE~~ Ben and Jerry's ice cream! More than Häagen-Dazs, somehow. Ben and Jerry really know how to invent new ice cream flavours! Tomorrow's Valentine's day, and I've only got one person who asked me out: Ying. Thanks, cinammon. :D But I reject your invitation. It must be one-on-one.
I'd better get loads of presents tomorrow. And love. Dumb chemistry test tomorrow, and I think I'm gonna fail. *sighs* At least I scored at A1 for my maths.
How I wished the English CA1 would be composition. *sighs* At least I can secure another A1 if it were so.
But NoOOOoo.. They just have to test us on comprehension, which I suck at. I comprehend very well, but my answers are always wrong. *grumbles* And no, I'm not living in denial.
Stupid bruise on my left knee still isn't going away. I can't even imagine how I'm gonna do push-ups on Wednesday for PE. I'm now forced (kinda) to do male push-ups. I know I'm 41kg, stop rubbing it in. I can't help it. I think.
I'm so gonna buy myself a rose if I don't get one tomorrow. I'll buy it on Wednesday, perhaps. Cheaper. :D
I want Ben and Jerry's ice cream! Marsha marsha marshmallow! Go and get it for me! :D I'll shower you with my beautiful smiles if you do!
P.S. Just in case any of you really wanted to get me the ice cream, don't.. I'll feel awful. Really.
darkness falls at 4:39 PM
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Sunday, February 12, 2006
Forgot to mention that I found the bruises on my left knee (two brown with one greenish thing) highly interesting. The colours were pretty cool.
And today, I realised how much I kneel. Even when I WALK, my knee hurts. This. Sucks. Big time. The three bruises are now brown (that's one), and a greenish-bluish-brown (that's three. Two merged.).
Found out that we've to go to SJI for Drama on Thursday. Gonna miss Social Studies remedial. Oh well. I'm a little lazy to go to SJI for Drama, but then again, I've always felt bad about them having to come to our school. Oh well, too bad for me. My bruises better be gone by then.
Yes, I'm still on a diet.
And it was only when I was going to sleep (I think. Ah, my memory fails me) that I realised that I was married. Pfft. And I remembered that I didn't have a wedding ring. Which sucks. :( I'm expecting one for Valentine's Day.
And no, I haven't received any messages of consolation, thank you very much. WOE IS ME! Just murder me, why don't all of you. *glares accusingly* Actually, I'd rather someone I love murder me. :)
I am NOT a sadist. I just like the drama in life. :D
Fun fact for the day: Smelling bananas and/or apples helps you to lose weight. :D
darkness falls at 11:31 AM
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Saturday, February 11, 2006
Okay.. Continuing my post from just now.
I have FIVE bruises on my legs! *sighs* Its been ages since I had bruises. And I think I've one on my butt. Cause I fell on my butt during Drama on Wednesday I think, and yeah. One bruise there.
On my left leg, I've got 2 reddish-brown bruises mixed with a blue bruise. Yes, three-in-one. How convenient. All that on my knee. And one hardly visible bruise with a green tint on my shin (is that my knee or the opposite side of my calve?).
And I've got one brown bruise on my right knee.
And I've got one bruise on my left butt. (or is it the left side?) Not sure what colour.. Haven't looked, but I felt it today. Oh, the pain.
So.. I can't kneel, I can't sit on surfaces that're too hard. So annoying.
If any of you want to offer consolations, you can offer them via email, MSN, snail mail, a Valentine's Day present, a Valentine's Day date, etc. (You all get the picture.) Email's abrakedabra_poof@hotmail.com in case any of you didn't know. Your consolations better be good.
Pfft, haven't done any of my homework.. I've seven or eight (or was it nine) things to do for the weekend. Three essays (one's optional) in two different languages. And I've to complete all that in one day, not including all the other things I've to do.
Moreover, I've got a Physics test on Monday and a Chemistry test on Tuesday. Can you IMAGINE how badly I'm gonna fail my chemistry test!? I superly suck at Chemistry.
And in case I haven't mentioned, Physics is the best subject in the world. :D I LOVE it. Physics and English are the only two subjects I LOVE. And I don't use the word "love" loosely. Most of the time, that is. Or when I'm serious. *wiggles her brows*
I got a new wallet today! $49.90! Pretty expensive. *sniffs* Oh well, I guess people like me really need to get rich girlfriends/boyfriends-
Oh wait. I'm attached. To my darling jacket. Did I mention that I named him Jackie? And yes, its a he. *beams*
But I can't marry Jackie, which is very sad. At least he protects me from the scorching sun that prevents me from being the traditional fair and beautiful. And he sees my everything inside (if I'm not wearing anything under.. but that's never happened. *sighs*), sees me as I truly am.
So I guess I'll have to look for a rich HUSBAND. Or I can always go to Canada and marry a female. Or is that California? Canada, I think..
Valentine's day is only a few days away and my dear hasn't asked me out on a date! Which sucks. And no one else has.
I'm so jealous of Ying. She's got a lot of people asking her out already. So does my dear. And I really find it weird that people don't ask me out. Don't you think so?
I mean.. is it cause I don't have any male friends (only one)I've known for ages? I'm sure that at least some of the people who ask my dear and Ying out haven't known them for AGES...
So unfair.
I highly doubt I'll get a rose this year on Valentine's Day. I didn't even get one last year. I bought one the next day, when the price of the rose was back to 80 cents. Then my cat ripped it apart. So sad.
No, seriously. Its times like these that I feel awful about myself. *hints*
So I'm expecting overwhelming response this year. You all can mail it to my house, or school!! :D
Whichever school I'm from, you all who don't know have to guess.. Our school doesn't want us to mention where we're from on our blogs or whatever.
Like I'm going to embarrass them. :P I've done the school very proud already. Uhh.. I think.
Ta people.
P.S. Two things you all can do for me if you all forgot by now: 1. Mail/message(via MSN) me your consolations at abrakedabra_poof@hotmail.com. 2. Ask me out on a date only to have me reject it (maybe).
Try it just for kicks! (Not literally.)
darkness falls at 9:25 PM
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Today started off pretty bad. Perhaps cause I was kinda dreading Drama. I felt terrible about the carrying thing. But well, it didn't happen. :D
You know.. I hate it hate it HATE IT when I forget my lines. It seems that my memory problem started somewhere at the end of last year, when I went for the Guangdong trip.
My Drama teacher gave me lines, and I just couldn't remember them. Which sucked. Even the simple line: "The story speaks of 4 women who..." (something like that), I couldn't remember. I'm a little worried. Mild dyslexia (I think I spelt it right), perhaps?
ANYWAYS! Back to forgetting lines today. Somehow I just couldn't seem to remember my lines well.. And its so embarrassing to keep asking people for my lines.
And its so HUMILIATING for people to whisper my lines to me when I pause for a moment (and the pause is sometimes there on purpose). If you were about to apologise, don't. Really. Thanks so much for actually helping me. :D
But if you whispered my lines to me with a "goodness, she should really memorise her lines" or "what's wrong with her?" or anything similar, IMO, then shoo away. Its not as though I forget my lines on purpose, and I seriously HATE IT so much, cause it embarrasses me and doesn't make me look any better than I already do.
Whoops, visitors, I shall blog later.
darkness falls at 6:34 PM
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Friday, February 10, 2006
I.. I think I'm in love. Sorry Ying, and my other 12 lovers.. And Clay Aiken, and Micheal Buble, and the Phantom of Gisella.. The school jacket beat you all. Its only $15!!! And its awesome!
I kinda fell in love with Nadia's jacket yesterday (size M and HUGE) during Geography. It was like a blanket! *sighs dreamily* So I bought one today after watching the different reactions of girls at the release of the O-level results. (I nearly cried when I saw that the top girl scored 7 A1s and 1 A2. Weird.. And don't go saying that my school results were lousy. Its not nice, IMO.)
Went to Parkway Parade with my pal (Charmaine), Maria and my sayang (Rachelle) for lunch. At the bus stop.. I don't know why, I was so SO happy that I bought my jacket that I started tearing, then I started crying. I have NO idea why.. When I was in Guangdong last year, I started sobbing for no reason right before I went to sleep too. I think it happens when I try to supress my laughter and excitement.
(There's a new list, by the way.. 1. Dear 2. Darling-ex 3. Darling-ah (the one and only lover of mine who's my junior) 4. Cinammon 5. Pepper 6. Salt 7. Tehh 8. Honey 9. Starlight-starbright 10. Sayang 11. Soya sauce (But I call her "soya" for short) 12. Margarita)
Today was one WEIRD day. Lotsa wasting of time.. And mixed emotions, and lots of going hyper. At Parkway (Delifrance for lunch), we were going hyper reenacting scenes from TV dramas where:
1. The guy tries to touch the girl's han.
2. The guy tries to put his arm around the girl in the movie theatre
3. The girl leans her head on the guy's shoulder and the guy smiles.
4. The girl leans her head on the guy's shoulder as she sleeps and the guy smiles.
5. Both the guy and the girl are asleep, and somehow the girl leans her head on the guy's shoulder. The guy wakes up and smiles, then closes his eyes again.
6. Girl and guy are sitting next to each other. They like each other. Both are holding the same drink. Both look at each other's drinks, then grin to themselves. (We have the same drink! *blush*)
I know, we're lame.. But lame stuff just makes us go insane. Did I mention that jokes that are.. "okay" lame aren't funny to me, and jokes that are terribly lame makes me laugh A LOT, and jokes that aren't funny at all make me laugh cause they're not funny, and jokes that are smart make me laugh and go "cool"? Don't remember typing any of this. Okay, so I didn't mention it. Now I have. *beams*
Oh, and we were drawing loci with our bodies. Spastic, I say.
Do this while sitting down on a long seat/bench/or whatever that works.
Loci of a point: Ensure back is always straight, then tilt the whole of your upper body to your right, then up again, then left.
Loci of a line: Ensure back is straight, then slide along the seat smoothly.
I know. LAME. But funny. :D
darkness falls at 7:41 PM
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Thursday, February 09, 2006
Something random: I just realised that Hsuante's "xd" can look like this: XD
Cool huh? *lol* (In case you didn't notice, its a face. And yes, you all can go -.-" now. *beams*)
I was reading Sherrie's post about females still being perceived as the weaker sex, and I would like to rebutt her points that attempted proving that there is no equality between men and women.
So.. Yeah. Actually, I don't feel like it anymore.
I'm too weird. I actually kinda like being called the weaker sex. We have more excuses for stuff compared to males. But the weird thing is.. We say guys are stupid, and we say that they just.. cannot be compared to us females.
"The reason why females are the ones giving birth is because they can take the pain." There, that's one against males.
"When the third man wished that he would be given the knowledge to cross a river, he turned into a female and walked across on the bridge." That's two.
"Men contain their feelings and do not cry as much as females, and thus seem unfeeling. Thus, they are not as smart as females to show that they actually do have feelings, and not appear callous." Not a very good point, but I just wanted to say "three".
Well, I guess we've gotten back at them enough.
Yes, it is a little unfair that because of tradition and history we females aren't viewed as strong individuals who are as capable as males, perhaps even more, most of the time. But.. there's nothing we can do about all this but bitch yeah? Happy bitching, girls. *cheers for girls*
And then.. Sherrie posted something about "bastards who rape". Uhh.. I don't really care very much, really. I don't know why.. I seem to be able to separate my emotions from my actions very easily (let's hope that wasn't too confusing), except when I'm effing scared.
Anyways, I don't really blame those who rape.. And no Sherrie, I won't say that the girls deserve it. I won't blame the girls for being afraid of intimacy after that. It all depends on how the rapist raped the girl. If he raped her nicely (which is rather unlikely), then its a little silly, I must say.. Unless the rapist was really.. horrendous. If he raped her roughly (which is the usual cause the girl's too much in shock to run away, or the guy's too strong), then poor thing. Live with it, girl. Not easy, but try. Sheesh, its just the dumb virginity(or maybe not) and people touching you all over. That's PHYSICAL. NOT emotional. Pfft.
But then again, people say that physical states affect emotional states. So.. yeah. There is no perfect solution, but to live with it. If you can't live with the fact of being raped, then.. uhh.. try and fix all your problems and commit suicide. As I've mentioned ages ago, its best to solve all your problems and then kill yourself so you'll die happy. (Sorry if I seem harsh, I'm just that way, and I'm terribly stubborn and I hate people "suan"ing me.)
And don't tell me that I've never been in their shoes and I don't know what it feels like so I can't say anything. (If you're one of those, and you've never been in their shoes, Isuggest you bugger off before you continue looking like an idiot. YOU have NO right to tell me what to do, because you've never been in MY shoes. And yes, you -can- suggest, but not tell.) Agreed, I have no right to tell them what to do. But I can SUGGEST. Or try and help in my own weird way.
Oooh.. Ramblings. If any of you managed to read till here, thanks. :P I'll try and remove the tension.
I once said that if a close friend of mine died, I wouldn't cry for long. I'll just cry for a day or two, and I'll be over it. But...
Scenario: I just walked out of class. Girls are crying everywhere (Well, not everyone, but some.). I wonder why. A lot of people wonder why. Everybody who doesn't know goes "What happened?". A teensy while later, I find out that a friend of mine passed away in a car accident.
I was close to her for a very short period of time, some time ago. I felt bad about not feeling anything.. The only words in my head were "Oh well..". But after a little more thought, I realised that I did feel something. Shocked.
After a lot of things happening, we all found out it was a joke. It was only then that I started to tear. Shit. I really hope I'm not a sadist. But I -did- feel that whoever spread the rumour was a sick sick person.
Don't want to go into details, so don't bother me.
I had an awesome time during Literature today!! I was going hyper.. And I've finally decided to record my voice going "You have reached mailbox number 1-2-Night. For Love, press 1. To end this call, press #, then hang the phone up...."
It'll all depend on my mood. And whether I have a microphone when I'm in the mood to do all this.
darkness falls at 5:59 PM
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Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Wedding rehearsal pretty much sucked. My fiance was, as I had expected, two hours late, and dressed in a "ridiculous outfit", as my mum put it. *rolls eyes* Disgusting, ill-mannered and inconsiderate man. Note that I didn't put "gentle" before "man". Pfft.
Anyways, to Hsuante/Xuan De/Xuande.. *wiggles her brows* I'M SO SORRY!! I just hopped by your blog, and I read that your arm was hurt, and I'm REALLY REALLY sorry! Now, I don't apologise sincerely very often. And yes, I feel so awkward! I didn't mean to rest so much of my weight on your arm (and if its the other arm, whatever. I still unconsciously tried to hurt your other arm.)! I'm going to practise with my dear every moment I can! (Not that we don't do that much, but.. my dear never -steals- kisses.).
Oh, and if you got embarrassed during all the times you had to act with me.. DON'T. I haven't many feelings.. A little numb to touch. Think I've only got four senses, excluding the faulty one.
Anyways, that was a public apology. I'm superly superly sorry. I'm gonna go on a diet, no worries. :D Oh, and sorry for the bad skin too. (No wonder you always look away.) That might have icked you. Don't worry, you won't die from it. I'll try and fix everything ASAP.
Damn.. I was really right in saying that I should be light so my husband can carry me on my wedding day (No, I didn't just make this up. I've been saying it for years.). Apparently I'm not light enough! *grumbles*
Oooh! Embassy of Gisella! Don't you think that sounds cool!? (To those who don't think so, shoo off.) In the future, there'll be a whole place named after me because I'll conquer it. I will be the next Khan. (Genghis ya? I hope I spelt it right.)
I should conquer Timbuktu and develop it so well that I'll create a world record (from undeveloped to developed in one day!). Or maybe I should just choose a square inch of my house and reclaim land there. (Damn, I'm getting so "geographical". Stop, stop, gissy! *flails her arms about desperately*)
Oh oh oh! Did I mention!? On Monday, I got home at 6.40pm, and I went to sleep at 8.40pm! I managed to do 5 things in those two hours:
1. Bathe 2. Have dinner 3. Do my maths homework (Ain't very much.) 4. Write in my diary 5. Read a few pages of a storybook
Not bad eh!? And in running sequence. 1, then 2, then 3, then 4, then 5. Understand? Need me to repeat?
darkness falls at 6:45 PM
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Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Ah.. right where I ended. My eyelash. Oh well, I tried rubbing my eye to get an eyelash to fall off again so I can measure it and tape it to my journal. Didn't work.. As in.. no eyelash fell. Well, there was this really short strand of hair on my book (or worksheet, I can't remember.. It was a white surface, though.) but I blew it away. Wasn't sure if it was my eyelash or eyebrow. I mean, if I can't be sure, I might as well pluck one out or wait for one to fall, yeah? Yeah.
Whoops, rambling again.
Anyways, I kept sneezing today! So annoying. Pfft. Many MANY times. And during assembly, the fans kept spitting water. Goodness, I was actually kinda happy that our assembly periods are on tuesdays, cause the lower secondary would then be tortured with the spitting fans (after their assembly, on monday, there'll be no more water and we, the upper secondary, won't have spitting fans.). I think I'm gonna catch a cold. My maid told me to take Panadol for cold relief. I'd better not forget. I hardly ever fall sick, you know!
Note: By the way, when I say "kept sneezing", I REALLY meant kept sneezing. Imagine the second-last-worst-case scenario. *nodnods*
Okay. Why am I a sadist? Perhaps.. because of these reasons..
1. I came across this: "knife twisting in her wound" Something like that.
Isn't it such a cool expression? I mean.. it isn't impaling alone anymore.. Its worse than that. Its a blade impaling AND twisting in the wound. That's where I got the idea when I tagged on my own cbox. *wiggles her brows*
2. All my stories [( www.hearmycries.blogspot.com ) Only one isn't my story, but its BEAUTIFUL. Go read "En garde"! I wrote it last year.] always include someone dying. Weird, huh?
(Speaking of stories.. I wrote two poems recently. One today during lessons, and one over the Chinese New Year holidays.. I'll post them up on the other blog. That's the hearmycries one.)
3. As I've mentioned, I say "cool" at the weirdest stuff. Its not weird, really. Like.. I said that I've been at a Chinese funeral before, and I had to walk around the coffin in some suit and I had new socks. I told my friends I liked the socks. I don't remember what they looked like, but I remember I liked them.
"Eeee! Sadistic!" *lol* I'm not. I think I'm more of a masochist. *nodnods*
I can't really think of any more reasons.. If you can name any, feel free to tell me. You all know how. By msn, email, or whatever..
Okay.. New topic..
Sometime last week, I bought a whole loaf of pandan bread cause I was getting sick of school's food. So! I bought the loaf of Bonjour bread! And I ate quite a bit of it during recess. *cheers for me* But but but! The next day! I forgot to bring it down for recess! *sad* Oh well, I finished it at home. *cheers* And then, I suddenly realised that bread was carbo. Shit. *sighs* So much for trying to go on a "diet" and budget.
Another topic..
Ooooh! Have you all ever seen an earthworm before? Most of you would say yes. I feel a little proud, somehow, by saying that I've never seen one before. See? I'm so unique.
"SUAKU!" you all might say. In case those who don't know what "suaku" is, it's something like country bumpkin.. Its not my dialect, I don't know how to translate it. (Help?) Anyways, its not exactly MY fault that I've never seen an earthworm before. I mean, I just didn't chance upon it, my science teachers never showed an earthworm to me before.
Yes, I've seen pictures of them, but no, I've never seen them before IRL. Not even right after the rain, when they all come out. (That's for earthworms, right?) I look, but I don't see anything. No, I don't go to the field just to look for earthworms. I don't even step on the field after a rain unless I have to, or I forgot.
The only worms I've seen are mealworms, and caterpillars.
Now, how many of you can say that you've seen caterpillars?
For those who can.. How many of can say you've had a caterpillar crawl on you before?
*cackles insanely* I CAN, I CAN!
It was a terrible, horrifying and terrifying experience. It was green, and it really REALLY crawled the way people pretending to be caterpillars do. Like.. you know, the butt(I can't tell on a worm, really) up and down, and the thing moves forward? Yeah, like that. I was crawling on my right wrist.. Pretty small.. About an inch long, and green. It came from my mummy's kumquat plant. It looked a little furry.. And it was the same green as the leaves of the plant. *nodnods* Pretty cool. I mean, it really is the colour of what it eats. I find that highly amusing.
Oh yeah, and Thursday morning, just last week.. Someone messaged me this: :"I love ya.". There were other stuff in the message, of course.
Okay.. I mean, that really made my day and made me go "Aww..". Not aloud.. but in my heart. It would just look spastic if I went "Aww.." to myself when I'm walking along a perfectly quiet running track past St. Patrick's.
My point is.. I don't get many people going "I love you." in messages or IRL(I think). But.. I think that the two words that impact me the greatest are "I love". Not like.. "I love chicken rice." or "I love Physics.", but "I love you/ya."
Somehow, the words "Love you." doesn't mean much to me. I don't know why.. Must be some weird part of me again. I go "Love you." a lot.. And people tell me "Love you." too, and I just feel that that doesn't mean very much.. I mean, it does mean -something-, but it just doesn't mean A LOT. Confused? Don't bother trying to figure out what I'm talking about. My thoughts are too complex for some intellectually challenged people to understand, in my opinion.
And no, my words aren't just nonsense, they DO make sense. (Cool huh! NON-sense and sense. Get it? Its not a joke. I mean.. Non-sense as in "no sense"..? Forget it. I told you I'm too much of a genius. :D)
darkness falls at 4:18 PM
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Monday, February 06, 2006
Wedding rehearsal's in two days, and unless I'm very much mistaken and very badly informed, my husband-to-be ain't even coming! And even if he is, he'll be late. Sucky. I'm not even sure if the stand-in for my husband-to-be is coming. Pfft. Worst wedding I've ever had. (Yes, I've had another wedding before. Uhh.. it didn't happen, actually. My fiance died before I could marry him. *sighs* I'm such a jinx. No matter, I like~
Oooh! My dear and I went to SECDC today! It's been ages since we went there together.. Had a great and pointless time. But it was worth it. Because.. *searches for a reason* Uhh.. *can't find one*
Anyways, at CDC, we were using a computer together.. And the keyboard was so.. oily. It wasn't dripping with oil, no. It wasn't shining with oil, no. It was just.. oily. And from there.. I invented:
Lubrio! For fast, smooth, typing.
Its a lubricant for keyboards. That's it. I know it sounds wrong. I'm sorry. :D Just try not to think that way. But then again, I guess its difficult not to think that way since I mentioned that that way exists, isn't it?
Ah! I was rubbing my eye this morning cause it itched.. And an eyelash fell off. I don't know why, but inspiration struck me, and I decided to measure the length of my eyelash. I did so, and found that is was 1cm exactly! Not bad eh!? Continue sometime later! Ta~
darkness falls at 7:51 PM
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Saturday, February 04, 2006
Okay boys. Back off. I am officially engaged. Betrothed to a man I don't even love. Seriously.
We're getting married next Saturday. There'll be a wedding rehearsal this Wednesday.
But there's a problem.. I think I'm lesbian.
Seriously. I have no idea why.. Its like.. When I see girls together (the playing kind or not), I'm pretty fine with it. When I see guys together, its just.. weird. Funny but weird. Interesting but odd. Gender prejudice, but that's beside the point. When I see a male and female together.. Its okay. Damn, I don't know what my point is anymore.
Okay.. I think I find it a little unacceptable for boys to be with girls at this age. My age. Its just.. weird. A girl with a girl, its alright. *blinks* NOW do you see what's weird?
I feel different when I'm with guys.. I can't really be myself. With girls, I -am- myself.
*LOL* No lah, its impossible for me for me to be lesbian. I mean, yes, it -is- possible, but.. I'm bisexual. I think. Isn't this against my religion?
I'm most likely straight. I think its just cause I'm from a girls' school and its natural for girls to be really close to them.
Here's a whole list of my lovers (female): 1. Dear 2. Darling-ex. 3. Cinammon 4. Pepper 5. Salt 6. Tehh 7. Honey 8. Starlight-starbright 9. Moonbeam 10. Sayang 11. Soya Sauce (But I call her "Soya" for short.) 12. Margarita
Note: Just in case any of you thought that all these were serious relationships.. They really aren't. And no, there isn't a list of males.
If I've forgotten to add you on the list, don't hesitate to tag on my board or tell me in person (no violence allowed) or send me an email at abrakedabra_poof@hotmail.com .
A few people think I'm sadistic now, just because I say "cool" at negative things.. Like.. things people don't say "cool" for. I can't really think of what, but yeah. I just say "cool" when things are out of the ordinairy.. And I see a little bit of literature stuff in it. Oh well, NOW you all know what a weirdo I am.
I'd better have a few more days of happiness before I'm married. Ta!
darkness falls at 5:23 PM
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